Домой United States USA — Events What Is “Office Air”? And How To Protect Your Skin From It

What Is “Office Air”? And How To Protect Your Skin From It


Also known as «work air», here is a breakdown of what «office air» actually is, and what someone can do about it.
A quick search for “Office Air” videos on TikTok yields almost 68 million results. Nine-to-five office workers are finding a common bond in the phenomenon that many are attributing to the shock and awe they feel when snapping a midday selfie, or glancing at their appearance in a mirror after a few hours in the office — startled by their personal dismay by separated or flakey foundation, under-eye creasing, and dry skin patches.What is “Office Air”?
While there are no clinical studies or medical journals studying the effects of a traditional workplace environment on individuals’ skin and hair, the internet has come up with several hypothesis and theories on what “office air” or “work air” is doing to their makeup. Users on the popular Subreddit r/MakeupAddiction — boasting over 7 million subscribers — claim they do the same everyday skin prep and makeup base routine that they do on the weekends, but after merely 30 minutes in “office air”, they see separation, dry patches, and dustiness.
Some blame the lack of office air circulation, while others point figures at consistently blasting air conditioning and heat systems sucking moisture out of the air. Others simply point the finger at bad, fluorescent office lighting.

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