Домой GRASP/Korea Trump asked South Korea's president to give him credit for talks with...

Trump asked South Korea's president to give him credit for talks with North: report


President Trump asked South Korean President Moon Jae-in to publicly give him credit for fostering peace talks between North Korea and Seoul, The Washington Post
President Trump asked South Korean President Moon Jae-in to publicly give him credit for fostering peace talks between North Korea and Seoul, The Washington Post reported Saturday.
Trump reportedly made the request during a phone call with the South Korean leader on Jan. 4, just days after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un announced he’d be open to negotiations.
Trump took to Twitter later that day to take credit for the talks, saying he’d been “firm, strong and willing to commit our total ‘might’ against the North.» 
Moon said the same day that Trump deserved «big credit» for kickstarting talks between North and South Korea.

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