Домой GRASP/Korea U. N. Security Council votes on new, diluted North Korea sanctions resolution...

U. N. Security Council votes on new, diluted North Korea sanctions resolution with oil export cap


The U. N. Security Council voted Monday on a new sanctions resolution to impose the first restrictions on exports of crude oil and petroleum products to Nor
NEW YORK – The U. N. Security Council voted Monday on a new sanctions resolution to impose the first restrictions on exports of crude oil and petroleum products to North Korea over its sixth and largest nuclear test.
The watered-down resolution, unanimously approved by the 15-member council, drops a proposed oil embargo and instead places an annual cap on crude oil exports to the North at the level seen in the previous 12 months, while capping the annual supply or export of refined petroleum products at 2 million barrels.
The restrictions on North Korea’s access to oil is a major pillar of the new sanctions aimed at coercing the North to abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, particularly following its latest nuclear test on Sept. 3.
The first U. S.-penned resolution was softened following negotiations primarily between the United States and China, with Beijing apparently worried that stopping the flow of crude oil could disrupt the lives of ordinary North Korean people.
The latest sanctions resolution also bans exports to North Korea of natural gas liquids and light crude condensate, a natural gas by-product.
Targeting the North’s sources of foreign currency, the resolution prohibits North Korea from exporting textiles and calls on U. N. members not to grant work permits for North Korean migrant workers.

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