Home United States USA — software White House joins UK government in blaming Russia for NotPetya

White House joins UK government in blaming Russia for NotPetya


The US government has joined the government of the UK in pointing the finger of blame at Russia for the NotPetya cyberattacks. The ransomware/destructoware hit computers around the world last June.
The US government has joined the government of the UK in pointing the finger of blame at Russia for the NotPetya cyberattacks. The ransomware/destructoware hit computers around the world last June.
After speculation that the attack was a state-sponsored one carried out by Russia, this position has now been confirmed as the White House accused the nation of the « reckless and indiscriminate. » At the same time, the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre said that the Russian military was « almost certainly » responsible for the attack.
See also:
The infamous cyberattack was designed to destroy large swathes of data. It had particular impact in Ukraine — notably the financial and energy sectors — but it also affected governments and businesses in the US and the rest of Europe. While it has long been thought that Russia was involved in some way, it has taken over half a year for official accusations to be made by world governments.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said:
The UK government said that it « reiterates the position of the UK and its allies that malicious cyber activity will not be tolerated. » In a statement with a similar sentiment to the US, Foreign Office Minister of State with responsibility for Cyber, Lord (Tariq) Ahmad of Wimbledon, said:
It is not clear what the « international consequences » that the White House refers to might be, but the US government is said to be « reviewing a range of options. »
Image credit: imagedj and Nemeziya / Shutterstock

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