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A Gene Mystery: How Are Rats With No Y Chromosome Born Male?


The cells of Japan’s Amami spiny rat have unusual sexual flexibility, a possible clue to how the animal differentiates into female and male sexes, new research suggests.
In most mammals, us included, biological sex is determined by a lottery between two letters: X and Y, the sex chromosomes. Inherit one X each from mom and dad, and develop ovaries, a womb and a vagina. Inherit an X from mom and a Y from dad, and develop testes and a penis.
But there are rare, mysterious exceptions. A small number of rodents have no Y chromosomes, yet are born as either females or males, not hermaphrodites. Now, scientists may be one step closer to figuring out how sex determination works in one of these rodents.
In a study published in Science Advances on Friday, Japanese scientists suggested that cells of the endangered Amami spiny rat, from Japan, are sexually flexible and capable of adapting to either ovaries or testes. When the researchers injected stem cells derived from a female rat into male embryos of laboratory mice, the cells developed into and survived as sperm precursors in adult males. The result was surprising since scientists have never been able to generate mature sperm from female stem cells, largely because sperm production normally requires the Y chromosome.
Found only in the subtropical forests of an island in Japan called Amami Oshima, Amami spiny rats are threatened by habitat destruction, competition with black rats not native to the island and predation by mongooses and feral cats and dogs. Their range has been reduced to less than 300 square miles, an area smaller than New York City.
Both female and male Amami spiny rats have only one X chromosome, an arrangement only known to occur in a handful of rodents among mammals. Arata Honda, associate professor at the University of Miyazaki and the lead author of the paper, said in an email that he was partly motivated to study Amami spiny rats in the hope that learning about them might reduce their risk of extinction.
No one knows how or why, but at some point the rats lost their Y chromosome and, along with it, an important gene called SRY that’s considered the “master switch” of male anatomical development in most mammals.
It’s possible that a new gene that wasn’ t linked to the Y chromosome took over the role of SRY in these rats, said Monika Ward, a professor and expert on the Y chromosome at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu who was not involved in this study. In addition, research has shown that other genes involved in male sexual differentiation were not lost, but rather transferred from the Y chromosome to other parts of the rat’s genome, including to the X chromosome.
Because the rats are endangered, scientists cannot directly do experiments on them. To get around this, Dr. Honda and his colleagues converted skin cells from the tail tip of a female Amami spiny rat into special stem cells called induced pluripotent stem cells (also called iPS cells) , which can multiply indefinitely and become any other cell type in the body. The scientists injected the stem cells into mice embryos and transplanted the embryos into female mice, which birthed 13 so-called chimeras.
After the chimeras reached adulthood, the researchers located the spiny rat iPS cells within their bodies. They were surprised to find some iPS cells appeared in the ovary as immature egg cells, and others in the testis as immature sperm cells.
This study shows that the spiny rat’s sex cells have “astounding” fluidity, said Diana Laird, an associate professor in reproductive sciences at the University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved in the study. The cells were able to sense whether they were in an ovary or testis, and “not only hear but obey the signals” coming from that foreign environment, she added.
Dr. Ward emphasized that these results are not universal — if you were to take iPS cells from a normal female mouse and put them in a male embryo, the few cells that became sperm precursors would die very quickly. The female stem cells in this study were able to approach mature sperm development because of the Amami spiny rat’s unique biology, she said.
The study is also significant because the researchers managed to create chimeras from an endangered species, said Marisa Korody, a postdoctoral associate at the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research who researches how iPS cells might be used to protect endangered animals.
“One of the lofty goals we have for using stem cells, ” she said, is “to differentiate them into egg and sperm and hopefully create embryos that can be transplanted into a surrogate.”
But there are limits to the findings because the researchers have not yet shown that the spiny rat’s stem cells can fully develop into mature eggs and sperm. “That’s the million dollar question, ” Dr. Laird said.

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