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The 'constitutional carry' lie and why gun advocates don't love the latest Florida bill


Frank Cerabino’s column explaining the lie of \
Florida lawmakers are checking another box on Gov. Ron DeSantis’ presidential campaign to-do list by making Florida a “constitutional carry” state. 
“I can’t tell you exactly when, but I’m pretty confident that I will be able to sign ‘constitutional carry’ into law in the state of Florida,” DeSantis said last year. “The Legislature will get it done.”
Encouraging Floridians to walk around in public with a loaded weapon, a weapon they can carry without any training on how it should be safely carried, used or stored, dovetails with his “free state of Florida” presidential campaign.
And so, like clockwork, the Republican-supermajority state Legislature is once again doing his bidding this spring by pushing through the new gun law before DeSantis formally announces his candidacy for national office.
But there’s a bit of dissension in the OK Corral. And it’s coming from the gun-rights stalwarts who feel that Florida’s new law would be just a showy “baby step” and not the sort of full-throated Second Amendment endorsement they had expected from DeSantis and his legislative lackeys.
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I’ll explain. But first, it must be mentioned that the term “constitutional carry” is a political fiction meant to confer bedrock rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution, rights that aren’t there.
“Constitutional carry” is like “legitimate rape.” It doesn’t exist. 
The gun industry has spent a fortune promoting the false notion that the right of everyday, law-abiding American citizens to possess firearms is hard-wired into the Second Amendment.
Historian Garry Wills put it this way: 
“Easy access to all these guns is hard to justify in pragmatic terms, and as a matter of social policy,” Wills wrote. “That is why the gun advocates appeal, above pragmatism and common sense, to a supposed sacred right enshrined in a document Americans revere.
“We must put up with our world-record rates of homicide, suicide and accidental shootings because, whether we like it or not, the Constitution tells us to,” Wills continued. “Well, it doesn’t.” 
Former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger, appointed to the high court by (Republican) President Richard Nixon in 1969, later called the NRA’s distorted interpretation of the Second Amendment one of the “greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American public by a special interest group.”
And it wasn’t until “activist judges” on the right got busy in 2008 to pass the first case in our history that conferred individual rights of gun ownership for personal protection. The creative decision in the case, District of Columbia v. Heller, was written by former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
That case was about the right of a licensed security guard to keep his weapon at his home for personal protection — not about carrying a loaded weapon in public. 
“Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited,” Scalia wrote in that decision. It is “not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”
Even in the heyday of the “Wild West,” during the 1880s, towns such as Tombstone, Dodge City, and Deadwood, required visitors in town to hand over their guns to the local lawman while they remained inside town limits.
“Tombstone had much more restrictive laws on carrying guns in public in the 1880s than it has today,” Adam Winkler, a professor and specialist in American constitutional law at UCLA School of Law, told Smithsonian Magazine. “Today, you’re allowed to carry a gun without a license or permit on Tombstone streets. Back in the 1880s, you weren’t.” 
So, this idea so widely espoused by Florida’s Republican lawmakers that they must continually pass more permissive gun laws because they are bound by the Constitution to not restrict the right to bear arms in any way is nonsense. And we’re seeing this grotesquerie play out as lawmakers begin hearings on the permit-less gun-carry bill in chambers where everyone entering must be unarmed for safety reasons.
It’s also worth noting that on the month these hearings began, a 3-year-old boy in Daytona Beach shot and killed himself with a legally owned gun his father left on the nightstand of their home. And in North Port, a 6-year-old shot her grandmother in the back while she was driving a car. The girl found the woman’s loaded gun in the back pocket of the driver’s seat, reached in, and fired the gun through the seat at her grandmother.
And yet, as I listened to some of the commentary lawmakers heard as the “constitutional carry” bill started making its way through the committee process, it seemed to imply that Florida was doing a poor job promoting more gun sales.
Nicholas Lahera, the spokesman for the gun retailer Big Daddy Guns, told lawmakers that his organization was fighting for “destigmatizing the gun-buying process.”
“We can only accomplish this by fighting for freedom and full constitutional carry, which includes the right to open carry,” he said. 
And this is the big gripe that gun promoters have with the bill zooming through the legislature: It doesn’t go far enough for them.
Yes, it allows untrained Floridians to walk around in public with loaded guns but those guns have to be concealed under clothing. Gun rights advocates take their already imaginary right to walking around strapped to the next level — to walking around strapped with their weapons in full public view.
After all, what’s the point of being a gunslinger if you can’t show off your lethal power in the dairy aisle of the supermarket?
“Open carry” would also allow them to walk around in public with weapons too big to conceal, such as military-style mass casualty weapons like the AR-15, which fires projectiles capable of liquifying body organs and passing through metal.
Yes, those musket-loading Framers would have demanded that too, even though they were long dead by the time modern bullets were invented.
Passing a nonsensical constitutional carry bill that doesn’t allow open carry is evidence that Florida’s Republican lawmakers are trying to kowtow to their gun-fetishist base while also trying to mitigate the harm to Florida’s hospitality industry, which rightly fears the sight of so many Floridians walking around with visible loaded weapons would scare the tourists away.
And that feels like betrayal to Florida’s gun crowd.
“An open carry bill is a Cadillac. What you have here is a moped,” was the way one gun advocate told members of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.
And because Democrats don’t have the numbers to pass or stop any legislation in either house, Republican lawmakers are being blamed for selling out the gun folks they routinely pander to.
“This is a shuck-and-jive maneuver by a supermajority Republican Legislature,” one speaker from Alachua County told lawmakers. “Democrats don’t have no power here … Democrats can’t stop anything. They can’t add anything. Y’all have 80 percent of the members in this entire body, upper and lower house. Why do you need to false advertise something?”
Republican lawmakers have been gently telling their constituents that adding open carry can be an amendment easily adopted during a future session. But not now.
Some gun-rights supporters say they will pull their support for the bill if it doesn’t allow guns to be openly displayed. They include Bob White, the chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida. 
“We know when a deal’s been cut, we can see it as plain as day,” White told lawmakers. “The Florida House, the Florida Senate and the governors’ office got together on this bill and this is what they want, and you guys are going to pass this bill in its current form. 
“You’re going to send it to the floor, and the first week of the session … and it’s going to pass, and it’s going to go to the governor and he’s going to sign it. And then there’s going to be this victory lap that is going to be taken and everybody is going to crow about how we passed constitutional carry in the state of Florida and you will have not done that at all.” 
Sheesh. This is what happens when you negotiate with terrorists. You give them one imaginary constitutional right and they’ll demand another.
Frank Cerabino is a columnist at The Palm Beach Post, part of the USA TODAY Florida Network. You can reach him at fcerabino@gannett.com. Help support our journalism. Subscribe today.

Ternitz Pflege-Tipps vor der Kamera und Schindluder mit Pflege


Barbara Willesberger ist diplomierte Krankenschwester und hat sich als Pflege-Nahversorgerin selbstständig gemacht (die BezirksBlätter berichteten). Nun will sie ihr Wissen online an pflegende Angehörige weitergeben.
“Ich will das Sprachrohr für die Hochbetagten sein.”
Barbara Willesberger, Ternitz
Ihr Ziel ist es, Menschen, die Angehörige pflegen, hilfreiche Tipps zu geben, damit sie diese anspruchsvolle Aufgabe bestens meistern können. “Ich möchte in kurzen Videos Themen aufgreifen, die für eine Pflege zuhause wichtig sind – etwa wie man das Wundliegen vermeidet”, erklärt Willesberger. Die Pflege-Nahversorgerin ist außerdem Gutachterin für die Einstufungen der Pflegestufen für die Pensionsversicherungsanstalt. Als solche ist sie auch mit dem Vortäuschen von Pflegebedürftigkeit konfrontiert, weil sich der eine oder andere erhofft, auf diese Weise mehr Pflegegeld erschleichen zu können. “Einmal war ich bei einem Paar, wo er meinte, er müsse seine Frau füttern, weil sie das nicht mehr selbstständig kann. Und während des Gesprächs hat sie sich dann eine Zigarette genommen, angezündet und sicher zum Mund geführt. Von gestörter Feinmotorik also keine Rede. Mann muss aber auch sagen, dass mir das bei 200 Begutachtungen erst einmal passiert ist”, so Willesberger.

In Pottschach "Keine Angst", wenn Katharina Straßer kommt


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Katharina Straßer
“Keine Angst”
29. April, 20 Uhr
Kulturhaus Pottschach

Ungewöhnliches "Vernetzungstreffen" Raus aus der Amtsstube auf die Skipiste


Gute Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Ämtern und Behörden ist wichtig. Auf der Skipiste kamen die Vertreter von BH, Finanzamt und anderen Institutionen zusammen.
FEISTRITZ. Mitarbeiter der Bezirkshauptmannschaft Neunkirchen, des Arbeitsmarktservice Neunkirchen, der Österreichischen Gesundheitskasse – Standort Neunkirchen, des Finanzamtes Wr. Neustadt-Neunkirchen und der Wirtschaftskammer Neunkirchen trafen am  Feistritzsattel aufeinander.
Vom Skilift Dissauer aus ging’s zum gemeinsamen Schinachmittag mit einem “Er-und-Sie-Lauf”.
So hatten die zahlreich teilnehmenden Behördenvertreter die Gelegenheit, sich neben den sportlichen Betätigungen intensiv über aktuelle Schwerpunkte der jeweiligen Tätigkeitsfelder auszutauschen, einander persönlich besser kennen zu lernen und gemeinsame Schnittstellen der täglichen Arbeit zu optimieren.
Organisator des Treffens war die Bezirkshauptmannschaft Neunkirchen: “Ich freue mich, dass sich so viele Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in ihrer Freizeit Zeit genommen haben, sich miteinander zu vernetzen. Der offene Austausch hilft entscheidend, auch bei großen Herausforderungen gemeinsam rasch gute Lösungen für die Menschen im Bezirk zu finden und genau das ist das Ziel dieses Skitages”, skizziert Bezirkshauptfrau Alexandra Grabner-Fritz.

Nations reach accord to protect marine life on high seas


For the first time, United Nations members have agreed on a unified treaty to protect biodiversity in the high seas – representing a turning point for vast stretches of the planet where conservation has previously been hampered by a confusing patchwork of laws.
The U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea came into force in 1994, before marine biodiversity was a well-established concept. The treaty agreement concluded two weeks of talks in New York.
An updated framework to protect marine life in the regions outside national boundary waters, known as the high seas, had been in discussions for more than 20 years, but previous efforts to reach an agreement had repeatedly stalled. The unified agreement treaty, which applies to nearly half the planet’s surface, was reached late Saturday.
“We only really have two major global commons – the atmosphere and the oceans,” said Georgetown marine biologist Rebecca Helm. While the oceans may draw less attention, “protecting this half of earth’s surface is absolutely critical to the health of our planet.”
Nichola Clark, an oceans expert at the Pew Charitable Trusts who observed the talks in New York, called the long-awaited treaty text “a once-in-a-generation opportunity to protect the oceans – a major win for biodiversity.”
The treaty will create a new body to manage conservation of ocean life and establish marine protected areas in the high seas. And Clark said that’s critical to achieve the U.N. Biodiversity Conference’s recent pledge to protect 30% of the planet’s waters, as well as its land, for conservation.
Treaty negotiations initially were anticipated to conclude Friday, but stretched through the night and deep into Saturday. The crafting of the treaty, which at times looked in jeopardy, represents “a historic and overwhelming success for international marine protection,” said Steffi Lemke, Germany’s environment minister.
“For the first time, we are getting a binding agreement for the high seas, which until now have hardly been protected,” Lemke said. “Comprehensive protection of endangered species and habitats is now finally possible on more than 40% of the Earth’s surface.”
The treaty also establishes ground rules for conducting environmental impact assessments for commercial activities in the oceans.
“It means all activities planned for the high seas need to be looked at, though not all will go through a full assessment,” said Jessica Battle, an oceans governance expert at the Worldwide Fund for Nature.
Several marine species – including dolphins, whales, sea turtles and many fish – make long annual migrations, crossing national borders and the high seas. Efforts to protect them, along with human communities that rely on fishing or tourism related to marine life, have long proven difficult for international governing bodies.
“This treaty will help to knit together the different regional treaties to be able to address threats and concerns across species’ ranges,” Battle said.
That protection also helps coastal biodiversity and economies, said Gladys Martínez de Lemos, executive director of the nonprofit Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense focusing on environmental issues across Latin America.
“Governments have taken an important step that strengthens the legal protection of two-thirds of the ocean and with it marine biodiversity and the livelihoods of coastal communities,” she said.
The question now is how well the ambitious treaty will be implemented.
Formal adoption also remains outstanding, with numerous conservationists and environmental groups vowing to watch closely.
The high seas have long suffered exploitation due to commercial fishing and mining, as well as pollution from chemicals and plastics. The new agreement is about “acknowledging that the ocean is not a limitless resource, and it requires global cooperation to use the ocean sustainably,” Rutgers University biologist Malin Pinsky said.

Samsung’s flagship Q990B soundbar bundle is $400 off today


It’s not often that you find 11.1.4 channel surround sound, but when you do, it’s expensive, so grab this Samsung deal to level up your audio experience!
If you aren’t familiar with the more complex or exotic forms of surround sound, then it’s worth checking out our ultimate surround sound guide, but suffice it to say you don’t often see 11.1.4 surround sound on the market, but we love it. Of course, rare things tend to be expensive, and while this deal from Samsung brings the HW-Q990B down to $1,500 from $1,900, it might scare a few folks off at first glance. Luckily, it’s well worth the price, considering this is hands-down one of the best soundbars you can buy, if you’re looking for a high-end, out-of-the-box surround sound setup.
Why you should buy the Samsung HW-Q990B 11.1.4ch Soundbar
So what do all those fancy numbers in the name mean? Well, simply put, this little bundle has 11 channels, one subwoofer, and four up-facing speakers to completely envelop you in surround sound. With sound coming from the speakers set up behind you and from above, it’s like you’re sitting in the middle of the TV show or film you’re watching, and it’s an incredible experience. Another pretty great feature is the SpaceFit Sound+, which automatically calibrates the audio to fit the unique setup of your room when it comes to walls and furniture so that you aren’t getting weird spots that are quiet or have too much bass. On a similar note, an active voice amplifier analyzes the noise in the room and adjusts voices in shows and films so that you aren’t drowning them out with idle chatter.
Besides that, we also like the 3D audio gaming mode for compatible TVs and consoles, namely the Xbox Series X and PS5. If you feel left out, though, you’ll be happy to know that there’s also a general-use adaptive sound feature that optimizes audio on the fly that helps provide more clarity and fidelity. Of course, it also supports some of the best audio processing standards, such as DTS:X, Dolby Atmos, and the ability to play FLACs, which is pretty impressive. It also has Alexa built-in and can integrate into Airplay 2 for those in the Apple ecosystem.
Overall, the Samsung HW-Q990B 11.1.4ch Soundbar is very impressive and might be a bit overkill for most people, but for those who want to push their audio experience to the next level, this deal from Samsung bringing the HW-Q990B down to $1,500 is excellent. That said, if the price isn’t right for you and you want something slightly different, check these other soundbar deals for other options.

It may not be the latest model, but this iPad is a steal at $79 off


While the 2021 Apple iPad is a couple of generations old, the gorgeous 10.2-inch screen and A13 biochip are still great, especially at this deal’s price!
If you want to get an excellent tablet, you can’t go wrong with the iPad, and while the 2021 model is a little old at this point, it’s still relatively powerful compared to tablets from other companies. Since it is a bit old, it also has a great deal from Amazon, bringing it down to $250 from $329, a nice $79 discount, and well worth grabbing if you’re interested.
Why you should buy the 10.2-inch Apple iPad (2021)
The 2021 Apple iPad was an incremental upgrade to the 2020 model and is a great entry point if you’re entering the Apple ecosystem for the first time. For starters, it runs the A13 bionic chip, which, while two generations older than the A15, is still a powerful little processor bundle and can handle most stuff you throw at it. It also has more than enough RAM to handle day-to-day use, so you won’t constantly have to manage apps or the number of browser windows open. Also, while this deal comes only as a Wi-Fi version, you can grab a cellular version if you’d prefer to go that route, and similarly, we encourage you to grab the 256GB version rather than the 64 GB unless you’re planning on grabbing one of these external hard drive deals.
Besides that, you get a gorgeous 10.2-inch retina display which Apple is famous for, and typical features like the Touch ID. That said, what makes the 2021 iPad a great buyer is the newer and more efficient battery which should give you a few extra hours than previous models. Otherwise, the 2021 model is the same as the previous one, with the same great features and accessories working across 2021, 2020, and 2019 models, making this a great upgrade if you’re coming from the earlier models.
Overall, the 2021 Apple iPad isn’t going to wow anybody, especially with the new A15 and M1 chips that we see with the more recent iPads. That said, it’s still a powerful tablet, and, more importantly, it’s at a great price, especially with this deal from Amazon bringing it down to $250, so it’s worth grabbing. On the other hand, if you want something a little more modern, check out these iPad deals for deals on the latest gear!

Where to watch The Last of Us: stream episode 8 for free


The show that has taken 2023 by storm is The Last of Us. Find out where and how to watch this postapocalyptic adventure starring Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey.
There’s a scene in the fifth season of Breaking Bad where a frustrated Jesse Pinkman (Dual‘s Aaron Paul) reaches his breaking point with Walt (Your Honor’s Bryan Cranston) and screams, “He can’t keep getting away with it.” That’s how I feel about HBO and its lineup of original Sunday night programming. How does HBO keep churning out such high-quality programs? It’s a good frustration to have, as the network’s Sunday night lineup remains full of excellent TV shows.
And 2023 is business as usual for HBO, as The Last of Us is the network’s latest hit show. In The Last of Us, the world has fallen victim to the Cordyceps infection, resulting in a deadly global pandemic. Joel (The Mandalorian’s Pedro Pascal), a smuggler in the post-apocalyptic U.S., is tasked with transporting a teenage girl named Ellie (Game of Thrones’ Bella Ramsey), who may hold the key to defeating the infection. With widespread critical acclaim and massive ratings, The Last of Us is becoming one of HBO’s most popular shows of all time.
Does this type of show interest you? If so, scroll below to find out where to watch episode 8 of The Last of Us for free.How to watch The Last of Us for free
Want to watch the show is everyone is talking about for free? You can … well, the first episode, at least. HBO Max has made the pilot episode of the hit series available to everyone, even if you don’t have a subscription to the streamer.
How to watch episode 8 of The Last of Us for free
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The first six episodes of The Last of Us are now streaming on HBO Max. New episodes air on HBO and HBO Max at 9 p.m. ET on Sunday nights.How much does it cost?
To stream The Last of Us on HBO Max, subscribers can choose between two plans. One plan has ads, and the other plan is ad-free. With ads, HBO Max costs $10 a month or $100 per year. Without ads, HBO Max costs $16 a month or $150 per year.How to watch The Last of Us abroad with a VPN
Stuck overseas and at all the fungi zombie action you’re missing? Don’t fret! Through the wonders of technology, you can still watch The Last of Us by signing up for a VPN.
One of the best ways to keep your digital world secure is with a VPN. One of the best VPN services is NordVPN, and right now, NordVPN is offering one of the best VPN deals. With a NordVPN two-year Complete Plan, you can save 68% and get three months free, with the monthly cost working out to be a little more than $5 per month. NordVPN is currently offering impressive discounts on its Plus and Standard plans as well, and is doing so for both two-year and one-year commitments.Is The Last of Us worth watching?
The Last of Us is one of the best shows of 2023. From its worldbuilding to its character development, the show is a master class in storytelling. It’s hard to believe that this show was based on a video game. Even non-zombie lovers will appreciate The Last of Us because, at the end of the day, it’s great television.
The Last of Us is created by Craig Mazin (Chernobyl) and Neil Druckmann (Uncharted), with the latter serving as the writer of the video game. On Rotten Tomatoes, The Last of Us sits at 97% on the Tomatometer, with an audience score of 91%. On Metacritic, the film has a Metascore of 84 and a user score of 6.5.

Deadly shipwreck: How it happened, and unanswered questions


DI CUTRO, Italy “Italy here we come!” cheered the young men, in Urdu and Pashto, as they filmed themselves standing on a boat sailing in bright blue waters.
They were among around 180 migrants — Afghans, Pakistanis, Syrians, Iranians, Palestinians, Somalis and others — who left Turkey hoping for a better, or simply safer, life in Europe.
Days later, dozens of them were dead. So far, 70 bodies have been recovered from the Feb. 26 shipwreck near the small beach town of Steccato di Cutro, but only 80 survivors have been found, indicating that the death toll was higher, some of the victims’ bodies lost in the Ionian Sea.
The tragedy has highlighted the lesser-known migration route from Turkey to Italy. It also brought into focus hardening Italian and European migration policies, which have since 2015 shifted away from search and rescue, prioritizing instead border surveillance. Questions are also being asked of the Italian government about why the coast guard wasn’t deployed until it was too late.
Based on court documents, testimony from survivors and relatives and statements by authorities, the AP has reconstructed what is known of the events that led to the shipwreck and the questions left unanswered.
In the early hours of Wednesday, Feb. 22, the migrants — including dozens of families with small children — boarded a leisure boat on a beach near Izmir following a truck journey from Istanbul and a forest crossing by foot.
They set out from the shore. But just three hours into their voyage, the vessel suffered an engine failure. Still in high seas, an old wooden gulet — a traditional Turkish style of boat — arrived as a replacement.
The smugglers and their assistants told the migrants to hide below deck as they continued on their journey west. Without life vests or seats, they crammed on the floor, going out for air, or to relieve themselves, only briefly. Survivors said the second boat also had engine problems, stopping several times along the way.
Three days later, on Saturday, Feb. 25, at 10:26 p.m. a European Union Border and Coast Guard plane patrolling the Ionian sea spotted a boat heading toward the Italian coast. The agency, known as Frontex, said the vessel “showed no signs of distress” and was navigating at 6 knots, with “good” buoyancy.
Frontex sent an email to Italian authorities at 11:03 p.m. reporting one person on the upper deck and possibly more people below, detected by thermal cameras. No lifejackets could be seen. The email also mentioned that a satellite phone call had been made from the boat to Turkey.
In response to the Frontex sighting, the case was classified as an “activity of the maritime police”. Italy’s Guardia di Finanza, or financial police, which also has a border and customs role, dispatched two patrols to “intercept the vessel.”
As the Turkish boat approached Italy’s Calabrian coast on Saturday evening, some of the migrants on the boat were allowed to message family, to inform them of their imminent arrival and release the 8,000-euro fee that had been agreed upon with the smugglers.
The men navigating the boat told the anxious passengers they needed to wait a few more hours for disembarkation, to avoid getting caught, according to survivors’ testimony to investigators.
At 3:48 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 26, the financial police vessels returned to base, without having reached the boat due to bad weather. The police contacted the coast guard to ask if they had any vessels out at sea “in case there was a critical situation” according to communication obtained by the Italian ANSA agency and confirmed by AP. The coast guard replied they did not. “OK, it was just to inform you,” a police officer said before hanging up.
Just minutes later, at around 4 a.m., local fishermen on Italy’s southern coast spotted lights in the darkness. People were waving their cell phone flashlights desperately from atop a boat stuck on a sand bank.
The suspected smugglers grabbed black tubes, possibly life jackets, and jumped into the water to save themselves, according to survivors. Waves continued smashing into the vessel until it suddenly ripped apart. The sound was similar to that of an explosion, survivors said. People fell into the frigid water, trying to grab onto anything they could. Many could not swim.
Italian police arrived on the scene at 4:30 a.m., the same time that the coast guard says it received the first emergency calls related to the boat. It took the coast guard another hour to get there. By then, bodies were already being pulled out of the water with people screaming for help while others attempted to resuscitate the victims.
There were dozens of young children on board the boat. Almost none survived. The body of a 3-year-old was recovered Saturday.
Among those who lived was a Syrian father and his eldest child, but his wife and three other children did not. The body of his youngest, age 5, was still missing four days later.
One Afghan man drove down from Germany, searching for his 15-year-old nephew who had contacted family saying he was in Italy. But the boy also died before setting foot on land.
The uncle asked that his name, and that of his nephew not be published as he had yet to inform the boy’s father.
The baby-faced teenager had shared a video with his family during his sea voyage, with apparently good weather.
His mother had died two years ago, and with the return of the Taliban to power, the family fled to Iran. The boy later continued to Turkey from where he tried multiple times to cross into the EU.
“Europe is the only place where at least you can be respected as a human being,” he said. Everyone knows that it is 100% dangerous, but they gamble with their lives because they know if they make it they might be able to live.”
Prosecutors have launched two investigations — one into the suspected smugglers and another looking at whether there were delays by Italian authorities in responding to the migrant boat.
A Turkish man and two Pakistani men, among the 80 survivors, have been detained, suspected of being smugglers or their accomplices. A fourth suspect, a Turkish national, is on the run.
Particular attention has been focused on why the coast guard was never sent to check on the boat.
A day after the shipwreck, Frontex told AP it had spotted a “heavily overcrowded” boat and reported it to Italian authorities. In a second statement, though, Frontex clarified that only one person had been visible on deck but that its thermal cameras — “and other signs” — indicated there could be more people below.
In an interview with AP, retired coast guard admiral Vittorio Alessandro said the coast guard’s boats are made to withstand rough seas and that they should have gone out. “If not to rescue, at least to check whether the boat needed any assistance.”
Alessandro added that the photos released by Frontex showed the water level was high, suggesting the boat was heavy.
The coast guard said Frontex alerted Italian authorities in charge of “law enforcement,” copying the Italian Coast Guard “for their awareness” only. Frontex said it is up to national authorities to classify events as search and rescue.
“The issue is simple in its tragic nature: No emergency communication from Frontex reached our authorities. We were not warned that this boat was in danger of sinking,” Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni said on Saturday.
“I wonder if there is anyone in this nation who honestly believes that the government deliberately let over 60 people die, including some children,” she added.
Alessandro, however, lamented how over the years the coast guard’s activities — which previously occurred even far out in international waters — have been progressively curtailed by successive governments.
“Rescue operations at sea should not be replaced by police operations. Rescue must prevail,” he said.
In an interview with AP, Eugenio Ambrosi, chief of staff at the U.N.’s International Organization for Migration, stressed the need for a more proactive search and rescue strategy, on a European level.
“We can look and debate whether the (boat) was spotted, not spotted, whether the authorities were called and didn’t respond,” he said. “But we wouldn’t be asking this question if there was a mechanism of search and rescue in the Mediterranean.”
Brito reported from Barcelona, Spain. AP journalists Trisha Thomas in Rome, Colleen Barry in Milan and Ahmad Seir in Amsterdam, also contributed to this report.

Нідерланди розслідують майже 50 кримінальних справ щодо обходу санкцій Євросоюзу проти РФ


У Нідерландах прокурори відкрили 45 кримінальних справ проти компаній та приватних осіб, яких підозрюють в обході санкцій ЄС проти РФ.
У Нідерландах прокурори відкрили 45 кримінальних проваджень проти компаній та приватних осіб, яких підозрюють в обході санкцій ЄС проти РФ.
Про це повідомляє РБК-Україна з посиланням на RTL Nieuws.
ЗМІ пишуть, що станом на кінець 2022 року справ було 27, але в нідерландській Генпрокуратурі допускають, що розслідувань побільшає.
“Слід очікувати, що чим довше діятимуть санкції, тим більше буде випадків обходу обмежень”, – зазначили правоохоронці.
До слова, із 45 проваджень, які в нині відкриті, 29 пов’язані з порушеннями імпортних і експортних санкцій. Інші розслідування стосуються порушень фінансових обмежень.
“Як мінімум одна справа вже перебуває на розгляді в суді. Дмитро К. підозрюється в експорті мікрочіпів і, можливо, дронів до РФ, зокрема через Казахстан. Однак це провадження досі не розглянуте судом по суті”, – вказує видання.
RTL Nieuws додає, що з моменту вторгнення РФ в Україну митниця Нідернандів стежить за новими правилами перевезення товарів з і до Росії і Білорусі.
За рік було проведено понад сто тисяч перевірок, 357 разів вантаж зупинявся для додаткового контролю. Фіксували предмети розкоші, але також були виявлені товари військового призначення або деталі для вертольотів.
“Прямий експорт із країн ЄС до РФ різко впав після введення санкцій. Але збільшується як експорт до країн, близьких до Росії, так і експорт із цих країн далі в РФ. Це може вказувати на спробу обійти обмеження”, – підсумували журналісти.

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