Домой United States USA — mix Introducing President Whatevs

Introducing President Whatevs


It’s President Kamala Harris or bust for Democrats, so let’s take a look at the Woman Who Would Be POTUS. if only she could be bothered.
In one of his crueler acts, Presidentish Joe Biden almost immediately gave Harris the job of fixing the southern border that they broke. The Biden-Harris administration — that is how they prefer to be addressed — went to work on destroying the border even before they were sworn in. Biden promised he’d undo President Donald Trump’s changes and halt construction on the wall, and the hiking masses gathered in the weeks before the inaugural.
Instead of looking at and addressing issues at the actual border, Harris made a big show of addressing «the root causes» and sending money to Central America. You can bet the money was spent, but the root causes remain.
Nobody summed up Harris’s inattention to her first Big Girl job better than Harris herself.
Harris was finally shamed, if that’s the word, into making a brief visit to the border on June 25, 2021. Whatever it was she was supposed to be doing as Biden’s border czar, she basically abandoned the job just a couple of months after her visit.

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