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Трамп заявил о готовности помогать в разрешении конфликта на востоке Украины


NewsHubВ ходе разговора с президентом Украины Петром Порошенко президент США Дональд Трамп заявил, что готов помочь Украине, России и другим вовлеченным сторонам в установлении мира на границе, сообщает агентство Reuters со ссылкой на заявление, сделанное пресс-службой Белого дома.
Трамп заявил, что готов работать и с официальным Киевом, и с официальной Москвой для того, чтобы разрешить конфликт на востоке Украины.
Вечером 4 февраля Порошенко провел телефонный разговор с Трампом. Собеседники обсудили вопросы укрепления стратегического партнерства между Украиной и США и урегулирование ситуации на Донбассе.
Кроме того, во время разговора обсуждался предстоящий визит Порошенко в Вашингтон, для подготовки которого в США поедет министр иностранных дел Украины, сообщили в Администрации Президента Украины.

Similarity rank: 9.9

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/worldnews/tramp-zayavil-o-gotovnosti-pomogat-v-razreshenii-konflikta-na-vostoke-ukrainy-172401.html
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Court denies Justice Department's request to immediately restore travel ban ‹ Japan Today


A federal appeals court denied early Sunday the Justice Department’s request for an immediate reinstatement of President Donald Trump’s ban on accepting certain travelers and all refugees.
The Trump administration appealed a temporary order restraining the ban nationwide, saying late Saturday night that the federal judge in Seattle overreached by “second-guessing” the president on a matter of national security.
Now the higher court’s denial of an immediate stay means the legal battles over the ban will continue for days at least. The 9th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco asked challengers of the ban respond to the appeal, and for the Justice Department to file a counter-response by Monday afternoon.
Acting Solicitor General Noel Francisco forcefully argued Saturday night that the president alone has the power to decide who can enter or stay in the United States — an assertion that appeared to invoke the wider battle to come over illegal immigration.
“The power to expel or exclude aliens is a fundamental sovereign attribute, delegated by Congress to the executive branch of government and largely immune from judicial control,” the brief says.
Earlier Saturday, the government officially suspended the ban’s enforcement in compliance with order of the order of U. S. District Judge James Robart. It marks an extraordinary setback for the new president, who only a week ago acted to suspend America’s refugee program and halt immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries the government said raise terrorism concerns.
Trump, meanwhile, mocked Robart, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, calling him a “so-called judge” whose “ridiculous” ruling “will be overturned.”
“Because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into our country. A terrible decision,” he tweeted.
Trump’s direct attack recalled his diatribes during the campaign against the federal judge of Mexican heritage who oversaw lawsuits alleging fraud by Trump University, and may prompt some tough questions as these challenges rise through the courts.
But the government’s brief repeatedly asserts that presidential authority cannot be questioned by judges once the nation’s security is invoked.
Congress “vests complete discretion in the President” to impose conditions on alien entry, so Trump isn’t legally required to justify such decisions, it says. His executive order said the ban is necessary for “protecting against terrorism,” and that “is sufficient to end the matter.”
The Justice Department asked that the federal judge’s order be stayed pending resolution of the appeal, so that the ban can “ensure that those approved for admission do not intend to harm Americans and that they have no ties to terrorism.”
The order had caused unending confusion for many foreigners trying to reach the United States, prompted protests across the United States and led to multiple court challenges. Demonstrations took place outside the White House, in New York and near his estate in Palm Beach, Florida, where Trump was attending the annual American Red Cross fundraising gala.
“We’ll win,” Trump told reporters Saturday night. “For the safety of the country, we’ll win.”
The State Department, after initially saying that as many as 60,000 foreigners from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen had their visas canceled, reversed course on Saturday and said they could travel to the U. S. if they had a valid visa.
The department on Saturday advised refugee aid agencies that refugees set to travel before Trump signed his order will now be allowed in. A State Department official said in an email obtained by The Associated Press that the government was “focusing on booking refugee travel” through Feb. 17 and working to have arrivals resume as soon as Monday.
The Homeland Security Department no longer was directing airlines to prevent visa-holders affected by Trump’s order from boarding U. S.-bound planes. The agency said it had “suspended any and all actions” related to putting in place Trump’s order.
Hearings have also been held in court challenges nationwide. Washington state and Minnesota argued that the temporary ban and the global suspension of the U. S. refugee program harmed residents and effectively mandated discrimination.
In his written order Friday, Robart said it’s not the court’s job to “create policy or judge the wisdom of any particular policy promoted by the other two branches,” but rather, to make sure that an action taken by the government “comports with our country’s laws.”
The Justice Department countered that “judicial second-guessing of the President’s national security determination in itself imposes substantial harm on the federal government and the nation at large.”
Robart’s order also imposes harm on U. S. citizens “by thwarting the legal effect of the public’s chosen representative,” it says.
Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Similarity rank: 1.5

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/world/view/court-denies-trump-request-to-immediately-restore-travel-ban
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Трамп намерен содействовать восстановлению мира в Украине – Белый дом


NewsHub“Мы будем работать с Украиной, Россией и всеми заинтересованными сторонами, чтобы помочь им восстановить мир вдоль границы”, – сказал Трамп в телефонной беседе с президентом Украины Петром Порошенко.
Стороны также обсудили вопрос о возможности личной встречи в ближайшее время.
Ранее сообщалось, что Порошенко провел телефонный разговор с Трампом .

Similarity rank: 8.7

© Source: http://zn.ua/POLITICS/tramp-nameren-sodeystvovat-vosstanovleniyu-mira-v-ukraine-belyy-dom-238141_.html
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All you need to know about the 'so-called judge' who blocked Donald Trump's travel ban


NewsHubThe US judge derided by Donald Trump on Twitter after blocking the president’s executive order on immigration is known for his conservative legal views.
Judge James Robart has a record of helping disadvantaged children that includes fostering six of them, and for dramatically declaring “black lives matter” during a hearing on police reform in 2015.
The 69-year-old was appointed to the bench by President George W Bush in 2004, following a distinguished 30-year career in private practice, and has donated to the Republican Party.
He made the most high-profile ruling of his tenure on Friday when he temporarily invalidated Mr Trump’s ban on travel to the US from seven primarily Muslim nations.
The ruling did not sit well with the president, who on Twitter called him a “so-called judge” and the ruling “ridiculous”.
The president later falsely claimed the decision meant “anyone, even with bad intentions, can come into US”.
The comments are unlikely to sway Judge Robart, said those who know him.
“Jim will give a wry smile, maybe adjust his bowtie a little bit and go back to doing his business,” said former Seattle US attorney John McKay, who worked with Judge Robart for a decade at the law firm of Lane Powell Spears Lubersky.
“He’s a very careful judge, and he’s conservative in the sense he looks at the law and tries to determine what that is, not what he wants.
“He’s conservative in his review of the law, but courageous in his application of it. ”
Another former Seattle US attorney, Jenny Durkan, called Judge Robart exacting.
She said: “We won some in front of him and we lost some in front of him, but we knew any time we walked into his courtroom we’d better be prepared. ”
That was evident on Friday when the judge grilled Justice Department lawyer Michelle Bennett.
He asked if foreign nationals from the seven countries named in the order had been arrested for plots in the US since 9/11, and she said she did not know.
“The answer to that is none, best I can tell,” Judge Robart said.
“You’re here arguing on behalf of someone that says we have to protect the United States from these individuals coming from these countries, and there’s no support for that. ”
The judge, a graduate of Georgetown Law School, is an expert in patent and intellectual property law.
He is considered a tough sentencing judge in criminal matters, especially in cases involving white-collar defendants.
And he has overseen reforms at the Seattle Police Department since 2012, when it agreed to make changes in response to Justice Department findings that its officers were too quick to use force, especially in low-level situations.
Judge Robart was holding a hearing in that case in summer 2015 – a time fraught with tension over violence by and against police officers around the country – when he surprised the courtroom by adopting the mantra of protesters.
“The importance of this issue to me is best demonstrated by the news,” he said.
“According to FBI statistics, police shootings resulting in death involve 41% black people, despite being only 20pc of the population living in those cities, 41pc of the casualties, 20pc of the population: Black lives matter. ”
He donated to the state Republican party and candidates before becoming a judge, but was picked for the bench with the help of a bipartisan selection panel.

Similarity rank: 10
Sentiment rank: -1.3

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/all-you-need-to-know-about-the-socalled-judge-who-blocked-donald-trumps-travel-ban-35424635.html
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Штаб АТО: Боевики из "Градов" обстреляли Новозвановку


NewsHubВ субботу, 4 февраля, представители незаконных вооруженных формирований произвели 51 обстрел украинских позиций в зоне проведения антитеррористической операции. Об этом сообщает пресс-центр штаба АТО на своей странице в Facebook.
По полученным данным, на донецком направлении противник применил в районе Каменки и Авдеевки танки и БМП.
“Из артиллерии 152-мм калибра били в Новолуганском, в из 82-мм и 120-мм минометов – в Авдеевке и Зайцеве”, – говорится в сообщении.
Стоит отметить, что на мариупольском направлении огонь открывали в районе Чермалыка, Широкино, Красногоровки, Павлополя, Водяного и Талаковки из минометов различных калибров и гранатометов.
“По Чермалыку стреляли из танков и ПТРК”, – говорится в сообщении.
“На луганском направлении с РСЗО БМ-21 “Град” стреляли в Новозвановке. Из минометов различных калибров били по Богуславскому, Попасной и Новозвановке. Также в Попасной работал снайпер. В Желтом боевики стреляли огонь из стрелкового оружия”, – сообщили в штабе.
При этом в пресс-центре подчеркнули, что около 17:30 боевики попытались штурмовать украинские позиции в районе Авдеевской промышленной зоны. Противник бил из 152-мм орудий и 120-мм минометов.
“Атака боевиков была отбита и они вынуждены были отступить”, – отметили в штабе.
Как сообщал MIGnews.com.ua, в Министерстве обороны Украины сообщили, что по Авдеевке было выпущено более 7500 боеприпасов .

Similarity rank: 10.9

© Source: http://mignews.com.ua/proisshestviya/16597738.html
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ЄС продовжить санкції проти громадян РФ і України ще на півроку, – Bloomberg


NewsHubВ Єврпопейському союзі планують продовжити дії персональних санкцій у відношенні 100 громадян Росії та України ще на півроку. Про це повідомляє Bloomberg , посилаючись на чиновників у Брюсселі.
Як повідомили джерела агентства, в числі тих, хто потрапив під санкції, фігурують бізнесмен і співвласник СМП Банку Аркадій Ротенберг і найбільший акціонер банку “Росія” Юрій Ковальчук.
Європейський союз має намір продовжити санкції у середині березня цього року, зазначає агентство.
Санкції ЄС проти громадян Росії і України були введені в 2014 році після приєднання Криму до Росії, після чого були посилені черех бойові дії на сході України. Зокрема, вони передбачають заборону на в’їзд на територію Євросоюзу і заморожування активів.
Нагадаємо, Трамп запевнив Тимошенко, що не скасує санкції проти РФ.

Similarity rank: 5.3

© Source: https://www.rbc.ua/ukr/news/es-prodlit-sanktsii-protiv-grazhdan-rf-ukrainy-1486266014.html
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Мін'юст США оскаржив призупинення мігрантського указу Трампа


NewsHubПро це повідомляє ВВС.
Про намір оскаржити це рішення міністерство заявило незабаром після його прийняття. У Білому домі також заявили, що вважають указ правомірним, доцільним і спрямованим на захист країни і її жителів.

Similarity rank: 10

© Source: http://espreso.tv/news/2017/02/05/minyust_ssha_oskarzhyv_pryzupynennya_migraciynogo_ukazu_trampa
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Конгресмени США внесли на розгляд законопроект на підтримку України


NewsHubНовий проект закону має назву: “Щодо стримування, відвернення та припинення російської агресії в Україні, допомоги демократичним перетворенням в Україні, а також інших цілей”.
Відомо, що документ був внесений на розгляд Палати представників 2 лютого конгресменом-республіканцем Енгелом Елліотом.
Згідно з процедурою, законопроект відправлений на обговорення до комітетів з питань міжнародних справ, фінансів, у юридичних справах та бюджетних питань.
Текст нового проекту закону поки не оприлюднений на офіційних джерелах. Водночас, повідомляється, що він є ідентичним STAND for Ukraine Act.
Нагадаємо, “The STAND for Ukraine Act” передбачав на законодавчому рівні посилення санкцій стосовно Російської Федерації.

Similarity rank: 7.6

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1641543-kongresmeni-ssha-vnesli-na-rozglyad-zakonoproekt-na-pidtrimku-ukrayini
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SPD: Seehofer hofft mit Trump-Äußerung auf AfD-Stimmen


NewsHubVor dem Unionstreffen in München hat SPD-Generalsekretärin Katarina Barley die CDU vor Zugeständnissen an die CSU in der Flüchtlingspolitik gewarnt. Der Streit ums Asylrecht sei nur einer von vielen Konflikten zwischen den Unionsparteien, sagte Barley den Zeitungen des Redaktionsnetzwerks Deutschland. Dies könne im Wahljahr noch “richtig bitter” für die CDU-Vorsitzende und Kanzlerkandidatin Angela Merkel werden. “Es ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass ihr die CSU wenige Wochen vor der Wahl die Gefolgschaft aufkündigt. ”
Barley warf CSU-Parteichef Horst Seehofer vor, er habe mit bewundernden Worten über US-Präsident Donald Trump auf Stimmen von der AfD gehofft. “Da kann Frau Merkel nicht mitmachen, ohne ihre eigene Politik zu verraten. ” Seehofer hatte sich zunächst lobend über das Arbeitstempo des neuen US-Präsidenten geäußert, später aber auch das von Donald Trump verhängte Einreiseverbot für viele Muslime kritisiert.
Seehofer sei “keine Forderung zu flach und reißerisch genug, um sich bei AfD-Wählern anzubiedern”, kritisierte die SPD-Politikerin. Der CSU-Vorsitzende provoziere ganz bewusst. “Damit spielt er den Feinden unserer Demokratie in die Hände” und mache “rechte Ressentiments in der Mitte der Gesellschaft salonfähig”, kritisierte Barley.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/regionales/id_80274900/spd-seehofer-hofft-mit-trump-aeusserung-auf-afd-stimmen.html
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A 13-year-old girl was killed by a fast-turning ride in China


NewsHubA 13-year-old girl has died Friday at the Chaohua amusement park in Fengdu county, China, after being flung out of a fast-turning ride. The teenager has been filmed clinging on to the fairground ride before she was thrown to the ground. The girl was pronounced dead at hospital following failed resuscitation attempts. An initial investigation showed her seatbelt had broken and a passenger safety bar did not fit tightly enough.
At the “Travel Through Space” ride seats repeatedly spun round 360 degrees. The ride had passed a routine quality inspection in December. The West China Metropolis Daily reported Sunday that the girl’s family had reached a compensation agreement with the park for their only child’s death amounting to 870,000 yuan ($127,000). The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine said that it had asked Chongqing authorities to suspend all the park’s large amusement facilities to “carry out checks and eliminate hidden dangers. ” The same the same “Travel Through Space” ride across the country were stopped to be verified. Other ride accidents occurred in China in the past.

Sentiment rank: -23.2

© Source: http://www.roundnews.com/world/asia/5668-a-13-year-old-girl-was-killed-by-a-fast-turning-ride-in-china.html
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