Домой United States USA — Cinema Casting the Brexit movie that is definitely real and will totally happen...

Casting the Brexit movie that is definitely real and will totally happen The NS Podcast #230: It's (New) Party Time


Details are yet unclear as to whether The Bad Boys of Brexit will be gracing our screens, or just Farage’s vivid imagination.
Hollywood is planning to take on the farcical antics of Nigel Farage et al during the UK referendum, according to rumours (some suspect planted by a starstruck Brexiteer) .
Details are yet unclear as to whether The Bad Boys of Brexit will be gracing our big or small screens, a DVD, or just Farage’s vivid imagination, but either way here are our picks for casting the Hollywood adaptation.
Nigel Farage: Jim Carrey
The 2018 return of Alan Partridge as «the voice of hard Brexit» makes Steve Coogan the obvious choice. Yet Carrey’s recent portrayal of the laughable yet pure evil Count Olaf in Netflix’s adaptation of Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events makes him a serious contender for this role.
Boris Johnson: Gerard Depardieu
Stick a blonde wig on him and the French acting royalty is almost the spitting image of our own European aristocrat. He has also evidently already mastered the look of pure shock necessary for the final scene of the movie — in which the Leave campaign is victorious.
Arron Banks: Ricky Gervais
Ricky Gervais not only resembles Ukip donor Arron Banks, but has a signature shifty face perfect for the scene where the other Brexiteers ask him what is the actual plan.
Gerry Gunster: Anthony Lapaglia
The Bad Boys of Brexit will reportedly be told from the perspective of the US strategist turned Brexit referendum expert Gerry Gunster. Thanks to recurring roles in both the comedy stalwart Frasier, and the US crime drama Without a Trace, Anthony Lapaglia is versatile enough to do funny as well as serious, a perfect mix for a story that lurches from tragedy to farce. Also, they have the same cunning eyes.
Douglas Carswell: Mark Gatiss
The resemblance is uncanny.
David Cameron: Andrew Scott
Andrew Scott is widely known for his portrayal of Moriarty in Sherlock, where he indulges in elaborate, but nationally destructive strategy games. The actor also excels in a look of misplaced confidence that David Cameron wore all the way up to the referendum. Not to mention, his forehead is just as shiny. He’ll have to drink a lot of Bollinger to gain that Cameron-esque puppy fat though.
Kate Hoey: Judi Dench
Although this casting would ruin the image of the much beloved national treasure that is Judi Dench, if anyone can pull off being the face of Labour Leave, the incredible actress can.
Helen is joined by Anoosh to consider whether a new political party would have any chance of success in the UK. Then they discuss the TV shows everyone really likes to watch but doesn’t admit to and analyse why the quality of Don’t Tell The Bride has declined. Finally, a bumper You Asked Us section including listener questions on social care, punching Nazis, the Tory economic agenda and more.
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Further reading:
The NS centenary debate from 2013 — did the left win the twentieth century?
Meet the Ivanka Voter by Anne Helen Petersen on Buzzfeed.
Anoosh on the EDL.
Why is Love Island so Tory?
How Don’t Tell the Bride lost its spark
Take Me Out and the failures of feminism by Alan White.

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