Домой GRASP/Japan The Last Known Person Born in the 19th Century Dies in Japan...

The Last Known Person Born in the 19th Century Dies in Japan at 117


Nabi Tajima was born on August 4,1900.
Nabi Tajima died Saturday after spending recent years at a nursing home. At 117 she was the world’s oldest person and the last known person to have been alive in the 19 th Century as she was born on Aug. 4,1900. Tajima, who lived in the town of Kikai in southern Japan had been hospitalized about a month ago, according to Japan’s Kyodo News. “She passed away as if falling asleep. As she had been a hard worker, I want to tell her ‘rest well,’ ” said Tajima’s 65-year-old grandson Hiroyuki. Tajima raised seven sons and two daughters and had more than 140 descendants.
Tajima didn’t hold the title of world’s oldest person for very long. The Gerontology Research Group, which tracks people who are at least 110 years old known as supercentenarians, recognized Tajima as the world’s oldest person in September when Jamaica’s Violet Brown died at age 117. “Tajima has claimed her secret to longevity is eating delicious things and sleeping well,” noted the Gerentology Research Group on its website when it named Tajima the world’s oldest person .

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