Домой United States USA — IT Snapchat responds to the 1.2 million users who signed a petition to...

Snapchat responds to the 1.2 million users who signed a petition to kill the redesign


Complaints are inevitable when apps and sites are redesigned, but the response to Snapchat’s recent overhaul has been as thunderous as any in recent memory. Everyone seems to hate the updated app, which is why a Change.org petition has managed to garner a stunning 1.
Complaints are inevitable when apps and sites are redesigned, but the response to Snapchat’s recent overhaul has been as thunderous as any in recent memory. Everyone seems to hate the updated app, which is why a Change.org petition has managed to garner a stunning 1.2 million signatures since the update began rolling out. It calls for Snap Inc. to reverse the design change while keeping some of the new features that have been added.
You can find a petition for almost anything online, but the groundswell of support for the death of the redesign appears to have been too much for Snap to ignore, as the company issued an official response on Wednesday. While they say that they “understand the new Snapchat has felt uncomfortable for many,” they have no plans to go back.
As off-putting as the redesign may be for those of us who have spent years using Snapchat, the company is doing everything in its power to make the app approachable for a wider audience. Power users may hate it, but Snap thinks that the app stands a better chance in the long run with this new design. That means your friends are going to stay in their own window, and all of the Discover content will have a window to itself as well.
You can read the full response from Snap Inc. to the 1.2 million (and growing) petition signers below:

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