Домой United States USA — software Google Chrome gets scroll anchoring

Google Chrome gets scroll anchoring


Google Chrome is a great web browser for many reasons. Like Firefox, it is a cross-platform program based on (mostly) open source technologies, but compared to Mozilla’s offering, its development moves at a much faster pace. Google is constantly pushing the…
Google Chrome is a great web browser for many reasons. Like Firefox, it is a cross-platform program based on (mostly) open source technologies, but compared to Mozilla’s offering, its development moves at a much faster pace. Google is constantly pushing the envelope, creating a largely positive web browsing experience.
Today, Google introduces a new Chrome web browser feature that highlights the search giant’s forward-thinking. Called «scroll anchoring,» it literally «anchors» the web page, preventing the page from scrolling to the top in certain circumstances. In other words, if the user is reading text on a page, it will prevent the page from shifting and interrupting the consumption.

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