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Mexicans Want Their President To Cancel His U. S. Trip Because Of Trump's Wall


NewsHubMexicans want their president to cancel his trip to the United States after Donald Trump signed an executive order to start construction on the border wall Wednesday.
(Photo: YURI CORTEZ/AFP/Getty Images)
Enrique Peña Nieto is scheduled to visit the president in Washington next week along with the country’s foreign minister, but according to a new report in the Washington Post , officials and politicians from his country are calling on him to cancel because of Trump’s “slap in the face.”
“The welcome that the Mexican government envoys are receiving is slamming the door on their noses,” former presidential candidate Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas told the Post in a statement.
“It seems to me that the least that could be done in these conditions is to not attend, to cancel the visit to the United States as a matter of dignity for Mexico.”
A former foreign minister and potential presidential candidate also echoed Cárdenas’s statement.
(Photo: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP/Getty Images)
On Wednesday, Trump signed two executive orders meant to reinforce the Mexican border and curtail immigration. One focuses on building the wall along the Mexican border along with expanding resources for the Department of Homeland Security and U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
The other will strip federal grant money from sanctuary cities, which do not prosecute illegal immigrants, and restore the “Secure Communities Program.” (RELATED: Donald Trump Will Sign Two Executive Orders Related To Immigration Today. Here’s What They Are.)

Similarity rank: 22
Sentiment rank: 2.5

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/25/mexicans-want-their-president-to-cancel-his-u-s-trip-because-of-trumps-wall/
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Hollywood’s Greatest Trick


NewsHubVisual effects artists have created some of the most iconic moments in movie history — unforgettable scenes that transport us not only to other worlds, but to another place in our own lives. They have pushed the boundaries of what was thought possible… and turned our wildest dreams into spellbinding images — all with such skill, we sometimes forget it’s an illusion.
The top 10 highest grossing films of 2016 garnered over $9 billion, and all contained that one ingredient essential to monumental global box office success: Computer Generated Imagery.
To convince us these visual effects artists share in this success and that golden statuettes are not the magicians’ only reward — That’s Hollywood’s greatest trick of all.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/national/article128729769.html
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19 things wrong with Daniel Hannan’s tweet about the women’s march PMQs review: Jeremy Corbyn caught out by Theresa May’s promise to publish Brexit plan


NewsHubSince Daniel Hannan, a formerly obscure MEP, has emerged as the anointed intellectual of the Brexit elite, The Staggers is charting his ascendancy…
State of this:
I mean honestly, where do you even begin? Even by Daniel’s rarefied standards of idiocy, this is a stonker. How is it stupid? Let me count the ways.
1. “Our female head of government” implies the existence of “their female head of government”. Which is odd, because the tweet is clearly aimed at Hillary Clinton, who isn’t anybody’s head of government.
Way to kick someone when they’re down, Dan. What next? “So pleased that my daughter received a wide selection of Christmas presents, unlike those of certain families”?
2. I dunno, I’m no expert, but it’s just possible that there are reasons why so few women make it to the top of politics which don’t have anything to do with how marvellous Britain is.
3. Hillary Clinton was not “the last guy’s wife”. You can tell this, because she was not married to Barack Obama, whose wife is called Michelle. (Honestly, Daniel, I’m surprised you haven’t spotted the memes.)
4. She wasn’t married to the guy before him, come to that. Her husband stopped being president 16 years ago, since when she’s been elected to the Senate twice and served four years as Secretary of State.
5. I’m sure Hillary would love to have been able to run for president without reference to her husband – for the first few years of her marriage, indeed, she continued to call herself Hillary Rodham. But in 1980 Republican Frank White defeated Bill Clinton’s campaign to be re-elected as govenor of Arkansas, in part by mercilessly attacking the fact his wife still used her maiden name.
In the three decades since, Hillary has moved from Hillary Rodham, to Hillary Rodham Clinton, to Hillary Clinton. You can see this as a cynical response to conservative pressure, if you so wish – but let’s not pretend there was no pressure to subsume her political identity into that of her husband, eh? And let’s not forget that it came from your side of the fence, eh, Dan?
6. Also, let’s not forget that the woman you’re subtweeting is a hugely intelligent former senator and secretary of state, who Barack Obama described as the most qualified person ever to run for president. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be so patronising as to imply that the only qualification she had was her husband, now, would you?
7. I’d love to know what qualifications Dan thinks are sufficient to become US president, and whether he believes a real estate mogul with an inherited fortune and a reality TV show has them.
8. Hillary Clinton got nearly 3m more votes than Donald Trump, by the way.
9. More votes than any white man who has ever run for president, in fact.
10. Certainly a lot more votes than Theresa May, who has never faced a general election as prime minister and became leader of the government by default after the only other candidate left in the race dropped out. Under the rules of British politics this is as legitimate a way of becoming PM as any, of course, I’m just not sure how winning a Tory leadership contest by default means she “ran in her own right” in a way that Hillary Clinton did not.
11. Incidentally, here’s a video of Daniel Hannan demanding Gordon Brown call an early election in 2009 on the grounds that “parliament has lost the moral mandate to carry on”.
So perhaps expecting him to understand how the British constitution works is expecting too much.
12. Why the hell is Hannan sniping at Hillary Clinton, who is not US president, when the man who is the new US president has, in three days, come out against press freedom, basic mathematics and objective reality? Sorry, I’m not moving past that.
13. Notice the way the tweet says that our “head of government ” got there on merit. That’s because our “head of state ” got the job because her great, great grandmother happened to be a protestant in 1701 and her uncle wanted to marry a divorcee – all of which makes it a bit difficult to say that our head of government “ran in her own right”. But hey, whatever makes you happy.
14. Is Daniel calling the US a banana republic? I mean, it’s a position I have some sympathy with in this particular week, but it’s an odd fit with the way he gets all hot and bothered whenever someone starts talking about the English-speaking peoples.
15. Incidentally, he stole this tweet from his 14-year-old daughter:
16. Who talks, oddly, like a 45-year-old man.
17. And didn’t even credit her! It’s exactly this sort of thing which stops women making it to the top rank of politics, Daniel.
18. He tweeted that at 6.40am the day after the march. Like, he spent the whole of Saturday trying to come up with a zinger, and then eventually woke up early on the Sunday unable to resist stealing a line from his teenage daughter. One of the great orators of our age, ladies and gentlemen.
19. He thinks he can tweet this stuff without people pointing and laughing at him.
It is becoming increasingly difficult for Labour to find a dividing line with the Tories on Brexit. This week, following the Supreme Court’s ruling that MPs will vote on Article 50, Jeremy Corbyn thought he’d found one.
Along with Tory rebels and other opposition parties, Labour began urging Theresa May to produce a white paper of her Brexit plan for Parliament to scrutinise. This would allow the House to debate her proposals for negotiating Britain’s exit from the EU before voting on triggering Article 50.
“We will be seeking to lay amendments to ensure proper scrutiny and accountability throughout the process,” shadow Brexit secretary Keir Starmer said yesterday. “That starts with a white paper or plan.”
The government equivocated. Brexit Secretary David Davis told the Commons he would introduce a “straightforward” bill, focusing narrowly on Article 50, “within days”. Ministers claimed May’s Lancaster House speech was a thorough enough plan without a white paper.
This set the scene favourably for Corbyn at PMQs today. He could hammer her for shying away from scrutiny. But after a planted question by a Conservative MP asking May for a white paper, she announced that the government will indeed be publishing one:
“We will ensure Parliament has every opportunity to provide that scrutiny. .. I can confirm to the House that our plan will be set out in a white paper.”
This caught Corbyn by surprise, who rather lamely had to improvise his first question, asking when the white paper would come out.
It’s a clever tactic. It stops May from appearing vulnerable to Labour pressure. Publishing the white paper also won’t cause her much grief, considering Labour’s desires for Brexit are pretty similar to hers. Basically, some kind of bespoke free trade agreement with the EU, but not membership of the single market.
Without an alternative vision for Brexit, Corbyn was relying on condemning May for shirking scrutiny, or having no clear plan. Following her announcement that there will be a white paper, he has now lost that line of attack.
Having whipped his MPs to vote through Article 50, the Labour leader is left with very little leverage to shape Brexit – or to contrast his party’s line on Brexit with that of the Tories.

Similarity rank: 0.4
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/staggers/2017/01/19-things-wrong-daniel-hannan-s-tweet-about-women-s-march
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Watch a demolition team level 19 buildings in 10 seconds


NewsHubHow do you level 19 buildings in the middle of a bustling city center all at once, without damaging infrastructure or putting lives at risk? Carefully, as the people of Wuhan, in central China, can attest.
“For this kind of large-scale blasting demolition conducted in the downtown area, we not only need to guarantee the demolition result, but also strictly control the adverse effects of blasting,” Jia Yongsheng, the man who was in charge of the operation over the weekend, told China’s CCTV.
He said the big bang went off without a hitch, which is no small feat given that his team had planted five tons of explosives in the buildings and brought them all to the ground in a matter of just 10 seconds.
According to CCTV, the buildings were all very near to a commuter rail viaduct, residential buildings, a shopping mall, an electricity substation and other infrastructure.
“The demolition effect was quite ideal. The explosion didn’t affect the light rail and public facilities around the blasted buildings,” said Jia. “There was no damage and adverse effects of blasting.”

Sentiment rank: 3.6

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/china-demolition-team-wuhan-blows-up-19-buildings-10-seconds-video/
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Facebook changes trending topics section after backlash


NewsHubFacebook is once again trying to strengthen its reputation as a place for news as it tries to figure out how to curb misinformation from spreading on the site.
The social network on Wednesday announced a major revamp to its trending topics feature — that section on the right-hand side of your news feed that lists news topics that are popular on Facebook. Gone is the personalized interest-based list of topics. Now everyone in a geographic region will see the same trending topics.
A Senate committee has opened an inquiry into reports that Facebook censored and suppressed conservative news through its “trending topics” featu…
With its 1.79 billion users, Facebook is playing an influential societal role as more people look to the social network to get their news. Over 40 percent of American adults get their news from Facebook, according to the Pew Research Center and Knight Foundation.
But the company has been grappling with its role in the media industry as it tries to find the line between being a distributor of news and taking responsibility for what kinds of news stories gain traction on the site.
That’s been a touchy subject for Facebook, as people argued misinformation spread on Facebook helped Donald Trump win the election. Some also blamed Facebook for creating “ filter bubbles ,” in which people only see stuff on the social network that already aligns with what they believe, thanks to the company’s algorithms.
In addition to doing away with the personalized trending topics list, there are two other big changes to the section that will take effect immediately.
The tech industry saw a lot of ups and downs this year. Facebook promised to fight fake news on its social network and launched its live video fe…
First, instead of just seeing a bare-bones topic, like “Saturn” or “X-men,” two things that had been trending for me, you’ll see a full headline of one of the news stories about that topic.
Second, Facebook is changing the way the topics are selected. Right now, the topics are chosen based on how many people on Facebook are engaging with it. With the new changes, Facebook will look at the number of outlets posting stories on a particular topic, and decide its inclusion based on engagement around that group of articles.
“This should surface trending topics quicker, be more effective at capturing a broader range of news and events from around the world and also help ensure that topics reflect real world events being covered by multiple news outlets,” Will Cathcart, vice president of product management, said in a statement.
This is the second time Facebook has made big changes to the trending topics feature. Before August, each topic was accompanied by a short description. But Facebook nixed those descriptions after a major controversy last year. After reports that Facebook was trying to suppress news from conservative outlets, the company put the new system in place.

Similarity rank: 4.4
Sentiment rank: -1.2

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/facebook-changes-trending-topics-section-after-backlash/
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Celebrities react to the death of Mary Tyler Moore


NewsHubLast Updated Jan 25, 2017 4:25 PM EST
New of the death of Mary Tyler Moore spread quickly across Hollywood Wednesday, with many taking to social media to pay tribute.
Ed Asner, who played Moore’s cantankerous boss on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show,” tweeted, “My heart goes out to you and your family. Know that I love you and believe in your strength.”
#marytylermoore my heart goes out to you and your family. Know that I love you and believe in your strength.
Other former colleagues released statements as well, including her “Ordinary People” co-stars, Donald Sutherland and Timothy Hutton.
“Mary was and is and now always will be perfect,” Sutherland — who played her husband in the film — said. “She was the perfect actor to work with, the performance she gave was perfect, painfully perfect, and the friendship she offered was perfect. I am in her thrall.”
“I am deeply saddened by the news of Mary’s passing,” Hutton said. “She was a truly amazing person, a great friend and an inspiration to all. I will always be grateful for her kindness and thankful beyond words for knowing her. She will be missed greatly.”
A look at the TV legend’s illustrious career
Robert Redford, who directed Moore, Sutherland and Hutton in “Ordinary People,” also paid tribute to the late icon.
“Mary’s energy, spirit and talent created a new bright spot in the television landscape and she will be very much missed,” Redford said. “The courage she displayed in taking on a role darker than anything she had ever done was brave and enormously powerful.”
Ben Stiller, who played opposite Moore in 1996’s “Flirting with Disaster,” wrote on Twitter that he “loved Mary Tyler Moore on so many levels it was confusing.”
I loved Mary Tyler Moore on so many levels it was confusing. Such a huge part of our culture and consciousness. Sending love to her family.
Moore served as an inspiration to women on television, in comedy and across the entertainment industry.
“Mary Tyler Moore’s humor, style and vulnerability have had a profound influence on me as a television creator and on every woman I know working in television to upend expectations of traditional femininity,” Lena Dunham said in a statement. “Her remarkable presence and ahead-of-her-time ability to expose the condition of single working womanhood with humor and pathos will never be forgotten. Her generosity as an animal rights activist and icon will never be forgotten. I never met her and I’ll love her forever. I know I’m one of millions.”
Mary Tyler Moore changed the world for all women. I send my love to her family.
“She will be so missed,” Carol Burnett said in a statement. “She was a pioneer on television and also one of the sweetest, nicest people I ever knew.”
I’m so sad. Oh my gosh. https://t.co/uNq5nXp6nj
So sad to learn of the passing of Mary Tyler Moore.

Für 2,5 statt 12 Mio zu Schalke | So hat sich Wolfsburg mit Caligiuri verzockt


NewsHubDaniel Caligiuri ist jetzt ein Schalker. Doch anstatt einen zweistelligen Millionen-Betrag zu kassieren, muss sich der VfL Wolfsburg mit mickrigen 2,5 Mio Euro Ablöse zufrieden geben. BILD erklärt, wie sich die Wölfe beim Transfer verzockt haben.
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Similarity rank: 1.2

© Source: http://www.bild.de/bild-plus/sport/fussball/daniel-caligiuri/so-hat-sich-wolfsburg-mit-ihm-verzockt-49961434.bild.html
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Viele Floskeln, kein Programm | Wie Schulz gegen Merkel gewinnen will


NewsHubDer Tag nach dem SPD-Rumms: Alle Blicke richten sich auf den künftigen Parteichef und Kanzlerkandidaten Martin Schulz (61) – von Sigmar Gabriel (57) ist kaum mehr die Rede.
Beim gemeinsamen Auftritt nach der Sondersitzung der Bundestagsfraktion am Mittag vermieden Schulz und Fraktionschef Oppermann (62) sogar, den Namen Gabriel auszusprechen. Auf die Frage, welche Rolle Gabriel künftig spiele, sprach Schulz nur vom „künftigen Außenminister“. Dessen Rolle werde „eine dienende“ sein, ergänzte Oppermann knapp.
Dann umriss Schulz sein politisches Programm: „Die arbeitenden Menschen“ sollen im Mittelpunkt stehen. Und: „Die SPD ist Schutzwall gegen die Feinde der Demokratie …“ Über Flüchtlinge, Terror, Steuern, Rente – kein Wort.
Die ganze Hoffnung der SPD ruht jetzt auf seinen Schultern: Martin Schulz soll gegen Angela Merkel antreten. Und das ist sein Plan.
Sogar in der SPD herrscht Rätselraten über den künftigen Kurs des neuen Chefs und Merkel-Herausforderers. Ein führender Genosse zu BILD: „Martin Schulz ist so etwas wie ein weißes Blatt Papier – jeder kann draufschreiben, was er will.“
Tatsache ist: Zu manchen Themen hat sich Schulz widersprüchlich geäußert.
► Beispiel innere Sicherheit: Gemeinsam mit Gabriel machte er sich FÜR die Vorratsdaten-Speicherung stark, warnte dann aber vor einem „Generalverdacht“ gegen alle Bürger.
► Beispiel Griechenland: Erst machte sich Schulz FÜR Milliarden-Kredite an Athen stark. Dann ging er auf die griechische Regierung los („Ich habe die Faxen dicke …!“).
Ein weiteres Problem: Schulz hat keinen Sitz im Bundestag. Ihm fehlt damit eine wichtige Bühne für Botschaften und Argumente – und für die direkte Auseinandersetzung mit Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (62, CDU).
Bislang feiern sowohl SPD-Linke als auch der rechte Parteiflügel den Personalwechsel. Dabei ist der Linksflügel z. B. für eine Vermögenssteuer, der rechte Flügel dagegen.
Außenminister oder gleich Kanzlerkandidat der SPD – zugetraut wurde ihm vieles. Aber eigentlich hatte Martin Schulz mit Politik nix am Hut.
Es herrscht Einigkeit: Auch wenn die Kandidatenkür per Interview „nicht optimal gelaufen“ ist (Oppermann). Auch wenn einige den wirtschaftsnahen Olaf Scholz (58) für geeigneter halten, der CDU Wähler abzujagen: Schulz erhält (erst mal) volle Unterstützung von allen.
Sigmar Gabriel hingegen klagte gestern in der Fraktion nach Angaben von Teilnehmern: „Man muss weniger die Gegner fürchten als die eigenen Leute …“
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Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.bild.de/politik/inland/martin-schulz/was-will-schulz-49960850.bild.html
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Hanka Rackwitz ist die größte Prüfung and Tag 13


NewsHubAlexander Keen, besser bekannt als Honey, erzählt erstmal wie gut ihm sein Abschied aus dem Dschungelcamp gefällt: “Genauso habe ich es mir gewünscht”, sagt er. “Nicht eine Sekunde habe ich mir gewünscht, dass ich Dschungelkönig werde. ” Was genau er dann im Dschungelcamp wollte, bleibt ein Rätsel. Möglicherweise waren es Ruhm und Ehre. “Ich bin schon ganz schön gewachsen, Anfang 2016 kannte mich noch keiner. ” Nun hat er den siebten Platz im Promi-Dschungel belegt. Wenn das so weitergeht, ist Honey bald Bundeskanzler.
Am Hotel wird der glückliche Ex-Kandidat von Leidensgenossin Gina-Lisa Lohfink in Empfang genommen – die ehemals besten Camp-Kollegen treffen aufeinander. Doch Gina-Lisa hat fiese Gerüchte über Honey gehört: Er hätte ein falsches Spiel mit ihr getrieben. Auf einem Zettel hat das Model die Fragen vorbereitet, die sie Honey knallhart um die Ohren haut. Ungefähr so, als würde sie in der vierten Klasse ein Gedicht vortragen. Am Ende zerreißt sie den Zettel und fällt Honey in die Arme.
Kaders hellster Moment
Kader Loth: “Wisst ihr, warum Rätsel immer so schwierig sind? Man weiß nie, welche Fragen drankommen. ”
Alle Kandidaten treten zur Honey-Gedächtnisprüfung an – die hatte der Rausgeschmissene schon über sich ergehen lassen müssen. Die Sternchen stecken mit dem Kopf in einem Glaskasten, überschüttet mit Mehlwürmern, Kakerlaken, Schlangen und Spinnen. So sollen sie ziemlich komplizierte Begriffe buchstabieren: Arachnophobie, Polygamie, Teppichpython, Dekolleté, Fäkalsprache und Accessoire. Das Ergebnis: kein richtig buchstabiertes Wort, kein Stern, kein Essen. Zum Glück ergattern Florian Wess und Jens Büchner bei der Schatzsuche eine Packung Schokoriegel.
Ehrlichste Aussage
Hanka während der Dschungelprüfung: “Voll die Legastheniker-Gruppe hier. ”
Herausforderung Hanka
Gerade haben sie sich noch gegen die Männer verschworen , jetzt zerstreiten sie sich: Kaders und Hankas anfängliche Freundschaft bröckelt langsam. “Ich habe Hanka durchschaut”, sagt Trash-Tv-Sternchen Kader im Dschungeltelefon. “Sie versucht jeden Tag, hier eine eigene Show zu machen. Sie ist jeden Tag im Mittelpunkt, sie singt und labert durchgehend. Hanka ist für uns alle die größte Herausforderung. ” Dabei sei die TV-Maklerin nicht die niedliche, unschuldige Person, für die sie sich ausgebe. “Sie sieht sich schon oben auf dem Thron. ” Kader hingegen liegt – genau wie Honey – natürlich gar nichts an dem Titel des Dschungelkönigs: “Ich will die Krone wirklich nicht mehr. Die ist ja nicht mal echt, das sind nur Blätter von den Bäumen. ”
Seltsamste Dinnerparty
Marc Terenzi und Gina-Lisa Lohfink waren zusammen essen – mit Richard Gere, Paris Hilton und Monica Bellucci.
Kult-Auswanderer Jens Büchner muss das Dschungelcamp verlassen.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.rp-online.de/panorama/fernsehen/dschungelcamp-2017-hanka-rackwitz-ist-die-groesste-pruefung-and-tag-13-aid-1.6561147
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Voter ID lawsuits live on despite likely Trump policy shift


NewsHubLM Otero / AP
In this March 1, 2016, file photo, a sign tells voters of voter ID requirements before participating in the primary election at Sherrod Elementary school in Arlington, Texas. Attorneys challenging tough voter ID laws in Texas and North Carolina say they’ll keep pressing their lawsuits without the support of President Donald Trump’s Justice Department if necessary. Trump announced Wednesday, Jan. 25, 2017, that he is ordering a “major investigation” into voter fraud, which tough laws requiring photo identification at the ballot box are designed to prevent.
Associated Press
Thursday, Jan. 26, 2017 | 1:02 a.m.
AUSTIN, Texas — Federal lawsuits challenging voter ID requirements in Texas and North Carolina won’t just disappear even if Justice Department lawyers who once argued against the laws under the Obama administration effectively switch sides to begin advocating for them under Trump’s administration, civil rights lawyers say.
What President Donald Trump’s Justice Department will do isn’t yet know, but his comments on the campaign trail and since taking office suggest the agency will re-examine its strategy and may support the two states’ toughest-in-the-nation requirements that voters show picture identification at the polls. The Barack Obama-led Justice Department launched high-profile legal challenges against those laws, arguing that the requirements were unnecessary and unconstitutional.
“The time and resources the federal government has spent on this case have truly been substantial,” said Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, which is representing plaintiffs in the Texas voter ID case. “But if the federal government reverses course, we are fully prepared to move forward. ”
A court forced Texas to water down its law for the November election, but the case is continuing in U. S. District Court in Corpus Christi, Texas. North Carolina’s 2013 voter ID law as struck down in July, but the state has asked the U. S. Supreme Court to review the appeals court’s decision.
“There is a great concern over what DOJ is going to do and if they are going to retreat in these cases,” said Gerry Hebert, a former Justice Department lawyer who represents plaintiffs in the Texas voter ID case. “I suspect a great deal of shenanigans from a Trump Justice Department, but we will bear the burden on our own if we have to. ”
Supporters say the laws help prevent voter fraud by making sure people who aren’t eligible to vote, including people living in the country illegally, don’t cast a ballot. Opponents say there is no evidence of massive voter fraud and that such laws disproportionally affect minorities and the poor who may faces challenges obtaining a government-issued photo ID.
Trump tweeted Wednesday that he plans to open an investigation into voter fraud that would focus on dead people who remained on the voter rolls, people registered in two or more states and “those who are illegal. ”
Depending on its results, Trump tweeted, “We will strengthen up voting procedures! ” That could mean efforts to expand strict voter ID requirements. On the campaign trail, Trump had praised laws requiring ballot box photo identification.
Another signal that the new administration could abandon the voter ID cases came late last week. Just hours after Trump was sworn in as president, the Justice Department asked for a hearing in Texas set for this week to be delayed until next month. Department attorneys said in court filings that they needed more time to brief new leadership, but lawyers in the case say it could be a precursor to a new position from the federal government.
If the Justice Department were to align with Texas and North Carolina and defend their voter ID laws, it would be a setback for the legal challenges but “certainly not fatal,” said Rick Hasen, an election law expert and professor at the University of California, Irvine School of Law.
“Certainly, it is advantageous for these lawyers to have not only the resources of the federal government, but the opinion of the federal government on their side,” he said.
Kyle Duncan, a lawyer representing North Carolina in defending its voter ID law, said the state is hopeful that the Justice Department will change its position. The Obama administration’s Justice Department filed its last brief in the case opposing North Carolina’s motion one day before Trump took office.
“I think the Justice Department would be on solid ground if they changed their position,” said Duncan. “My hope is they will do exactly that. ”
Irving Joyner, an attorney for the North Carolina NAACP, said lawyers already are anticipating a cold shoulder from the Trump administration.
“We don’t have any faith that the new Justice Department is going to be a friend,” said Joyner. “We are fully prepared to go forward on our own anyway. “

Similarity rank: 5.5
Sentiment rank: -2.1

© Source: http://lasvegassun.com/news/2017/jan/26/voter-id-lawsuits-live-on-despite-likely-trump-pol/
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