Домой United States USA — mix Trump Signs Two Executive Orders, Takes First Actions As President

Trump Signs Two Executive Orders, Takes First Actions As President


NewsHubPresident Donald Trump completed his first series of official acts as POTUS just hours after his inaugural address Friday.
The 45th president sat down inside the Capitol building less than an hour after his speech, where he blasted Washington politicians for ignoring the problems faced by millions of Americans. (RELATED: Trump Inaugural Address Focuses On We, Leaves Himself Out OF Speech Almost Entirely)
“For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished – but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered – but the jobs left, and the factories closed,” the president said.
Trump’s press secretary Sean Spicer said the president signed three items shortly after his inauguration address Friday.
. @POTUS signing 3 things: Mattis waiver bill into law, formal nominations 2 Senate & proclamation for nat’l day of patriotism #Inauguration
— Sean Spicer (@PressSec) January 20, 2017
Trump officially began setting up his administration by signing the nomination papers for his cabinet picks. Inside the Capitol building, Trump rotated between dozens of pens in order to sign the papers, passing out the pens to his team members as souvenirs.
Trump also signed a bill that allows retired Gen. James Mattis to serve as his secretary of defense. The National Security Act of 1947 stipulated that the secretary of defense must be a person who is at least 10 years removed from active duty. Mattis retired from the Marine Corps in 2013.
The third action by the nation’s new president was a proclamation for a National Day of Patriotism. Presidents can declare a one-time holiday through executive action, but only Congress can create annual federal holidays, according to CNBC.
In 2002, former President George W. Bush signed a proclamation declaring Sept. 11 Patriots Day. President Obama has done the same.
“This is for Rex, and I assume he was approved today,” the president joked as he signed the nomination papers for his secretary of state nominee, Rex Tillerson.
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