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Ex-Congressman Weiner pleads guilty in teen 'sexting' case


Former U. S. Congressman Anthony Weiner wept on Friday as he pleaded guilty in federal court to sending sexually explicit messages to a teenage girl, ending an investigation into a “sexting” scandal that played a role in last year’s U. S. presidential election.
Wearing a navy-colored suit, maroon tie and his wedding band, a tearful Weiner, 52, described his conduct before U. S. District Judge Loretta Preska in New York City.
“I have a sickness, but I do not have an excuse, ” Weiner said, apologizing to the 15-year-old girl to whom he sent sexually explicit images and messages last year.
The charge of transferring obscene material to a minor carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, but Weiner is likely to get less. As part of his plea agreement, federal prosecutors said they would consider a term between 21 months and 27 months “fair and appropriate.”
U. S. District Judge Denise Cote will determine Weiner’s punishment at his sentencing on Sept. 8.
The former Democratic congressman’s promising political career imploded after a series of scandals involving inappropriate sexual exchanges with women online.
The probe into his exchanges with the teenage girl, however, also helped upend the final days of the 2016 U. S. presidential campaign.
Federal agents who had seized Weiner’s laptop discovered a batch of emails from his wife, Huma Abedin, a senior aide to Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president in 2016.
As a result, James Comey, then the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, announced in late October that the agency was reviewing the messages to determine whether to reopen its investigation into Clinton’s handling of official correspondence.
Clinton, who was leading in national polls at the time, has blamed her loss to Republican Donald Trump in part on Comey’s announcement, even though he said two days before the election in November that the review had uncovered no new evidence.
The controversy over Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was U. S. secretary of state dogged her throughout the campaign. Trump and other Republicans accused Clinton of endangering national security by exposing classified information to potential hacking.
In testimony to Congress two weeks ago, Comey said he felt “mildly nauseous” at the suggestion his actions may have swayed the election, but added that he had no regrets.
Trump fired Comey days later amid the FBI’s probe into whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to defeat Clinton, an allegation the president has vehemently denied.
The investigation into Weiner came to light after the Daily Mail, a British newspaper, published an interview with the North Carolina teen last year.
Weiner, who served parts of New York City for 12 years in the U. S. House of Representatives, resigned in 2011 after an explicit photograph was posted on his Twitter account. He initially claimed his account had been hacked but eventually acknowledged he had sent the image as well as inappropriate messages to several women.
Two years later, he announced a run for New York City mayor but dropped out of the race when more explicit messages became public.
Abedin announced her separation from Weiner last summer after a new round of explicit messages emerged that included an image of Weiner’s crotch as he lay in bed with their young son.
On Friday, Weiner described his repeated transgressions as compulsive behavior and said that since last year he has been receiving “intensive” mental health treatment.
“These destructive impulses brought great devastation to family and friends, and destroyed my life’s dream of public service, ” Weiner told Preska. “And yet I remained in denial, even as the world around me fell apart.”
A lawyer for Abedin declined to comment on the plea.
(Aditional reporting and writing by Joseph Ax; Editing by Daniel Wallis and Jeffrey Benkoe)

© Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-people-weiner-idUSKCN18F1K1?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29
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Duterte: China threatened war Duterte: China threatened war


President Rodrigo Duterte for the first time said on Friday that Chinese President Xi Jinping had threatened war if the Philippines insisted on pressing its claims in the South China Sea, parrying criticisms that he had been weak in pushing the issue and failing to use the arbitral ruling…
President Rodrigo Duterte for the first time said on Friday that Chinese President Xi Jinping had threatened war if the Philippines insisted on pressing its claims in the South China Sea, parrying criticisms that he had been weak in pushing the issue and failing to use the arbitral ruling as leverage.
“I really said, ‘It’s ours. I’ d like you to listen for a while.’ I said, ‘Mr. Xi Jinping, I would insist that is ours and I will drill oil there,’ ” Mr. Duterte said in a speech at the National Convention of the Philippine Coast Guard Auxiliary in Davao City.
China may claim ownership, but he said his view was that he could drill for oil because that area, which the government calls the West Philippine Sea, belongs to the Philippines.
“They replied to me, ‘We are friends. We do not want to quarrel with you… We want to maintain the present warm relationship. But if you force the issue, we’ ll go to war,’ ” Mr. Duterte said.
“What more could I say?” he added.
National Security Adviser Hermogenes Esperon said the meeting between the two leaders took place in Beijing during the President’s visit to China earlier this week for the One Belt, One Road initiative, an international trade conference.
Mr. Duterte said he had insisted to China that the International Arbitral Tribunal had invalidated Beijing’s expansive claims over the South China Sea, but that the Chinese government replied that its claims were historical.
China also said it would be forced to tell him the truth if he pressed the issue.
“What’s the truth? We will be forced to go to war, ” he said.
But China also indicated that it was willing to discuss the arbitral ruling in the future.
“China said if we remain friends, it said, ‘We will talk about the arbitral ruling. But it cannot be now. You know why? You are not the only claimant. Vietnam is also a virulent claimant,’ ” he said.
He said that if it were just up to him, “we will have to fight.” But he said that with China’s superior military force, the war would result in a “massacre and it will destroy everything.”
“The first to be struck would be Palawan, ” he said.

© Source: http://globalnation.inquirer.net/157008/duterte-china-threatened-war
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Chinese jets intercept U. S. radiation-sniffing plane, U. S. says


Two Chinese SU-30 aircraft carried out what the U. S. military described as an “unprofessional” intercept of a U. S. aircraft designed to detect radiation while it was flying in international air space over the East China Sea.
“The issue is being addressed with China through appropriate diplomatic and military channels, ” said U. S. Air Force spokeswoman Lieutenant Colonel Lori Hodge.
Hodge said the U. S. characterization of the incident was based on initial reports from the U. S. air crew aboard the WC-135 Constant Phoenix aircraft “due to the maneuvers by the Chinese pilot, as well as the speeds and proximity of both aircraft”.
“Distances always have a bearing on how we characterize interactions, ” Hodge said, adding a U. S. military investigation into the intercept was under way.
She said the WC-135 was carrying out a routine mission at the time and was operating in accordance with international law.
China’s Defence Ministry, in a short statement, said the U. S. account “did not accord with the facts”.
It said that what it described as a U. S. surveillance aircraft was carrying out surveillance activities over the Yellow Sea, and Chinese aircraft went to investigate “in accordance with the law and the rules”.
“The relevant action was professional and safe, ” it said.
The ministry added that U. S. military ships and aircraft frequently carrying out close-in surveillance is the root cause of safety problems between China and the United States at sea and in the air.
“We hope that the U. S. side stops relevant surveillance activities, to avoid this kind of incident happening again.”
Speaking earlier, Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said: “We hope that the U. S. side can respect China’s reasonable security concerns.”
On Feb. 8, a U. S. Navy P-3 spy plane and a Chinese military aircraft came close to each other over the South China Sea in an incident the Navy saw as unsafe but also inadvertent.
Reuters reported at the time that the aircraft came within 1,000 feet (305 meters) of each other in the vicinity of the Scarborough Shoal, between the Philippines and the Chinese mainland.
China is deeply suspicious of any U. S. military activity around its coastline, especially in the resource-rich South China Sea, parts of which are disputed by China and its smaller neighbors including the Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia.
(Reporting by Phil Stewart in Washington and Ben Blanchard in Beijing; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

© Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-china-intercept-idUSKCN18F040?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+reuters%2FtopNews+%28News+%2F+US+%2F+Top+News%29
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Пропуск через лінію розмежування в Гнутовому відновлено


У Гнутовому на Донеччині відновлено пропуск людей і транспорту через лінію розмежування, раніше заблокований бойовиками
Про це повідомили в ДПСУ, передає “Радіо Свобода”.
Станом на 16: 00 український пункт пропуску працює в штатному режимі.
Бойовики заблокували перетин лінії розмежування в Гнутовому вранці 19 травня близько 9: 00. Через це українські прикордонники були змушені також тимчасово припинити пропускні операції.
Причини перекриття проїзду російські найманці не пояснили.
Українська сторона повідомили представникам ОБСЄ про дії терористів.

© Source: http://espreso.tv/news/2017/05/19/propusk_cherez_liniyu_rozmezhuvannya_v_gnutovomu_vidnovleno
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North Korea says linking cyber attack to Pyongyang is ‘ridiculous’


North Korea’s deputy U. N…
North Korea’s deputy U. N. envoy said on Friday “it is ridiculous” to link Pyongyang with the WannaCry “ransomware” cyber attack that started to sweep around the globe a week ago and has infected more than 300,000 computers in 150 nations
WannaCry threatens to lock out victims who have not paid a sum of $300 to $600 within one week of infection. French researchers said on Friday they had found a last-chance way for technicians to save Windows files encrypted by WannaCry.
“Relating to the cyber attack, linking to the DPRK, it is ridiculous, ” North Korea’s Deputy U. N. Ambassador Kim In Ryong told a news conference. North Korea is also known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) .
“Whenever something strange happens, it is the stereotype way of the United States and the hostile forces that kick off noisy anti-DPRK campaign deliberately linking with DPRK, ” Kim said.
Symantec and Kaspersky Lab said on Monday that some code in an earlier version of the WannaCry software had also appeared in programs used by the Lazarus Group, which researchers from many companies have identified as a North Korea-run hacking operation.
(Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama and Jonathan Oatis)

© Source: http://www.rawstory.com/2017/05/north-korea-says-linking-cyber-attack-to-pyongyang-is-ridiculous/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheRawStory+%28The+Raw+Story%29
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25 Koreans in scam, gambling ring held


Authorities have arrested 25 South Koreans for alleged internet fraud and illegal online gambling operations carried out from posh addresses in Makati and Pasig cities.
Authorities have arrested 25 South Koreans for alleged internet fraud and illegal online gambling operations carried out from posh addresses in Makati and Pasig cities.
The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Friday said 12 of them were wanted back home for allegedly operating an online business scam duping their compatriots into investing money in bogus real estate projects in the Philippines.
Their arrests in a posh condominium in Makati City followed the apprehension of four other South Koreans for alleged internet fraud.
Also on Friday, the National Bureau of Investigation presented five South Korean nationals arrested for suspected online gambling operations. Earlier this week, four South Korean women were apprehended for operating a secret online casino inside a mall, the bureau said.
BI Commissioner Jaime Morente said an operation on Wednesday led to the arrest of 12 South Koreans at a condominium complex in Barangay Poblacion, Makati.
Information provided by the Korean Embassy said the suspects carried out their property investment scam online, targeting compatriots either in South Korea or in the Philippines.
Morente identified the suspects as Noh Heamin, Park Jeongho, Kim Sun-jang, Lee Hyanglim, Yoon Daseul, Kim Sunghoon, Jeong Miseon, Park Mingyu, Park Youngju, Park Hyunmyeung, Park Chanju, and Lee Hyunho.
Their embassy alerted the BI about their presence in the country and sought the bureau’s help to have them deported, Morente said. “ (It) confirmed that all 12 of them are subjects of arrest warrants issued by various Korean courts, where they have been charged with large-scale fraud.”
Under Philippine laws, “they have been charged with undesirability for being fugitives from justice and posing a risk to public safety and security, ” BI legal division chief Arvin Santos added.
At the NBI, the bureau’s Cyber Crime Division said five Koreans—Cheonji Kim, Ilhwan Yang, Wonsup Yang, Jeong Hyeok-kim and Moon Kyu-kang—were caught running an illegal online gambling facility in an exclusive subdivision in Pasig.
The suspects were operating under a company named All Hearts Inc., whose application for a license was still pending with the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp., according to NBI Deputy Director Ferdinand Lavin.
Agents armed with a search warrant raided a house occupied by the suspects and seized a computer set and a router, which were found to be linked online to a “casino” inside a building still under construction in Bonifacio Global City in Taguig, the official said.—WITH REPORTS FROM AP, ROSELLE ANNE SALES, CIERYLENE FLORENTO

© Source: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/897897/25-koreans-in-scam-gambling-ring-held
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Basquiat painting fetches record $110.5M at New York auction


The piece was purchased by noted Japanese collector and e-commerce entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa after a 10-minute bidding war
NEW YORK — Artwork by Jean-Michel Basquiat has sold for a record $110.5 million at Sotheby’s auction of contemporary art, CBS New York reports .
Sotheby’s said the sale of “Untitled” was an auction record for the artist on Thursday night. The artwork, which was produced in 1982, also set a record price for an American artist at auction. The painting’s graffiti-like typography depicts a face in the shape of a skull.
The piece was purchased by noted Japanese collector and e-commerce entrepreneur Yusaku Maezawa after a 10-minute bidding war.
“When I saw this painting, I was struck with so much excitement and gratitude for my love of art, ” said Maezawa, who plans to display it in his museum in Chiba, Japan after loaning it to institutions and exhibitions around the world.
“Untitled” was virtually unknown before it was unveiled at Sotheby’s weeks ago. The auction house said it remained in the same private collection since it was bought at auction in 1984 for $19,000.
The previous auction record for a Basquiat work was set last May when “Untitled, 1982” sold for $57.3 million, also to Maezawa.
Basquiat started painting as a teenager, primarily as a graffiti artist. He became world-famous in his 20s, and dated Madonna for a short time in the early 1980s before she was famous.
Basquiat died of a drug overdose in 1988 at age 27.
At 97, Ben Ferencz is the last Nuremberg prosecutor alive and he has a far-reaching message for today’s world
Two double murders five years apart in quiet Omaha neighborhoods — the trail would lead police to a local hospital and an unlikely suspect

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/basquiat-painting-record-sale-sothebys-auction-new-york-yusaku-maezawa/
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Sweden drops case, but WikiLeaks' Assange not in the clear


Swedish prosecutors have dropped their investigation into a rape allegation against Julian Assange, almost seven years after it began and five years after the WikiLeaks founder sought refuge inside Ecuador’s London embassy.
Assange’s Swedish lawyer Per E. Samuelson declared Friday that “this is a total victory for Julian Assange. He is now free to leave the embassy when he wants.”
But the picture is more complicated than that.
No. The investigation began after two women accused Assange of sexual offenses during a 2010 visit to Stockholm. Sweden asked Britain to extradite Assange for questioning, and in June 2012 he sought refuge in Ecuador’s London embassy to avoid arrest.
After that, the investigation stalled. Swedish prosecutors dropped cases of alleged sexual misconduct when the statute of limitations ran out in 2015, leaving only the rape allegation.
Marianne Ny, the Swedish director of public prosecutions announced Friday that she was dropping the rape case because there is no prospect of bringing Assange to Sweden “in the foreseeable future” and it is “no longer proportionate” to maintain the European arrest warrant.
She told a news conference in Stockholm that the investigation could be reopened if Assange returns to Sweden before the statute of limitations lapses in 2020.
Ny said the case was not being dropped because Assange has been found innocent.
“We don’t make any statement of guilty or not, ” she said.
Sweden has revoked a European Arrest Warrant for Assange, so British police are no longer seeking him for extradition. But there is also a warrant issued by a British court after he skipped bail in June 2012.
London’s Metropolitan Police force says that it “is obliged to execute that warrant should he leave the embassy.” The maximum sentence for that offense is a year in prison.
Police indicated they will significantly scale back the resources dedicated to making sure Assange does not escape now that he is wanted for a much less serious crime.
That’s unclear. Assange suspects there is a secret U. S. indictment against him for WikiLeaks’ publication of leaked classified American documents, which has infuriated U. S. officials. CIA Director Mike Pompeo has branded WikiLeaks a “hostile intelligence service, ” and Attorney General Jeff Sessions said last month that Assange’s arrest is a priority.
Both U. S. and British officials have declined to comment on whether there is a warrant for Assange’s arrest.
Some legal experts say it makes his position less secure. Until Friday, Britain was bound to honor Sweden’s extradition request before any warrant from the United States. That is no longer the case.
Lawyer David Allen Green, who has followed the case, tweeted: “Once outside embassy, Assange more at risk from any U. S. extradition attempt than if he had gone to Sweden.”
Assange could fight any U. S. extradition request in the British courts, a process that could take years.
WikiLeaks’ release of classified material has continued unabated during Assange’s five years in the Ecuadoran embassy. On Friday, the group released what it said were new details of CIA cyberespionage tools.
Explore further: Sweden in deal to quiz Assange in London

© Source: https://phys.org/news/2017-05-sweden-case-wikileaks-assange.html
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Experts question North Korea role in WannaCry cyberattack


A couple of things about the WannaCry cyberattack are certain. It was the biggest in history and it’s a scary preview of things to come—we’re all going to have to get used to hearing the word “ransomware.” But one thing …
Despite bits and pieces of evidence that suggest a possible North Korea link, experts warn there is nothing conclusive yet—and a lot of reasons to be dubious. Why, for example, would Pyongyang carry out a big hack that hurt its two closest strategic partners more than anyone else? And for what appears to be a pretty measly amount of loot—as of Friday the grand total of ransom that had been paid was less than $100,000.
Within days of the attack, respected cybersecurity firms Symantec and Kaspersky Labs hinted at a North Korea link. Google researcher Neel Mehta identified coding similarities between WannaCry and malware from 2015 that was tied to the North. And the media have since spun out stories on Pyongyang’s league of hackers, its past involvement in cyberattacks and its perennial search for new revenue streams, legal or shady.
But identifying hackers behind sophisticated attacks is a notoriously difficult task. Proving they are acting under the explicit orders of a nation state is even trickier.
When experts say North Korea is behind an attack, what they often mean is that Pyongyang is suspected of working with or through a group known as Lazarus. The exact nature of Lazarus is cloudy, but it is thought by some to be a mixture of North Korean hackers operating in cahoots with Chinese “cyber-mercenaries” willing to at times do Pyongyang’s bidding.
Lazarus is a serious player in the cybercrime world.
It is referred to as an “advanced persistent threat” and has been fingered in some very sophisticated operations, including an attempt to breach the security of dozens of banks this year, an attack on the Bangladesh central bank that netted $81 million last year, the 2014 Sony wiper hack and DarkSeoul, which targeted the South Korean government and businesses.
“The Lazarus Group’s activity spans multiple years, going back as far as 2009, ” Kaspersky Labs said in a report last year. “Their focus, victimology, and guerrilla-style tactics indicate a dynamic, agile and highly malicious entity, open to data destruction in addition to conventional cyberespionage operations.”
But some experts see the latest attack as an anomaly.
WannaCry infected more than 200,000 systems in more than 150 countries with demands for payments of $300 in Bitcoin per victim in exchange for the decryption of the files it had taken hostage. Victims received warnings on their computer screens that if they did not pay the ransom within three days, the demand would double. If no ransom was paid, the victim’s data would be deleted.
As ransomware attacks go, that’s a pretty typical setup.
But that’s not—or at least hasn’t been—the way North Korean hackers are believed to work.
“This is not part of the previously observed behavior of DPRK cyberwar units and hacking groups, ” Michael Madden, a visiting scholar at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and founder of North Korea Leadership Watch, said in an email to The Associated Press. “It would represent an entirely new type of cyberattack by the DPRK.”
Madden said the North, officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, if it had a role at all, could have instead been involved by giving or providing parts of the packet used in the attack to another state-sponsored hacking group with whom it is in contact.
“This type of ransomware/jailbreak attack is not at all part of the M. O. of the DPRK’s cyberwar units, ” he said. “It requires a certain level of social interaction and file storage, outside of those with other hacking groups, that DPRK hackers and cyberwar units would not engage. Basically they’d have to wait on Bitcoin transactions, store the hacked files and maintain contact with the targets of the attack.”
Other cybersecurity experts question the Pyongyang angle on different grounds.
James Scott, a senior fellow at the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology, a cybersecurity think tank, argues that the evidence remains “circumstantial at best, ” and believes WannaCry spread due to luck and negligence, not sophistication.
“While it is possible that the Lazarus group is behind the WannaCry malware, the likelihood of that attribution proving correct is dubious, ” he wrote in a recent blog post laying out his case. “It remains more probable that the authors of WannaCry borrowed code from Lazarus or a similar source.”
Scott said he believes North Korea would likely have attacked more strategic targets—two of the hardest-hit countries, China and Russia, are the North’s closest strategic allies—or tried to capture more significant profits.
Very few victims of the WannaCry attack appear to have actually paid up. As of Friday, only $91,000 had been deposited in the three Bitcoin “wallet” accounts associated with the ransom demands, according to London-based Elliptic Enterprises, which tracks illicit Bitcoin activity.
More importantly, Scott said, the rush to blame North Korea distracts from bigger issues—software vulnerabilities resulting from manufacturers’ refusal to incorporate security into their software development, organizations’ failure to protect their systems and client data and the responsibility of governments to “manage, secure, and disclose discovered vulnerabilities.”
“Global attacks are the new normal, ” he wrote.
Explore further: Experts see possible North Korea links to global cyberattack

© Source: https://phys.org/news/2017-05-experts-north-korea-role-wannacry.html
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Lieberman once joked that Trump would have 'all-female' cabinet


The reported frontrunner to lead the FBI once joked that Donald Trump would have an “all-female” cabinet.
The reported front-runner to lead the FBI once joked that Donald Trump would have an “all-female” cabinet that would include the likes of Carmen Electra and Vanna White.
Joe Lieberman made the wisecracks while doing stand-up comedy during a “Funniest Celebrity in D. C.” contest in 1999 .
“The Donald is quite a ladies’ man, and very proud of it and boasts about it and we’ve heard that, if elected, he’s going to have an all-female cabinet, ” quipped the former Connecticut senator.
Lieberman suggested Electra as the Secretary of Energy and White as the Secretary of Education.
Al Gore running mate Joe Lieberman on FBI director short-list
His “all-female” cabinet also included “Hollywood madam” Heidi Fleiss as Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathie Lee Gifford as Secretary of Commerce, “Judge Judy” Sheindlin as Attorney General, Leona Helmsley as housing secretary, and of course the fictional warrior princess “Xena” as the Secretary of Defense.
At the time, Trump had entered the race for the White House on the Reform Party ticket, but eventually halted his campaign.
President Trump said Thursday he is “very close” to naming a new FBI director to replace James Comey, whom he fired last week. Lieberman was among four candidates Trump interviewed at the White House on Wednesday.
The President replied “he is” when asked whether Lieberman is a top candidate for the position.
Ex-FBI boss Mueller named special prosecutor for Russia probe
Trump leaves Friday afternoon on his first overseas trip as President, a four-country, five-stop tour that will keep him out of Washington for more than a week.
With News Wire Services

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