Домой GRASP/Korea North Korean Threats

North Korean Threats


—–Original Message—– From: P Sent: Thu 4/13/2017 12: 18 PM To: Walter Block Subject: simple Libertarian Q on N. Korea Dear Dr. Block – In accordance with Libertarian theory – If North Korea threatens the U. S. with nuclear…
—–Original Message—–
From: P
Sent: Thu 4/13/2017 12: 18 PM
To: Walter Block
Subject: simple Libertarian Q on N. Korea
Dear Dr. Block –
In accordance with Libertarian theory – If North Korea threatens the U. S. with nuclear attack (whether or not they actually have that range capability) and demonstrates non-range capability by exploding bomb on their own territory (you may assume this is at N. Korean tax-payer expense and property right violations of course) , does the U. S. have a legitimate justification to respond with SOME kind of response in the form foreign intervention? IF so,
what are the legitimate limits that response could take? Thanks, P
P. S. if you already answered this I apologize, I’ m behind on the lewrockwell blog as I have been swamped at work. Thanks again.
Dear P: South Park sometimes asks, “What would Brian Boitano do?” When posed by questions such as yours, I ask myself, “What would Murray Rothbard (or Ron Paul) have done, were they President of the U.

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