Домой United States USA — Political Video: Trump: Democrats 'treasonous' for not clapping at State of the Union

Video: Trump: Democrats 'treasonous' for not clapping at State of the Union


The president took aim at Democratic lawmakers who sat stone-faced during his State of the Union address — «The View» co-hosts weigh in on Trump’s comment.
Transcript for Trump: Democrats ‘treasonous’ for not clapping at State of the Union
Because the current white house resident spoke at a factory in Cincinnati yesterday and he had harsh words for how Democrats behaved at his state of the union address. Take a look. You’ve got half the room going totally crazy wild. They loved everything. They want to do something great for our country. And you have the other side etch on positive news, really positive news, like that. They were like — death. And un-american. Un-american. Somebody said, treasonous. I mean, yeah, I guess, why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? What. So, you know, clearly you have never seen a state of the union before. Because, the opposing party generally sits on their hands the whole time. So, I don’t know if you really want to be throwing words like treas treasonous around in this political climate, because many people are pointing at you for similar things. Is there that is the point. Here he is, basic will I in bed with Russia, with Putin, which smells like treez on tason to a lot of people. And he’s calling people that don’t stand up for him treasonous. The other thing is maybe he’s trying to demystify the word treason. You’re giving him credit. Like maybe if I do this, when Mueller accuses me of treason, you won’t think it’s a big deal. He’s mixing up treason with dissent. And dissent is the bedrock of our democracy. Our forefathers were dissenters from Britain. They founded the country. They put into wrying the right to dissent. The right to protest. You have the president of the United States un-american and treasonous. It’s the most American thing you can do. It’s the most American thing you can do. So it should concerns when you hear that. You mow? I remember how the GOP acted when president Obama gave his state of the union Ards. I remember someone screaming out, you lie. I remember a supreme court justice in the front row shaking his head no when he mentioned a law that was passed. So dissenting has been part of our very DNA and the thought that Donald Trump doesn’t know that. Yep. Then the thought that Donald Trump knows anything that has to do with democracy is a bit naive. I didn’t like the Joe Wilson moment. I thought it was sub limely disrespectful. That said, I didn’t like that Democrats were not standing and clapping. Universal things. Veteran health care. Infrastructure. Things that unite us. I think we blirked. Star, I don’t know if you have military connections or are from a military family. When you’re from a military family, treason is a big word. You’re aiding and abetting the enemy. Chelsea manning. Paul manafort. I think Chelsea manning is a lot more egregious, giving away our country’s secrets. The point is, that would shot not be bantied around. I don’t like the nom alizing of something that could put us at risk. This has been going on for awhile. He called Colin Kaepernick treason. And that was a form of dissent. People protest in different ways. I get it. People don’t always like it. It is, as you said, the bedrock of the country. It’s a specific word. You’ve got the to be careful when you toss it out like that. It just — to say, listen, you need to be more thoughtful is like pooping in the wind. So I’m not going to do that. As Americans, we should be cognizant of the fact that is not a word we should be associating with dissent. And saying, you know, I’m going to sit here and I’m going to keep my arms crossed. That’s not treason. It’s annoying. It may be annoying. But it’s not treason. I think to your point. I think that the Democrats may not have gotten up because, what he’s saying is only half the story. You know. Let’s say he presents an immigrant who has committed a crime. That’s just — anecdotal evidence. It doesn’t show you the whole picture of the immigrant experience. The Democrats are not going to applaud his cherry-picked point. Even if they agree with it. But it was families grieving their lost children who had been killed again, by ms-13 gang members. Which is still aoblem. It’s not the entire problem. I think we’re so polarized as a nation in so many different ways. Can you get behind veteran health care? I think probably most of us can get behind vet ran health care choice. Just clap for that. Again, I had problems when Republicans showed disrespect to president Obama. I just want us to get back to the fact that the office is narng the man or woman. Negative against the gold star family. That — That’s horrific. That sits with me as a military family member, you had to know, of all the people we’re supposed to — The khans. Yes, I had a problem. The way he was disrespectful about that. No, no, think part of it is that people just feel that a lot of what he spouts, he does not stand behind. Because of his actions from the past. So that may have — that may have something to do with it. I think it’s really important to note what senator Tammy duck worth said. She’s an Iraq war veteran. A double amputee. We don’t live in a dictatorship or a monarchy. I swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend the Conti institution of the United States not to mindlessly cater to the whims of cadet bone spurs and clap when he says clap. You have somebody saying I don’t need to clap. Tammy Duckworth is a hero in every way. I respect her and her service. I still think we gotta start some place repairing this country and repairing something. Clapping for veterans health care wouldn’t be too much for everyone in that room. I think impeachment is the first step. Oh, hilarious.
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