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W Gdańsku zdewastowano wystawę o św. Janie Pawle II


Nad ranem 11 kwietnia wandale zniszczyli wystawę poświęconą papieżowi Polakowi, która 21 marca stanęła przed gdańską siedzibą NSZZ „Solidarność“. Policja.
Wystawa pt. „Ty nas obudziłeś, my cię obronimy“, poświęcona Ojcu Świętemu Janowi Pawłowi II, stanęła 21 marca przed gdańskim budynkiem NSZZ „Solidarność“ u zbiegu ulicy Rajskiej i Wałów Piastowskich. Ekspozycja dokumentuje relacje Solidarności z papieżem.- Ta wystawa jest pokazaniem tego, co Ojciec Święty przez te wszystkie lata zrobił dla Polski, Solidarności i wolnej, demokratycznej Europy. Po raz pierwszy była pokazywana publiczności w 40. rocznicę I pielgrzymki papieża do Polski. Nie pozwolimy na szarganie dobrego imienia Jana Pawła II. To dla nas, związkowców z Solidarności, fundament – mówił podczas otwarcia Piotr Duda, szef związku.Dewastację, która miała miejsce we wtorek ok. godz. 4, zarejestrowały kamery monitoringu. Na nagraniu udostępnionym przez portal internetowy Tygodnika Solidarność „Tysol“ widać grupę młodych mężczyzn i kobiet, która – przechodząc obok wystawy – zaczyna ją niszczyć. Policja jest już w posiadaniu nagrania. – Funkcjonariusze ustalają okoliczności zdarzenia i sprawdzają monitoring. Policjanci skontaktowali się z osobą pokrzywdzoną i wykonują czynności. Za zniszczenie mienia grozi kara nawet 5 lat pozbawienia wolności – mówi asp. sztab. Mariusz Chrzanowski z Komendy Miejskiej Policji w Gdańsku.

13. rocznica katastrofy smoleńskiej. PiS przedstawił szczegółowy program obchodów


Prawo i Sprawiedliwość przedstawiło szczegółowy harmonogram obchodów 13. rocznicy katastrofy smoleńskiej. W planach jest wystąpienie prezesa PiS Jarosława Kaczyńskiego.
Obchody 13. rocznicy katastrofy smoleńskiej w tym roku zostały przesunięte z powodu Poniedziałku Wielkanocnego, który wypadł 10 kwietnia. Odbędą się w niedzielę, 16 kwietnia.
O 8:00 w kościele seminaryjnym przy Krakowskim Przedmieściu 52/54 rozpocznie się msza święta w intencji ofiar katastrofy. O 8:41 zostanie odczytany Apel Pamięci przed Pałacem Prezydenckim w Warszawie. Następnie w tym samym miejscu zostanie zaprezentowany blok filmowy, który potrwa do 11:55. Kolejnym punktem będzie modlitwa Anioł Pański. W planie są także kolejny blok filmowy oraz wieczorna msza święta w intencji ofiar katastrofy, która odbędzie się w bazylice archikatedralnej pw. Męczeństwa św. Jana Chrzciciela. Na 21:00 zaplanowano wystąpienie prezesa PiS Jarosława Kaczyńskiego.
Właściwa rocznica katastrofy smoleńskiej 10 kwietnia przebiegła spokojnie. Prezes Prawa i Sprawiedliwości Jarosław Kaczyński złożył wieniec przed pomnikami upamiętniającymi jej ofiary na placu Piłsudskiego w Warszawie. Towarzyszyli mu premier Mateusz Morawiecki, wicepremier, szef MON Mariusz Błaszczak oraz były szef MON Antoni Macierewicz, przewodniczący podkomisji smoleńskiej.
Do incydentu doszło kilka minut wcześniej, gdy grupa protestujących położyła wieniec z własnym napisem przed Pomnikiem Ofiar Tragedii Smoleńskiej 2010 r. Policjanci chcieli odebrać wieniec grupie osób, co wywołało jej sprzeciw. Wśród protestujących była „Babcia Kasia”. Funkcjonariusze wynieśli co najmniej dwie osoby poza teren placu.
10 kwietnia 2010 r. samolot specjalny Tu-154M, którym para prezydencka Lech i Maria Kaczyńscy lecieli do Katynia na uroczystości 70. rocznicy zbrodni katyńskiej, rozbił się w pobliżu lotniska Smoleńsk–Północny. W katastrofie zginęły także 94 inne osoby, w tym wielu wysokich rangą urzędników państwowych, dowódców wojskowych oraz duchownych.
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Premier w rocznicę katastrofy smoleńskiej: Przypomniała o prawdziwym obliczu Rosji

Louisville Bank Manager Witnessed Mass Shooting on Video Chat


„I’m just as much in shock and disbelief and was in disbelief as I watched it unravel,“ the manager of the Old National Bank told CNN.
A manager at the Old National Bank in Louisville witnessed the recent mass shooting while on video chat.
While speaking with CNN, bank manager Rebecca Buchheit-Sims said that she was on a Microsoft Teams video chat with other members of the bank when the shooting occurred on Monday morning.
„Shortly after the meeting started, the gunman, which is an employee, started shooting up the conference room,“ Buchheit-Sims told CNN. „I witnessed people being murdered. I don’t know how else to say that…I’m just as much in shock and disbelief and was in disbelief as I watched it unravel.“
On Monday, 25-year-old Connor Sturgeon, a former employee at the Old National Bank, opened fire and killed four individuals on the scene. The four individuals were identified as Tommy Elliot, 63, Jim Tutt, 64, Joshua Barrick, 40, and Juliana Farmer, 45. On Monday evening, the Louisville Metro Police Department identified a fifth victim that died following the shooting as 57-year-old Deana Eckert.
Sturgeon was identified as the shooter by Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) interim Chief Jacquelyn Gwinn-Villaroel on Monday. Gwinn-Villaroel also said that the 25-year-old was fatally shot by responding officers.
„Here’s what we know so far: Calls came in for an active aggressor around 830 this morning in the 300 block E Main at the Old National Bank,“ the LMPD said in a series of tweets on Monday. „Officer we’re on scene in minutes…There is no longer a danger to the public.“
Gwinn-Villaroel also confirmed on Monday that Sturgeon livestreamed the shooting incident on social media and said, „We’re hopeful that we can have that incident removed.“

Nur Rendi-Wagner, Doskozil und Babler im Rennen


Ursprünglich gab es 73 Bewerbungen. Viele erfüllten die Kriterien nicht.
Die Zahl der Anwärterinnen und Anwärter für den SPÖ-Vorsitz hat sich drastisch reduziert. Nach einer Sitzung der parteiinternen Wahlkommission haben sich nur die derzeitige Chefin Pamela Rendi-Wagner, Burgenlands Landeshauptmann Hans Peter Doskozil und der Traiskirchner Bürgermeister Andreas Babler für die Mitgliederbefragung qualifiziert. Das bestätigte der Vorsitzende der Kommission, Harry Kopietz, der APA. Ursprünglich hatte es 73 Bewerbungen gegeben.

Zur Kandidatur zugelassen werden nur jene Personen, die mindestens 30 Unterstützungserklärungen gesammelt haben. Amtsinhaberin Rendi-Wagner reichte die Unterstützung von 100 weiblichen Mitgliedern ein, Burgenlands Landeshauptmann Hans Peter Doskozil 440 großteils von Funktionären aus seinem Bundesland und Babler bekam mehr als 2.000 Unterstützungserklärungen. Einige Bewerberinnen und Bewerber haben diese Hürde nicht geschafft. Andere zogen ihre Kandidatur wieder zurück.
Die Befragung der rund 147.000 SPÖ-Mitglieder läuft von 24. April bis 10. Mai. (apa)

Ахметов подал новый иск в суд против россии и дал обещание насчет денег


Бизнесмен Ринат Ахметов подает еще один иск против россии в суд – полученную компенсацию он направит на восстановление Украины
Деньги, которые компенсирует бизнесмену россия, он намерен направить на восстановление Украины
Украинский бизнесмен Ринат Ахметов инициирует арбитраж против рф за захваченные активы в Донецкой и Луганской областях. Он будет требовать возмещения причиненных ему убытков.
Об этом стало известно из заявления, опубликованного сегодня, 11 апреля, на сайте компании СКМ, принадлежащей Ринату Ахметову.
Отмечается, что в такие активы входят десятки предприятий добывающего, металлургического, энергетического секторов, недвижимость, в том числе „Енакиевский металлургический завод“, „ДТЭК Ровенькиантрацит“, „ДТЭК Свердловантрацит“, учебно-тренировочная база „Кирша“ и „Донбасс Арена“, в строительство которой было инвестировано более 400 млн долларов.
Денежные средства, которые компенсирует бизнесмену россия, он намерен направить на восстановление Украины, строительство новых предприятий, создание рабочих мест и рост экономики страны. В своем заявлении он отметил, что будет добиваться справедливости во всех возможных инстанциях.
Стоит добавить, что в 2022 году после начала полномасштабной войны бизнесмен подал иск против россии в Европейский суд по правам человека. Он требовал принятия мер и решений по компенсации ущерба, который связан с уничтожением и перенаправлением потоков зерновых и металлов со стороны страны-агрессора.

Google Play Adds Auto-Archive for Apps to Free Up Space on Your Phone


App archiving has been available on Android since last year, but Google is now making it an automatic process for those who opt-in.
Running out of space on your Android device? Google’s Play Store now offers an “auto-archive” feature that downsizes unused apps without losing the personal data attached to them.
Google introduced app archiving last year, but it will now be an automatic process, if you opt in. Archiving removes the core parts of an app while retaining personal data, freeing up space to install other apps or documents; the app’s icon also stays on your phone. Android’s new auto-archive feature can reportedly shrink an app’s size by close to 60%, Google says.
An archived app will show a cloud download symbol over its normal icon, much like on iOS. Upon launching the archived app, users will be asked to re-download it from the Play Store. When you open it up, saved data—like app login details, photos, or gameplay—should be there.
Android users will be prompted to turn on auto-archiving the first time they run out of space when trying to install a new app or game. If they choose to enable it, the Play Store will automatically archive unused apps until enough space has been cleared for a new app.
For the feature to work, developers will need to use App Bundle to publish their apps, which ensures that only necessary resources are downloaded onto your phone during app installation, Android Police notes.

9 Things Apple Watch Can Do That Samsung Galaxy Watch Can't


The Apple Watch continues to dominate the market, and Samsung’s Galaxy Watch can’t seem to keep up — here are a few areas where Apple’s wearable excels.
Smartwatches have swiftly occupied their spot among „staple gadgets“ in our lives, providing easy access to essential information right on the wrist. Apple and Samsung are the world’s leading smartwatch makers, and their innovations are bringing us unparalleled convenience and improved fitness. The Samsung Galaxy Watches have handy features that aren’t on the Apple Watch, like a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis sensor to measure the body fat percentage, skeletal muscle, and bone mass.
But Apple has long held the majority share in the smartwatch market, and that’s because they’ve consistently covered all their bases — whether it’s seamless phone integration or an extensive collection of apps, or their valuable health and fitness features. Naturally, this means there are things the Apple Watch can do that the Samsung Galaxy Watch can’t. Something the Apple Watch will do is lighten your wallet, but let’s look at nine other differences between them, including size, GPS, durability, and safety features.1. Display everything larger and brighter
The Apple Watch models are all larger than their equivalent Samsung Galaxy Watch models. While the Galaxy Watch 5 is available in 40mm and 44mm sizes, the Galaxy Watch Pro has a single 45mm size.
The Apple Watch 8 has two sizes — 41mm and 45mm, and the Apple Watch Ultra’s the largest at 49mm. How do you figure out which size is right for you? If you want larger text, more screen space to view information, and extended battery life, then the larger variants are for you. Although the 41mm and 45mm sizes have all-day battery life (18 hours), the former’s 282 mAh battery will give you a few hours less compared to the latter’s 308 mAh. The Ultra has a considerably larger 542 mAh battery that can last 36 hours or more.
You’ll also want to consider your wrist size. Apple recommends the 41mm model for wrist sizes between 130 to 200mm and the 45mm watch for 140 to 220mm. The Ultra has three strap sizes: small for 130 to 160mm wrists, medium for 145 to 190mm wrists, and large for 165 to 210mm wrists. But ultimately, your ideal size comes down to your preferences.
Another area where the Apple Watch overtakes the Galaxy Watch is the display brightness. With 2000 nits brightness, the Apple Watch Ultra literally outshines the Galaxy Watch’s 1000 nits — perfect for outdoor enthusiasts.2. Navigate smoothly with the Digital Crown
The older Galaxy Watches had a physical rotating bezel for scrolling, app-switching, and other functions. But Samsung has replaced the rotating bezel with a digital or touch bezel on the Galaxy Watch 5, much to the dismay of fans. The touch bezel doesn’t move physically and works by running a finger along the edges of the screen, naturally lacking a physical bezel’s precision and tactile feel. And it certainly doesn’t make navigation as convenient as the Apple Watch’s Digital Crown.
The rotating Digital Crown is iconic for its ultra-smooth, satisfying, and intuitive navigation experience. At the Apple September Event in 2014, Tim Cook discussed Apple’s powerful user interface innovations over the decades, like the iPod’s click-wheel or the iPhone’s multi-touch, before revealing the Apple Watch and its Digital Crown.
The Crown has come a long way since then and boasts versatile functionality: rotation, holding, single-press, double-press, triple-press, and long-press make interaction a breeze. You also have continuous haptic feedback when rotating the Crown, ensuring a deeply tactile experience that makes you want to rely on the Crown over using touch wherever possible.3. Navigate more precisely with L5 GPS
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 and Pro have the same GPS specs as the Galaxy Watch 4: GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BDS (BeiDou). The Apple Watch Ultra features L1 and L5 GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, QZSS, and BeiDou. To understand the difference, let’s look at what these systems are.
GPS, which is Global Positioning System, is the U.S. government’s satellite-based navigation system with 31 satellites in its roster. GLONASS is Russia’s satellite navigation system with 22 satellites, Galileo’s the EU’s navigation system with 24 satellites, QZSS is Japan’s satellite system with 5 satellites, and BeiDou or BDS is China’s with 35 satellites.
Signals from so many satellites ensure you receive accurate location tracking across the globe, but these satellites transmit signals at varying frequencies or bands. L1 is the oldest band, and most devices use this. Although pretty accurate, it’s not great at receiving signals through obstacles like buildings, mountains, bridges, and trees.
The L5, however, is a newer signal that’s more accurate than L1, especially in denser environments like cities. Combining the L1 and L5 bands results in superior GPS tracking — ideal if you require consistent GPS accuracy or live in a place with poor GPS coverage.4. Dive 100 meters under water with EN 13319 compliance
Most smartwatches, including the Galaxy Watch 5, are water-resistant and can be worn for swimming. The Watch 5 and Pro have 5ATM water resistance, so they can withstand pressure even 50 meters underwater and submersion for up to 30 minutes in 1.5 meters of water. However, they can’t hold a candle to Apple Watch Ultra’s scuba diving prowess.
The Ultra’s water-resistant up to 100 meters (328 feet), but its sensors can only measure depth up to 40 meters (131 feet). Since recreational diving has a depth limit of 30 to 40 meters, the Ultra is suitable for casual divers, and its EN 13319 rating makes it a fully compliant diving accessory. Although people claim to have used the Galaxy Watch 5 while diving, it’s best not to risk it because Samsung’s warranty doesn’t cover water damage.
The Ultra’s advanced water resistance makes it suitable for high-speed water sports, like water skiing, wakeboarding, and tubing. You can measure the water temperature, depth, and duration underwater with Ultra’s Depth app. But the app doesn’t convert the Ultra into a dive computer — you’ll need a subscription to the Oceanic+ app for that. Apple collaborated with Huish Outdoors, a leading scuba-tech company, to design Oceanic+. It gives you information like, no-decompression time, decompression stop, ascent speed, safety stop guidance, and gas analysis, among other essential information for diving.5. Be the most rugged, hold the most data
Samsung’s Galaxy Watch 5 Pro is the most rugged in Samsung’s smartwatch lineup. It has an IP68 and 5ATM rating to withstand swimming and water immersion and a sapphire crystal glass that offers 60% more scratch resistance than the previous model. The watch’s raised titanium case adds durability and bolsters display protection.
But the Apple Watch Ultra is in its own durability league. It, too, has a titanium case for a sturdy but not heavy build, and the case’s raised edges protect the sapphire crystal display. The Ultra boasts 100-meter water resistance and an IP6X rating, meaning it’s fully dustproof. It’s suitable for diving and has been tested to MIL-STD-810H standards, which is military-grade testing against 28 environmental tests, including extreme temperatures, solar radiation, ballistic shock, and sand and dust.
The Apple Watch 8 and Ultra also have 32 GB storage, which is twice the amount the Galaxy Watches offer, making it handy for storing music, voice memos, podcasts, audiobooks, and apps.6. Have the most casing options
Apple Watches have more case material options than the Galaxy Watch 5, which is available in a lightweight aluminum case, and the Pro, which has a sturdier titanium case.
The Apple Watch 8 has aluminum and stainless steel case material options, while the Ultra’s only available in a titanium casing. When choosing a case material, you must account for factors like weight, pricing, aesthetics, and durability.
The 100% recycled aluminum case is the lightest and least expensive of the three options. It weighs around 10 grams less than the stainless steel case, and the 49mm titanium model weighs 10 grams more than the heaviest stainless steel case. Aluminum is an excellent option if you prefer to work out with the watch without feeling the excess weight on your wrists. The stainless steel case options are at least $170 more expensive than the aluminum models, and the titanium model is $400 pricier than the cheapest aluminum one.
Regarding style, the budget aluminum models trail behind the shiny, premium stainless-steel models. Titanium looks stunning, but the stainless-steel models ooze class and will likely grab more eyeballs. As for durability, aluminum is the softest of the three materials, so it finishes last. Stainless steel is more durable, but its mirror-like finish makes scratches more evident. The Titanium case comes in first, boasting max durability, and it won’t reveal blemishes as clearly as the stainless steel case.7. Call with higher quality audio and work with the Action Button
Both the Galaxy Watch 5 and Pro have an inbuilt microphone and speaker to receive and answer calls on them, similar to the Apple Watch 8. But the Ultra outclasses all of them thanks to its triple microphone array with a beamforming algorithm to reduce ambient sounds and accurately capture your voice. The Ultra also employs a superior wind noise mitigation algorithm to ensure solid call clarity even in acoustically challenging spaces.
What about the speakers on the Ultra? It has dual speakers 40% louder than the Watch 8 — excellent even in noisy environments.
The Galaxy Watches have two buttons (home and back) that you can customize to streamline your smartwatch experience. The Apple Watch 8 has a Digital Crown and a side button that let you input commands quickly. But the Ultra takes ease-of-use to the next level with an additional button — the Action button, which gives you swift access to apps, tools, and shortcuts. You can program it to start a workout, dive, stopwatch, shortcut, or flashlight, or set a waypoint and backtrack. Pressing the Action button with the side button lets you input more commands while reducing the need to touch the screen, and its function changes based on the app that’s open, making it superbly versatile and convenient.8. Deliver crash detection and a siren
The Galaxy Watches can detect hard falls and send out an SOS within 60 seconds of detecting a fall. Apple Watch 8 and Ultra have fall detection, too, but they also have crash detection — invaluable if you’re in a car crash. Their high-g accelerometers detect up to 256 g-forces, and with advanced three-axis gyroscopes, the devices can detect the brief moment of impact. Following this, the Watches initiate an SOS call to local emergency services within twenty seconds and notify your emergency contacts with your GPS location.
The crash detection feature can identify a variety of dangerous crashes like front and side-impact collisions and rollovers. Apple states that they developed this feature with more than a million hours of real-world crash data, making it accurate and reliable.
In addition, the Ultra has a loud 86-decibel siren that people can hear from up to 600 feet away. It alternates between two high-pitched sounds that sound like distress signals, and you can activate the siren in a few steps using either the Action button or the side button.9. Track fertility and run high-end first-party apps
Hardware aside, for a solid smartwatch experience, you need lots of useful apps. The Apple WatchOS overtakes the Galaxy Wear OS in this regard, especially with its roster of dependable first-party apps.
Wear OS lacks a dedicated Gmail app, and although you can view notifications on your Galaxy Watch, you can’t perform basic tasks like browsing your inbox. The calendar app on Wear OS (Agenda) only shows a calendar view for the next three days, which isn’t convenient. Apple’s robust WatchOS apps make accessing information through your smartwatch convenient, reducing the need to bring out your smartphone. Some of these apps include Mail, Photos, News, Stocks, Podcasts, Cycle Tracking, and Remote.
The Apple and Galaxy smartwatches have temperature sensors to aid in fertility tracking accurately, but the latter lacks this feature because it’s still in development.
Apple Watches have two temperature sensors, one on the back of the watch (touching your skin) and another under the display. This arrangement separates your body temperature clearly from the outside environment, leading to high-accuracy readings that can detect even 0.1-degree Celsius changes. The sensors record your temperature every five seconds while you’re asleep to give you a picture of your basal body temperature, which is needed to estimate ovulation precisely.

Повестки – независимо от места учета. Кабмин расширил полномочия территориальных центров комплектования


Кабинет Министров Украины расширил полномочия территориальных центров комплектования и социальной поддержки. Об этом.
Кабинет Министров Украины расширил полномочия территориальных центров комплектования и социальной поддержки. Об этом идет речь в постановлении правительства от 7 апреля, опубликованном на сайте Кабмина.
Согласно документу, Кабмин внес в постановление о положении о ТЦК изменения, касающиеся задач и функций центров. 
Правительство сняло с территориальных центров задачу по подготовке и ведению территориальной обороны. 
Абзац 11 пункта 9 положения правительство изменило и изложило таким образом: 
„Территориальные центры комплектования и социальной поддержки в соответствии с возложенными на них задачами […] осуществляют мероприятия оповещения и призыва граждан (кроме военнообязанных и резервистов СБУ и Службы внешней разведки): на военную службу по призыву лиц офицерского состава; на военную службу по призыву лиц из числа резервистов в особый период (причисленных к военному оперативному резерву); на военную службу по призыву во время мобилизации, на особый период (независимо от места их пребывания на военном учете)“. 
Ранее в этом абзаце формулировка была, что ТЦК „осуществляют мероприятия по призыву граждан на военную службу по призыву лиц офицерского состава, на военную службу по призыву во время мобилизации, на особый период, и на военную службу по призыву лиц из числа резервистов в особый период“. 
Также согласно изменениям, правительство дополнило новым абзацом пункт 14 о полномочиях руководителя ТЦК.
Теперь начальники центров ответственны также за проведение мероприятий по мер оповещении и призыву граждан на военную службу по призыву из числа резервистов в особый период (причисленных к военному оперативному резерву) и на военную службу по призыву во время мобилизации, на особый период, в соответствии с порядком мобилизационного развертывания, определенного Минобороны и Генеральным штабом Вооруженных сил, а также на военную службу по призыву лиц офицерского состава.

‘Stranger Things’ Star Millie Bobby Brown Announces She’s Engaged at 19, Much to Her Fans’ Surprise


Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi are engaged.
Millie Bobby Brown shocked the world when she announced she was engaged at the age of 19 to her longterm boyfriend, Jake Bongiovi.
Yes, Bongiovi as in Jon Bon Jovi – he’s the iconic rock musician’s son.
The Stranger Things and Enola Holmes actress announced the news on Instagram with a black-and-white photo of herself and her now-fiancé. A diamond engagement ring can be seen on her left ring finger.
“I’ve loved you three summers now, honey, I want ’em all,” she wrote in the caption, citing lyrics from Taylor Swift’s song “Lover.”
The photo now boasts 5.6 million likes and almost 40,000 comments from fans and celebrities alike wishing the couple well.
Bongiovi, 20, also shared the news on his own Instagram, which he captioned, “Forever.”
A post shared by Millie Bobby Brown (@milliebobbybrown)
The couple have appeared on red carpet multiple times over the years, including at her international premieres for Stranger Things Season 4 and the Enola Holmes 2 in 2022.
The pair have also been spotted hanging out with her Stranger Things co-star Noah Schnapp, with whom Brown is very close.
A post shared by @jakebongiovi
Jamie Campbell Bower, who played Vecna in Stranger Things Season 4, commented on Bongiovi’s post with heart emojis.
Though many fans flocked to their comments to wish the young couple well, others on social media were shocked by their engagement. So much so, the phrase “She’s 19” was soon trending on Twitter with over 10,000 tweets.
“This is cute but she’s 19, she hasn’t had three summers as an adult,” one person tweeted, referring to Brown’s photo caption.
Others defended the couple, citing how close they are in age. “She’s 19. He’s 20. It’s a normal relationship and whether she’s ready or not is none of our business???” another fan wrote. “She’s been working and sacrificed a normal teenage life for her career in front of the world, I’d imagine that changes how mature you are compared to the average 19 year old.”
Luckily, her engagement isn’t getting in the way of her promising acting career.
Brown started her career at the young age of 12 on Stranger Things. The actress’s next movie Damsel, starring Robin Wright and Nick Robinson, is now in post-production.
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12th Gen Intel Core processor-powered laptops for around Rs 60,000 on Croma


Here’s a look at some of the best 12th Gen Intel Core processor-powered laptops that you can get for around Rs 60,000 on Croma
While Intel may have already released its 13th generation of Core processors for laptops, the 12th generation is still a very viable option for buyers. If you’re in the market for a laptop that can handle demanding tasks like gaming, video editing, or running multiple applications simultaneously, you might want to consider one of the 12th Gen Intel Core processor-powered laptops. In this article, we’ve rounded up some of the best laptops equipped with these processors that you can get for around Rs 60,000. So, let’s dive in and explore the options.Things to consider when buying a 12th Intel Core processor-powered laptop
Processor variant: While 12th Gen Intel Core processors offer improved performance compared to their predecessors, it’s important to consider the specific variant of the processor that fits your budget and performance needs. At this price range, you may not be able to get your hands on a Core i7 or a Core i9. However, the Core i5 and Core i3 will still offer impressive levels of performance for their asking price.
RAM and storage: The amount of RAM and storage you need depends on your usage requirements. Look for a laptop with at least 8GB of RAM and a solid-state drive (SSD) with sufficient storage for your needs. If you need more storage, consider a laptop with a hybrid drive or simply get an external hard disk.
Graphics card: A dedicated graphics card can significantly improve the performance of your laptop, especially for gaming or graphic-intensive applications. However, at this price range, most laptops will only offer an integrated GPU. However, Intel’s new Xenon series of iGPUs are quite impressive on its own.
Display quality: The display is a crucial component of any laptop, and it’s important to consider factors like resolution, colour accuracy, and screen size. If you plan to use the laptop for gaming or graphic design, look for a laptop with a high-resolution display and a high refresh rate, but keep in mind that this may increase the cost of the laptop.12th Gen Intel Core processor-powered laptops for around Rs 60,000
The Dell Inspiron series is known for offering something for everyone. The Inspiron 3520 is no different. This particular variant packs a 12th Gen Intel Core i5 processor which is paired with 8GB of RAM. You also get a 15.6-inch Full HD display that balances immersion and portability. Finally, there is also a 512GB SSD for storage.
The Lenovo Ideapad 3 offers extra RAM, which is always a good thing. It too packs a 12th Gen Intel Core i5 processor, but it comes with 16GB of RAM. This should ensure an even smoother use and better multitasking performance. Other features include a 15.6-inch FHD display and a 512GB SSD for storage.
This Dell Inspiron 3520 is pretty much the same as the one we have already talked about. Albeit with one key difference. It offers a hybrid storage system with one 256GB SSD and a 1TB HDD. This means that the laptop is able to offer a lot of storage space without being too expensive. Frequently used applications could be loaded up in the SSD, while other files such as images, video, games and others could be stored in the slower, but more spacious HDD.
The HP 15s is a very compelling choice for someone looking for a good all-around laptop. You get a 12th Gen Intel Core i5 processor that is paired with 8GB of RAM. It also comes with a 15.6-inch panel size, that straddles the line between portability and immersion. The 512GB SSD ensures that applications and boot times remain super fast.
The Lenovo IdeaPad 3i laptop is another laptop that has something to offer for everyone. Aside from the 12th Gen Intel Core i5 processor, the laptop also offers 8GB of RAM and a 512GB SSD. In terms of display, you get a 15.6-inch FHD IPS panel, which should ensure enough flexibility when it comes to use cases.
Acer Aspire series tends to offer very impressive value and the Acer Aspire 5 is no different. It is powered by a 12th Gen Intel Core i5 processor with 12GB RAM. It also comes with a 512GB SSD. This makes it a very good option for those looking for a great value. Other features of the laptop include a 15.6-inch Full HD IPS display, which should be more than enough for most use cases.
The Asus VivoBook 15 is one of the more affordable options on this list. But it is not like you are getting anything less. You still get a 12th Gen Intel Core i5 processor that is paired with 8GB of RAM. In terms of display, you get a 15.6-inch FHD panel, which should satisfy most users. Storage is taken care of by a 512GB SSD.

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