Домой United States USA — Sport N. J. Gov. Christie's dishonesty about beach outing feels familiar

N. J. Gov. Christie's dishonesty about beach outing feels familiar


Christie’s arrogance in defending his beach outing is about as irksome as the time he created chaos at the GWB over a reelection grudge.
It’s 89 degrees in New Jersey, and the only thing you want to do this holiday weekend is sit on the sand with an open cooler, get a little tan and splash around in the water, but you can’t because your elected leaders have turned a simple budget disagreement into a political impasse, and places like beaches are closed because the government is shut down.
But wait, you just happen to be the governor of this unhappy state, and one of the perks of the job is a house on the shore with its own private beach where you, your family and friends can build sand castles, toss a frisbee, wade in the water, or whatever it is that governors with private beach access do when they’re above it all and could not care less about their suffering constituents.
I mean, it’s not like anyone’s going to actually see you and your family in your folding chairs having more fun than anyone in all of New Jersey, except perhaps for your friend, the President, who, it turns out, has a nicer New Jersey getaway, where he spends the weekend watching old wrestling clips.
No, you’ve got this moment all to yourself, except for that photographer in the aircraft above the beach whose zoom lens captures you, your party, the sand and the folding chairs.
Christie defends family beach trip amid N. J. government shutdown
The photos come in handy when you lie and tell reporters and the public that you didn’t get any sun during your sunny day on the beach that you had all to yourself because you’re the governor and have private access.
Then you compound the lie and have an aide say the reason you didn’t get any sun was because you were wearing a baseball cap, as the pictures taken from above clearly show, even though you and everyone with two eyes knows a baseball cap doesn’t provide much shade for you or anybody else.
This is what you say after a state helicopter ferries you from your exclusive getaway to the trenches of Trenton, where you spend the next several hours finger pointing over who’s to blame for this municipal mess.
The truth is no one cares whose fault this is anymore. All that matters is that on one of the hottest days of the year, at the start of a holiday weekend, people wanted to go to the beach, and they couldn’t, and you could, and the only thing you did about it was kick sand in their faces.
Gov. Christie’s family goes to closed N. J. park amid shutdown
«The governor has a residence at Island Beach. Others don’t. That’s just the way it goes, » you taunted. «Run for governor and you can have the residence.»
This display of arrogance is almost as irksome as the time you created chaos at the George Washington Bridge to punish a town mayor for not supporting your reelection bid.
Now we know you you’ve denied that you had anything at all to do with that, but you also told us you didn’t get any sun on a sunny day in the middle of a beach that you had all to yourself.
What are we supposed to think?

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