Домой United States USA — mix Bunny Ranch Offers PR Job To Sean Spicer

Bunny Ranch Offers PR Job To Sean Spicer


The owner of the brothel Bunny Ranch has offered Sean Spicer a public relations job following Spicer’s resignation from the White House.
The owner of the brothel Bunny Ranch has offered Sean Spicer a public relations job after his resignation from the White House.
After Spicer resigned from his post as White House press secretary Friday, Dennis Hof quickly followed up with a job offer, saying that Spicer will actually make more money at Bunny Ranch, a brothel in Nevada.
Spicer resigned in part to protest President Donald Trump’s appointment of Anthony Scaramucci for the job of communications director.
“I have some very knowledgable [sic] connections on the Trump team, and they’ re telling me that The President was angry over his (Spicer’s) missteps in front of the press, ” Hof stated. “I think Sean will really flourish with a change of scenery, and I’ m thinking that a spot on my public relations team may be the perfect place for him.”
Hof said his public relations team could be a “really good influence on Sean” and added that he’ d be willing to boost Spicer’s salary.
“There’s a reason that everyone graduates from jobs in presidential administrations to the private sector, ” Hof said. “Once I negotiate an incentive package with Sean, he’s going to be real happy here on Team Bunny Ranch.”
Part of the reason Spicer is such an attractive potential hire for the Bunny Ranch public relations team is because Spicer could bring strong customer leads to the table from the political world.
‘We’ ve made a business out of servicing hypocritical politicians, and my bet is that Sean Spicer’s contacts will be an endless source of new client recruitment in that regard, ” Hof said.
Hof also extended a job offer to O. J. Simpson as a greeter following news Thursday of Simpson’s release on parole in October. TMZ reported that some of the girls on the ranch have threatened to quit if Hof successfully hires Simpson.
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