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長崎・対馬の盗難仏像、所有権を主張する韓国の寺への引き渡し命じる判決 韓国・大田地裁 (産経新聞)


NewsHub産経新聞 1/26(木) 10:30配信
最終更新:1/26(木) 10:38

Similarity rank: 5.5
Sentiment rank: -3.2

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DeutschlandTrend extra: Schulz und Merkel gleichauf


NewsHubKnapp zwei Drittel der Deutschen befürworten eine Kanzlerkandidatur des designierten SPD-Chefs Schulz. Das geht aus dem ARD-DeutschlandTrend Extra hervor. Zudem käme Schulz bei einer Direktwahl auf 41 Prozent – genauso viel wie Kanzlerin Merkel.
Martin Schulz will ein neues Kapitel SPD-Geschichte schreiben und man kann durchaus sagen, die Bürger sind am Tag nach der Entscheidung fast schon etwas euphorisch: 64 Prozent der Befragten halten Martin Schulz für einen guten Kanzlerkandidaten für die SPD. Gerade mal 14 Prozent der Befragten tun dies nicht. Das hat eine Umfrage des ARD-DeutschlandTrends im Auftrag der tagesthemen ergeben.
Auch bei den eigenen Anhängern kommt die Entscheidung sehr positiv an: 81 Prozent der SPD-Anhänger sind der Meinung, dass Schulz ein guter Kanzlerkandidat für die SPD ist. Nur vier Prozent sind dies nicht.
Auch gegenüber Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel muss sich Schulz als Kanzlerkandidat nicht verstecken. Wenn man den Bundeskanzler direkt wählen könnte, lägen Schulz und Merkel gleichauf: 41 Prozent der Befragten würden sich für Merkel entscheiden (-2 Punkte im Vergleich zu Dezember). Ebenso viele, 41 Prozent, würden Schulz wählen (+5 im Vergleich zu Dezember). Elf Prozent der Befragten geben an, dass keiner der beiden Politiker als Regierungschef infrage kommt.
Noch-Parteichef Sigmar Gabriel hat vor allem seine eigene Partei mit dem überraschenden Entschluss etwas überrumpelt – trotzdem ist die Entscheidung für viele eine gute Nachricht: 79 Prozent der Bürger finden es gut, dass Gabriel Schulz den Vortritt gelassen hat. 69 Prozent der Bürger glauben, dass der SPD mit Schulz ein Neuanfang gelingen wird. Von den SPD-Anhängern sind sogar 85 Prozent dieser Meinung. 51 Prozent aller Befragten sind der Auffassung, dass Schulz ein gutes Gespür für die Sorgen der Bürger hat.
Interessant ist auch, welche Eigenschaften die Bürger Merkel und Schulz zuschreiben. Im Vergleich attestieren 79 Prozent der Befragten Merkel Führungsstärke, bei Schulz tun dies 60 Prozent. 78 Prozent halten Merkel für kompetent, 68 Prozent tun dies bei Schulz. Dass Merkel glaubwürdig ist, finden 64 Prozent der Befragten. Hier liegt Schulz knapp vorn: 65 Prozent halten ihn für glaubwürdig.
Bei den Sympathiewerten sieht es für ihn noch etwas besser aus. Merkel wird von 63 Prozent der Befragten als sympathisch empfunden, Schulz von 69 Prozent. Schulz ist der Kanzlerin im Profilvergleich also eng auf den Fersen. Und das, obwohl 65 Prozent der Befragten angeben, bisher nicht zu wissen, für welche Politik Schulz eigentlich steht.
Gabriel erreicht im Profilvergleich durchgängig schlechtere Werte als Martin Schulz: 39 Prozent halten ihn für führungsstark, 53 Prozent für kompetent, 40 Prozent für glaubwürdig und 45 Prozent für sympathisch.

Similarity rank: 3.2

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Abe-Trump summit considered for next month, trade likely top agenda


NewsHubThe Japanese and US governments are arranging a summit between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Donald Trump in Washington around February 10, a diplomatic source said Thursday. The two leaders are expected to discuss trade issues following Trump’s issuing of an executive order Monday to , a 12-party free trade pact Abe has hailed as having both economic benefits and strategic importance. The meeting would be their first since Trump’s inauguration last week. Abe and Trump held an in November last year shortly after Trump’s election victory. In dumping the TPP, Trump has said he wants to focus on negotiating bilateral trade deals instead. Speaking in the Diet Thursday, Abe appeared to signal openness to working out a Japan-US free trade agreement or economic partnership agreement. “We will appeal (to the US administration) on the TPP, but that doesn’t mean we absolutely can’t also (sign) an EPA or FTA, as we did with (fellow TPP signatory) Australia,” Abe said. The Japan-US security alliance is also likely to be high on the agenda in a bilateral summit. During his election campaign, Trump said Japan and other US allies should pay a greater share of the costs for stationing US military overseas. Abe is also likely to seek confirmation that Trump maintains certain positions held by his predecessor Barack Obama when it comes to regional issues, particularly the situation in the East and South China seas, where China’s expansionary activities have raised concern. Abe said in the House of Representatives Thursday the government is “currently making final arrangements” for the talks, which he wants to hold “as soon as possible.” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, the Japanese government’s top spokesman, said Thursday the governments are taking the demands of Japan’s ongoing parliamentary session into consideration as they set a final date for the summit. Suga also welcomed the Pentagon’s announcement the day prior that following a trip to South Korea from February 1.“The Japan-US alliance plays an essential role as the basis of peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region, where the security environment is intensifying,” Suga said. Suga indicated Defence Minister Tomomi Inada will explain to Mattis that Japan is already appropriately shouldering its share of the burden for the Japan-US alliance if the issue comes up in their talks in Japan.

Similarity rank: 2

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The Last Days of Parse


NewsHubParse co-founder Kevin Lacker sent out a final reminder of Parse shutting down at the end of this month. Developers are urged to export any data they would like to save as soon as possible.
As Lacker explained, on January 30, the Parse API will be progressively disabled app by app. From that moment on, any affected app will likely stop working, but most importantly, it will be impossible for anyone to recover any data.
Parse announced it was going to shut down its service in January 2016, almost two years after being acquired by Facebook in April 2013. Parse was keen on providing a clear path forward for developers to move their data out and into a different service, including:
Following Parse’s announcement last year, a number of different providers, including AWS, Rackspace, Heroku, and many more, have published their own migration guides. Additionally, hosting companies such as mLab , ObjectRocket , Buddy , and others, started offering help migrating off Parse.
Parse has not made public any statistics about the number of apps that were successfully migrated nor about how many apps are still actively accessing their servers, so it is pretty hard to assess the impact Parse’s shutdown might have. Lacker stated to InfoQ that most migrations are straightforward and consist of following the steps described in Parse migration guide. Still, he writes, there might be cases not covered by the normal documentation. For those cases, Parse has set up a dedicated mailbox for developers to get in touch and to help ensure a straightforward a migration as possible.

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Trust and Leadership – New Study Reiterates Connection


NewsHubIn a study published by the Ken Blanchard Companies , the link between trust and leadership was reiterated. While the link is by no means surprising ( Victor Lipman compares it to the predictability of where the sun rises and sets), the new data can encourage leaders to focus on building trust in the organization.
There has already been much data linking trust and leadership. Daniel McAllister, a researcher who has focused on trust in the workplace, has completed research which shows how trust enables people to take risks, as they don’t anticipate getting taken advantage of. In one study, McAllister defines two elements of trust – cognitive and affective. Cognitive trust includes the sense that one knows a sufficient amount about the person in question, and that this information provides „good reason“ to trust. Affective trust takes into account the social and emotional bonds made between people.
In the Blanchard study, 1850 participants across many organizations, and based in a variety of countries, were surveyed. The survey items were of two types. One type was based on McAllister’s 11-item Affect and Cognitive Trust Scale, asking participants to rate their agreement to statements like „Given my leader’s track record, I see no reason to doubt his/her competence and preparation to do the job. “
The second type of items was included to understand the participant’s intent, based on Blanchard’s Work Intention Inventory. These items can indicate positivity and work passion. These include:
The study’s results showed a high correlation between trust in a leader and all five intention areas. When trust is identified more specifically as affective or cognitive, additional connections come to light. Cognitive trust relates more closely with the concept of organizational citizenship, while affective trust relates more closely to the intent to remain with and endorse the company.
In the report MacAllister’s conclusion is summarized, noting that „trust enables people to take risks because trustworthiness produces the perception that they will not be taken advantage of. “ Being trustworthy is highly associated with leadership success.

Similarity rank: 0

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Bromium mobilises endpoints to fight cyber attacks


NewsHubVirtualisation-based security firm Bromium is enabling organisations to turn their traditionally weak endpoints into sources of security intelligence.
According to the company, its Bromium Secure Platform offers a complete departure from traditional detect-to-protect approach to security.
The platform is an evolution of Bromium’s micro-virtualisation technology that was developed to enable users to open any executable file, document or web page without fear.
According to Vanson Bourne research commissioned by Bromium, 85% of 400 CIOs polled in the UK, US and Germany said users are the weakest link in security, ignoring or forgetting the education, policies and procedures enterprises have put in place to prevent risky behaviour.
The core Bromium technology works by assuming all internet tasks are untrusted and automatically putting each task into its own virtual machine or micro-VM, which is destroyed when the task is completed.
If an attack occurs during any of these tasks, the malware remains contained and isolated inside the micro-VM, unable to escape and access any system or network resource.
Bromium claims this approach has no effect on user experience or performance and provides 100% protection from malware as it does not rely on any “detection” capability.
This approach is now open to most organisations as almost all are using endpoint devices with processors (CPUs) that support micro-virtualisation with third-generation virtualisation extensions, according to Ian Pratt, co-founder and president of Bromium.
“We have worked with CPU suppliers Intel, AMD and more latterly ARM about building in features which enable high-performance, more secure virtualisation by making the CPU understand about running VMs and have it do the hard work of providing that protection,” he told Computer Weekly.
Using micro-VMs, said Pratt, means that organisations can let ransomware and other malware run because attackers have nowhere to hide and nothing to steal.
“Because the malware is isolated in the micro-VM, it cannot steal password hashes and other credentials or access any file systems,” he said.

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Microsoft, NXP Semiconductors, IAV and auto mobility partners showcase innovations for safe, secure and personalized automated driving at CES 2017


NewsHubLAS VEGAS — Jan. 3, 2017 — At CES 2017 from Jan. 4‒8 in Las Vegas, Microsoft Corp., NXP Semiconductors, IAV, and auto mobility partners Cubic Telecom, Esri and Swiss Re will showcase their collective vision of safe and secure end-to-end mobility through a highly automated driving demonstration and experience.
From the Gold Lot/North Plaza NP-2 of the Las Vegas Convention Center, CES attendees can take a test drive in a highly automated vehicle to understand how the cloud and artificial intelligence can enable personalized in-car experiences. Attendees will see how cars securely “talk” to other cars, how they monitor what is happening in their surroundings to improve safety, and how cars can adapt to different driving styles to deliver more personal driving experiences. Participants will also learn how these emerging technologies will enable new, flexible insurance models.
The following technology will be integrated into the conceptual demonstration at CES:
“As cars get smarter, they need more software and analytics capabilities,” said Kevin Dallas, corporate vice president of business development for Microsoft. “This collaboration at CES 2017 is another example of how we work together to continue testing, to see what sticks, and to help automakers bring truly personalized experiences to drivers and services that learn unique behaviors and can make improvements over time.”
“Self-driving cars must be perfectly safe and secure,” said Lars Reger, senior vice president and chief technology officer of automotive at NXP Semiconductors . “This requires firstly: an array of high-performance sensors; secondly: a powerful detection and sensor fusion system complemented with cloud connectivity; and thirdly: an efficient system play with industry leaders. We are happy to see all of this come together in our joint showcase at CES.”
“IAV has several test vehicles demonstrating the current state of this future technology in Europe and in the United States,” said Karsten Schulze, senior vice president of active safety and driver assistance at IAV . “Those vehicles have already covered a huge number of miles with almost no intervention from the driver.”
CES attendees interested in seeing the live connected vehicle demonstration can participate in a drive event, located at the Gold Lot/North Plaza NP-2 from Jan. 5-8. Executives from all participating companies will be onsite to detail the technology.
Media demonstrations
Members of the media can book a demonstration on the Jan. 4 media day or at another time through Jan. 8. Send a request by email to arrange a time.
Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @microsoft) is the leading platform and productivity company for the mobile-first, cloud-first world, and its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.
Links to all partner webpages
Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @Microsoft):
NXP Semiconductors (NASDAQ “NXPI” @NXP):
IAV Automotive Engineering:
Esri: (@Esri):
Swiss Re:
Cubic Telecom: (@cubictelecom): http://
Note to editors : For more information, news and perspectives from Microsoft, please visit the Microsoft News Center at Web links, telephone numbers and titles were correct at time of publication, but may have changed. For additional assistance, journalists and analysts may contact Microsoft’s Rapid Response Team or other appropriate contacts listed at .

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Facebook's new VR chief is a Google alum who's been working in China


NewsHubAfter leaving Google ( GOOGL , Tech30 ) nearly four years ago to work at Chinese startup Xiaomi, the tech executive is returning to Silicon Valley to become head of virtual reality at Facebook ( FB , Tech30 ).
The social network’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, announced the news in a post late Wednesday with a photo of the two men’s virtual avatars posing in an office together, which he said seemed „fitting. “
Facebook spent around $2 billion in 2014 to buy virtual reality gaming company Oculus VR, with Zuckerberg saying at the time it would help his company build a „new communication platform. “
Related: Hugo Barra quits Xiaomi
He reiterated that view on Wednesday, declaring that virtual and augmented reality will „enable us to experience completely new things and be more creative than ever before. “
Barra has a strong resume in the global tech industry.
At Google, he helped develop the Android operating system. He left in mid 2013 to lead the international expansion at Xiaomi, a Chinese smartphone maker that’s been compared with Apple but has also struggled to manage its rapid growth.
Barra announced earlier this week that he would be leaving Xiaomi to return to the U. S., saying that „the last few years of living in such a singular environment have taken a huge toll on my life and started affecting my health. “
Related: The ‚Apple of China‘ admits it grew too quickly
He said he’d be taking „some much needed time off before embarking on a new adventure back in Silicon Valley. “
That new adventure will involve bringing virtual reality to millions of people around the world.
Barra said he will begin his tenure at Facebook a „couple of months“ from now.
„I look forward to building the future of immersive technology,“ he added.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 3.5

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Facebook appoints Xiaomi exec Hugo Barra to head VR business


NewsHubFacebook has appointed Xiaomi executive Hugo Barra to lead its virtual reality initiatives, including the Oculus VR business that was acquired in 2014.
The appointment was announced by company founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who said that Barra will lead all of Facebook’s virtual reality efforts including the Oculus team.
Facebook’s decision to hire Barra as vice president of virtual reality may have been influenced in part by his exposure to the Chinese market, which is forecast by IDC to account for 20 percent of worldwide virtual reality head-mounted displays next year.
„Keep in mind that China’s VR market is dramatically different from the rest of the world, be it in terms of local vendors, content, or usage models,“ according to Bryan Ma, vice president of devices research at IDC.
Barra’s connections and experience can help bring a more global perspective to Oculus‘ U. S.-centric approach thus far, Ma said in an email. „And that’s even without speculating on whether that dovetails with parent company Facebook’s China ambitions in social networking and advertising,“ he added. Facebook’s social network website is currently blocked in China.
„I’ve known Hugo for a long time, starting when he helped develop the Android operating system, to the last few years he’s worked at Xiaomi in Beijing bringing innovative devices to millions of people,“ Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook page late Wednesday.
Barra said earlier this week that he was moving to Silicon Valley over three years after he quit Google to join Chinese smartphone startup Xiaomi to lead its global expansion. He said he would be moving out of his role in February to embark on a new adventure back in Silicon Valley.
During his tenure, Xiaomi expanded into Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and, more recently, into 20 other markets including Russia, Mexico, and Poland. But most of the success came from India and Myanmar. „We turned India from a dream into Xiaomi’s largest international market with $1 billion in annual revenues,“ Barra said in a post on Facebook. But the job kept him away from friends and family and had taken „a huge toll on my life and started affecting my health. „
„Hugo shares my belief that virtual and augmented reality will be the next major computing platform,“ wrote Zuckerberg. Barra is going „to help build that future, and I’m looking forward to having him on our team,“ he added.
Xiaomi has already made a foray into the virtual reality market. It announced last year a VR headset, which was certified to work with all Google Cardboard apps and could fit some models of its phones.
Barra said in reply to Zuckerberg’s welcome that he aimed to make VR a mainstream technology. He said he had learned from Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun „that there’s no greater calling in our industry than taking breakthrough tech and making it available to the greatest number of people. „
Facebook said in November that it was focusing its long-term innovation roadmap around virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence and connectivity initiatives to bring more people online. It said it was investing in virtual reality content as it expects that the next phase of VR would be in software experiences.
Barra brings some star power to Facebook’s VR efforts and also fills a visible gap in the Oculus management team given the recent changes there, Ma said. In December, Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe stepped aside to focus on a newly created group focused on PC VR. Jon Thomason, who recently joined the Oculus team, was to lead the mobile VR group. “Together we’ll work with Mike Schroepfer, CTO of Facebook, to find a new leader for the Oculus team,” Iribe wrote in a post in December.

Similarity rank: 1.1

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Mordprozess gegen Raser: Gericht befragt psychologin


NewsHubIm Prozess gegen zwei mutmaßliche Raser, die bei einem illegalen Autorennen in der Berliner Innenstadt den Tod eines Unbeteiligten verursacht haben sollen, wird heute das Gutachten einer Verkehrspsychologin zu einem der Angeklagten erwartet. Den 24- und 27-Jährigen wird vor dem Landgericht Mord zur Last gelegt. Mit Tempo 160 soll einer der Männer einen Jeep gerammt haben. Der Wagen wurde bei dem Zusammenstoß im Februar 2016 in der Tauentzienstraße 70 Meter weit geschleudert. Der 69-jährige Fahrer starb im Auto. Die Angeklagten sollen rücksichtslos gerast sein, um das Stechen zu gewinnen und sich so Selbstbestätigung zu sichern.

Similarity rank: 0

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