Google Maps uses dash cam footage provided by trusted partners to update Google Maps.
Google has posted a new support page for Google Maps titled «Collecting imagery from third-party providers (dash cam).» This unannounced feature for Google Maps collects images from commercial dash cams. Images from these dash cams are used to find and verify real-world changes such as new traffic signs or changes to the speed limit. The dash cam images will not be published by Google. At this point, it appears that Google is using this technique to update Google Maps in the U.K. only.
To be clear, we are talking about short, silent video clips that are recorded by dash cam cameras. The companies that these dash cam videos are sourced from use the clips for their own operations. They might use these clips when investigating accidents or these companies might sell dash cam setups to consumers. By agreeing to provide Google with imagery from the dash cams, Google receives proof that it needs to make a change to the Google Maps app.