Just another feather in the cap of the man who brought us instantaneous worldwide communication, endless access to information, and cat memes. Oh, so many cat memes.
Famed British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee has been honored repeatedly over the years for his role inventing the World Wide Web as we know it. Now, he’s won the 2016 Turing Award, widely considered to be the Nobel Prize of computing. Just another feather in the cap of the man who brought us instantaneous worldwide communication, endless access to information, and cat memes. Oh, so many cat memes.
Tim Berners-Lee is responsible for developing the technologies that underlie the internet to this day, including naming schemes (URIs), the HTTP communication protocol, and the HTML web page language. These are the tools that allowed the first websites to be created in the early 1990s, making Berners-Lee the “father of the web.” This work built on the foundation created by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn, who developed TCP/IP in the early 1980s. For this, they’re recognized as the fathers of the internet.
The Turing Award is named for iconic British mathematician and cryptographer Alan Turing. The award is given by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) every year to someone who has made major contributions to computing.
United States
USA — IT Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee wins Turing Award, comes out against erosion of...