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Controversial US pastors to take part in embassy opening in Jerusalem


Monday’s ceremony marking the relocation of the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem will break with tradition in more ways than one. Evangelical leaders John Hagee and Robert Jeffress will be in attendance and are slated to speak.
“I told him that the moment that you do that, I believe that you will step into political immortality,” the news site quoted Hagee as saying. “Because you are having the courage to do what other presidents did not have the courage to do.”
Meanwhile, another controversial evangelical pastor, Robert Jeffress, will say a prayer at the embassy opening, a US official confirmed to CNN. Jeffress, a Southern Baptist, vigorously supported Trump during the final months of the 2016 presidential campaign and was a member of his evangelical advisory board. He even preached at a private service for the President-elect and his family on Inauguration Day in 2017, shortly before Trump took the oath of office.
The embassy’s relocation formally breaks from decades of established American policy and international practice in a move US officials say will create greater regional stability. Critics, however, say the decision to recognize Jerusalem as the Israeli capital could make a region already struggling with four ongoing conflicts all the more combustible. And they argue it marks the end of the US role as an “honest broker” in Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
The move of the embassy to the city is contentious for Palestinians, who hope to claim part of the city as their future capital, and for many in the Arab world, as it is home to some of the holiest sites in Islam, as well as those of Judaism and Christianity.
Hagee’s comments resurface during 2008 presidential campaign
Hagee’s positive comments about Trump’s decision echo those of other evangelical Christians, who hailed his announcement in December that the United States would now recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. It was a promise Trump repeatedly made to his conservative Christian base. About 80% of white evangelicals (usually among the strongest American supporters of Israel), voted for Trump in 2016, according to exit polls.
Hagee, whose group is dedicated to organizing pro-Israel Christians in the United States into a unified voice, has had relationships with Israeli prime ministers dating back years. But he came under the national political spotlight in 2008 for comments that prompted then-Republican presidential candidate John McCain to reject his endorsement.
During the campaign, audio from one of Hagee’s sermons in the 1990s was leaked that seemed to suggest that Adolf Hitler had been fulfilling God’s will by aiding the desire of Jews to return to Israel in accordance with biblical prophecy.
“God says in Jeremiah 16: ‘Behold, I will bring them the Jewish people again unto their land that I gave to their fathers…. Behold, I will send for many fishers, and after will I send for many hunters,'” Hagee said, according to a transcript of his sermon. “‘And they the hunters shall hunt them.’ That would be the Jews…. Then God sent a hunter. A hunter is someone who comes with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter.”
In a statement at the time, McCain said, “Obviously, I find these remarks and others deeply offensive and indefensible, and I repudiate them. I did not know of them before Rev. Hagee’s endorsement, and I feel I must reject his endorsement as well.”
Shortly after McCain’s announcement, Hagee withdrew his endorsement, citing critics who had been “grossly misrepresenting” his positions.
“I am tired of these baseless attacks and fear that they have become a distraction in what should be a national debate about important issues,” he said in a statement. “I have therefore decided to withdraw my endorsement of Sen. McCain for president effective today, and to remove myself from any active role in the 2008 campaign.”
Hagee also has said that “to assert that I in any way condone the Holocaust or that monster Adolf Hitler is the biggest and ugliest of lies. I have always condemned the horrors of the Holocaust in the strongest of terms.”
A spokesman for Hagee’s group, Ari Morgenstern, told CNN that the pastor gave the sermon based on the writings of a Jewish theologian, Rabbi Yissachar Shlomo Teichtal. Teichtal, who was imprisoned by the Nazis, wrote that the afflictions that were befalling the Jewish population of Europe during World War II were meant to spur a return by Jews to the Holy Land.
Jeffress’ comments on Mormonism and Islam
Some might remember Jeffress for his frequent condemnations of Mormonism as a “cult” during the 2012 presidential campaign and his urging of Christians not to vote for Mitt Romney, a Mormon, during the Republican primary.
But Jeffress has also called Islam and Mormonism heresies ” from the pit of hell, ” suggested that the Catholic church was led astray by Satan, accused then-President Barack Obama of ” paving the way ” for the Antichrist, and spread false statistics about the prevalence of HIV among gays, who he said live a ” miserable” and “filthy” lifestyle .
In recent years, Jeffress has frequently denounced Islam, calling it an “evil religion” that ” promotes pedophilia ” because the Prophet Muhammed married a 9-year-old girl. (Many modern Muslim scholars disagree about her age.) The pastor has also said that Mormons, Muslims and Hindus ” worship a false god. “
Late Sunday evening, Romney tweeted that Jeffress is “a bigot” and said he shouldn’t “be giving the prayer that opens up” the embassy.
Jeffress spoke with Fox News Radio about his participation in the embassy opening.
“In that prayer, I’m going to be recounting God’s history of faithfulness to his people, the Israelites,” he said. “I’m going to be thanking God for the strong leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu, who is absolutely determined to protect Israel. And I’m also going to be thanking God for our President Donald Trump, who had the courage to do what no other US President has done, and that is to officially recognize Jerusalem and to move the embassy.

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