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なでしこ連敗 世界ランク1位の米国に「一番手応え」も1発に泣く


サッカー女子の国際親善大会「シービリーブスカップ」は 、米テネシー州ナッシュビルで第2戦が行われ、世界ランキング11位の日本は同1位の米国に0―1で敗れ、2連敗となった。 の最終戦で東京五輪金メダルのカナダと対戦する。

松本零士さん 「弱音をはいてはならん」九州男児の気質が支え


「銀河鉄道999(スリーナイン)」「宇宙戦艦ヤマト」などで知られ、SFアニメブームの先駆けとなった漫画家の松本零士(まつもと・れいじ、本名・晟=あきら)さんが 、急性心不全で死去した。 
 松本さんは 、現在の福岡県久留米市生まれ。兵庫県などに移り住みながら48年、小学3年で小倉に。進駐軍の米兵が振りまくキャンディーやガムを意地になって踏みつぶした。

弾道ミサイル2発発射、北朝鮮に抗議 首相「安保理緊急会合を要請」


北朝鮮から弾道ミサイル2発が発射されたことについて、岸田文雄首相は 午前、首相官邸で記者団に「一昨日のICBM(大陸間弾道ミサイル)級の弾道ミサイル発射に続く北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル発射であるので、今、国連の安保理に対し、緊急会合の招集を要請している」と語った。

Denver Nuggets coach Michael Malone calls 2023 NBA All-Star Game 'worst basketball game ever played'


The 2023 NBA All-Star Game was filled with rim-rattling dunks and halfcourt shots. Boston Celtics star Jayson Tatum scored 55 points to break the All-Star game scoring record.
Fans enjoyed the flash plays and showed their approval as Team Giannis defeated Team LeBron 184-175 at the Vivint Arena in Salt Lake City.
But defense was clearly optional Sunday night, and it’s something that irked Denver Nuggets coach Michael Malone as he ripped the lack of competitive play in his postgame comments.
“It’s an honor to be here, it’s an honor to be a part of a great weekend, great players, but that is the worst basketball game ever played,” Malone said.
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Malone coached Team LeBron in the game. He mentioned that while some players showed effort, notably Philadelphia 76ers center Joel Embiid and Dallas Mavericks guard Kyrie Irving, he was turned off by the level of interest from both sides.
“They put on a show for the fans, but that is a tough game to sit through, I’m not going to lie,” Malone said.
Malone was not alone in his assertions. ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith echoed similar comments on “First Take” on Monday morning. He mentioned that players have shown more effort in summer pickup games.
“I applaud Coach Malone for highlighting the flagrant lack of effort,” Smith said. “… In basketball, they play in the summer leagues, they play in the offseason considerably harder than they played yesterday.”
The NBA has worked to improve the All-Star Game. In recent years, the league introduced the Elam Ending, which is popular in The Basketball Tournament, to create a competitive event.
However, Smith pointed out the issue remains with the overall level of play.
“There was no effort whatsoever,” Smith said. “What we should be able to see, other than dunks, we should not be able to look at a basketball game and know that anybody can be on the court with you based on the effort you are putting on display.
“It just reeks of arrogance and taking fans for granted.”
The 2024 All-Star Game will take place in Indianapolis.

Climate activists cleared of one charge after pink paint protest in London


The Extinction Rebellion co-founder Roger Hallam has been acquitted of conspiracy to damage property after taking part in a protest that involved throwing pink paint over several charity buildings.
The 56-year-old was cleared of the count along with three other protesters involved in demonstrations at the headquarters of Christian Aid, Amnesty International, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth on 21 July 2020.
Hallam and fellow activists Ryan Simmonds, 36, Holly Brentnall, 31, and Valerie Brown, 70, were each cleared by a jury at Wood Green crown court in north London – though all but Brown still face further allegations.
Hallam previously told the court that the quartet, who are part of the Burning Pink group, targeted the charities because they felt they were not doing enough to tackle climate change.
At each charity premises, they asked to hand in a letter before launching the paint and attaching copies of the letters to the buildings.
Nine environmental protesters have been cleared by the same jury of a separate count of conspiracy to damage property. This was in relation to a stunt in which they sprayed pink paint over the headquarters of the Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat and Green parties on or before 13 August 2020.
Simmonds and Brentnall were found not guilty of the charge, along with the Rev Steven Nunn, 58, Diana Warner, 63, Nicola Stickells, 52, Stefan Lindon, 59, Nicholas Cooper, 40, Genevieve Scherer, 76, and Richard Barnard, 50.
Some of the defendants stifled expressions of joy and embraced as the judge Andrew Holmes told the court: “Those who have been acquitted on the counts they are here for are free to go.”
Hallam, Brentnall, Cooper, Warner and Nunn will return to the same court on Tuesday over further charges relating to protests.

Biden’s visit to Ukraine draws criticism from conservative House Republicans


President Joe Biden’s surprise trip to Ukraine on Monday drew a range of attacks from congressional Republicans who criticized his support for the war-torn country and accused him of neglecting issues back at home.
“You should be standing with East Palestine —an American town in your own country that needs your help,” tweeted Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., in a reference to the Ohio town where a train derailment and chemical leak earlier this month caused thousands to be evacuated from their homes and has raised environmental concerns. 
Biden made a surprise visit to Ukraine in what the White House said was a show of support and solidarity for the country battling for its survival after Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded nearly a year ago. But Republicans sought to use the images to highlight their issues with Biden’s presidency. 
“When our border is in crisis, Joe Biden goes home to nap in Delaware. When Ohio burns with toxic chemicals, Biden’s admin says everything is fine. So on Presidents’ Day, I’m not surprised that Biden is ditching America for Ukraine. He ditched America’s interests since the start of his presidency. They can keep him!” tweeted Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla. 
The President’s Day criticism, much of which came as Biden was still in the warzone, echoed Republicans who have accused Biden of neglecting the U.S. Southern border and bearing some responsibility for the war in Ukraine. 
In January, Biden visited the U.S.-Mexico border, where there has been an influx of migrants from Central America seeking asylum. Biden hasn’t visited the site of the Ohio trail derailment, but federal officials were on the ground within hours of the accident and Environmental Protection Agency administrator Michael Regan was in East Palestine last week.
“So it takes two years for Joe Biden @POTUS to visit the war zone he created at our southern border, but then he goes to see another war zone he created in Ukraine,” tweeted Rep. Greg Murphy, R-N.C.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., who also tweeted a call Monday for parts of U.S. to secede, said the conflict has become a proxy war between the U.S. and China and should be ended immediately. 
“The U.S. support for war in Ukraine has been like a U.S. proxy war with Russia. But now it’s becoming more like a U.S.- China war through the Ukraine — Russia war. End it now!” tweeted Greene.
During his visit, Biden insisted that the U.S. will remain steadfast in its support of Ukraine, and announced an additional aid package worth $460 million, which will include more military equipment and weapons like anti-tank Javelin missiles.
“For all the disagreement we have in our Congress on some issues, there is significant agreement on support for Ukraine,” Biden said.

Biden Makes a Big Cameo in Kyiv


President Biden traveled by train to Kyiv, where he met with President Zelenskyy, walked around outside as air raid sirens blared, announced another $500 million in military aid, and vowed that the U.S. would continue to stand behind Ukraine.
President Joe Biden made a surprise, albeit not totally unexpected, appearance in Ukraine on Monday, where he vowed continued U.S. support and announced $500 million in additional military aid for the embattled country. The visit to the war zone started a half day before Biden had been scheduled to begin a foreign trip in neighboring Poland and less than a week before the first anniversary of the beginning of Russia’s invasion.
“One year later, Kyiv stands,” Biden declared after meeting with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy. “And Ukraine stands. Democracy stands. The Americans stand with you, and the world stands with you.” Zelenskyy thanked Biden for coming, calling it a “huge moment” for the country.
Biden added in a statement that the aim of the trip was to “reaffirm our unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s democracy, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.”
As we approach the anniversary of Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, I’m in Kyiv today to meet with President Zelenskyy and reaffirm our unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s democracy, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.— President Biden (@POTUS) February 20, 2023
Presidents Biden and Zelenskyy briefly walked around outside in Kyiv as air raid sirens blared in the background — on account of a Russian MiG having just taken off in Belarus armed with a hypersonic missile, the Ukrainian military said, but the city wasn’t attacked during the roughly five hours Biden was there. The White House had alerted Russia hours ahead of Biden’s arrival “for deconfliction purposes,” according to National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. Extra security measures were also put in place by Ukrainian authorities in the city before and during Biden’s visit.
Biden’s secret trip, the first ever by a U.S. president to an active war zone not occupied by American forces, took 10 hours by train from Poland, since Ukrainian airspace was deemed too risky for a flight. The White House had reportedly been planning for the possibility of the trip for months, though Biden didn’t make a final decision to go until Friday. Multiple other world leaders, including former British prime minister Boris Johnson, had already traveled to Ukraine since the invasion, as had top Biden aides and First Lady Jill Biden.
The president’s big symbolic visit comes as polls show the American public’s support for ongoing U.S. assistance to Ukraine — already $30 billion and counting, and now including a promise of battle tanks — has dropped off since last spring. Some Republicans in the now GOP-controlled House, including Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, are opposing the continued spending, while Donald Trump is claiming that only he can quickly end the conflict and stave off a nuclear apocalypse. Biden’s cameo in Kyiv also came less than two days after U.S. officials warned that China was considering sending so-called lethal aid to Russia for the first time.

US-Präsident Biden zu Besuch in Kiew


US-Präsident Joe Biden ist zu einem Besuch in der Ukraine eingetroffen.
Vor einem angekündigten Besuch in Polen kam Biden am Vormittag mit seiner Delegation in der Hauptstadt Kiew an. Er traf auch Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj. Beide gedachten gemeinsam der ukrainischen Gefallenen. Während des Aufenthalts gab es Luftalarm. Aus Sicherheitsgründen wurde die Reise lange Zeit geheimgehalten.
Kurz vor dem ersten Jahrestag des russischen Überfalls ist dies für Biden der erste Besuch in der Ukraine seit Kriegsbeginn. Russland war am 24. Februar 2022 in die Ukraine einmarschiert und führt seitdem einen brutalen Krieg gegen das Nachbarland. In den vergangenen Wochen war bereits spekuliert worden, dass Biden seine Reise nach Polen mit einem Besuch in der Ukraine verbinden könnte. Das Weiße Haus hatte mehrfach erklärt, das sei nicht geplant. Hochrangige Reisen in Krisengebiete werden allerdings üblicherweise bis zum letzten Moment geheimgehalten.
Zahlreiche Staats- und Regierungschefs sowie Minister aus anderen Ländern hatten die Ukraine in den vergangenen Monaten seit Kriegsbeginn bereits besucht – einige auch mehrfach. Auch aus den USA waren bereits mehrere Regierungsmitglieder dort, ebenso Bidens Ehefrau Jill. Als Präsident war Biden bisher noch nie in der Ukraine. Für ihn gelten generell deutlich höhere Sicherheitsanforderungen.
Dass er seinen Besuch nun unmittelbar vor den ersten Jahrestag des Kriegsausbruches legte, hat hohen Symbolwert – als Zeichen der Unterstützung des wichtigsten und mächtigsten Verbündeten. In den vergangenen Monaten hatten die Amerikaner in rasanter Abfolge diverse Pakete mit Waffen und Munition in milliardenschwerem Umfang auf den Weg gebracht. Nach Angaben des Pentagons haben die USA der Ukraine seit Kriegsbeginn militärische Hilfe im Umfang von fast 30 Milliarden US-Dollar bereitgestellt oder zugesagt. Dazu gehören auch verschiedene schwere Waffensysteme.
Biden und seine Regierung haben der Ukraine zugesichert, ihr auch langfristig beizustehen – solange es nötig sei. Dies hatte die US-Regierungszentrale auch als Kernbotschaft für Bidens Besuch in Polen ausgegeben. Nun überbrachte er diese persönlich in Kiew.
Am Dienstag und Mittwoch plant Biden Gespräche in der polnischen Hauptstadt Warschau. Vorgesehen sind nach Angaben des Weißen Hauses ein Treffen mit Polens Präsident Andrzej Duda sowie eine Rede vor dem Warschauer Königsschloss. Am Mittwoch will Biden zudem mit Vertretern weiterer osteuropäischer NATO-Staaten zusammenkommen.
Der US-Präsident hatte Polen zuletzt Ende März 2022 besucht, rund einen Monat nach Ausbruch des Kriegs in der Ukraine. Schon damals hatte Biden vor dem Warschauer Königsschloss eine viel beachtete Rede gehalten. Darin versicherte er der Ukraine Beistand und griff den russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin scharf an.

核の脅威に「慣れた」世界のその先 侵攻の出口に待つ矛盾とジレンマ


ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻が始まってから、 で1年を迎えます。この1年間、世界は「核の脅威」に改めて向き合ってきました。侵攻の出口は、見えるのか。ロシアによる核の脅しは、世界にどのような影響を与えたのか。核を含む軍縮・軍備管理に詳しい秋山信将・一橋大教授に聞きました。侵攻の出口を探るうえで、国際社会はひとつの矛盾とひとつのジレンマに直面すると説きます。

Russell Westbrook plans to sign with LA Clippers, agent says


Nine-time All-Star guard Russell Westbrook plans to sign with the LA Clippers, his agent Jeff Schwartz told ESPN.
After completing a contract buyout, nine-time All-Star guard Russell Westbrook plans to sign with the LA Clippers, his agent, Jeff Schwartz of Excel Sports, told ESPN.
Once Westbrook and the Utah Jazz complete the buyout on the remaining $47 million owed on his expiring deal, the former NBA MVP will clear waivers and return to Los Angeles — this time with the Clippers.
The Clippers became increasingly interested with Westbrook as team officials, including coach Ty Lue and president of basketball operations Lawrence Frank, dug into a series of conversations with Westbrook, sources said. Those discussions centered on Westbrook’s willingness to fit into a clear and specific role with the Clippers built around his playmaking, rebounding and toughness, sources said.
Westbrook, 34, joins a Clippers core that has championship aspirations and includes his former Thunder teammate Paul George.
Westbrook had discussed deals with the Chicago Bulls, Washington Wizards and Miami Heat in recent days, but the chance to compete for a championship and remain in Los Angeles played a significant part in his decision to choose the Clippers, sources said.
The Los Angeles Lakers traded Westbrook and a 2027 first-round round pick to the Jazz as part of a three-team deal on Wednesday. After a tumultuous season-plus with the Lakers, Westbrook took time to decompress and consider his possibilities. Westbrook embraced a sixth-man role for the Lakers, averaging 15.9 points, 6.2 rebounds and 7.5 assists in 28.7 minutes per game.
Jazz CEO Danny Ainge, GM Justin Zanik and coach Will Hardy told Westbrook on Friday that they would welcome him reporting to the team, but the organization is prioritizing and playing its younger players and they would make no assurances on minutes or role size, sources said.

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