Домой United States USA — Events Two Men Killed In Oregon After Anti-Muslim Tirade

Two Men Killed In Oregon After Anti-Muslim Tirade


Police report that a man stabbed two train passengers to death Friday in Portland, Oregon after the men interrupted his anti-Muslim rant.
Police report that a man stabbed two train passengers to death Friday in Portland, Ore. after the men interrupted his anti-Muslim slurs.
Police arrested the perpetrator, Jeremy Joseph Christian, a 35-year-old Portland resident, the same day, reported Reuters. The attack occurred a few hours before the Friday evening start of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month.
Christian stabbed three men after they came to the defense of two apparent Muslim women, at whom the Portland Police Department say Christian was directing religious and ethnic pejoratives. One man died on the train, a second died at a hospital, and the last man received treatment for non-life threatening wounds.
Police delivered Christian to Multnomah County Detention Center for aggravated murder, intimidation, attempted murder and carrying of a restricted weapon as a felon. Christian is being held without bail.
The assailant has previously kidnapped and committed felony robbery, according to records obtained by The Oregonian.
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