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Google Voice overhauled with group messaging support and more


NewsHubGoogle Voice gets a major refresh with a new user interface and features like photo sharing, group conversations and Spanish-language voicemail transcription.
Google on Monday announced a major (and long-awaited) update to its Google Voice internet calling service.
Google Voice, which hasn’t seen a major update in almost five years, allows users to sign up for a single phone number that can be used across multiple devices to make calls and send text messages.
The search giant is adding a variety of new features to the Google Voice app on Android and iOS, as well as the web. Its user interface got a facelift that makes it cleaner with a more intuitive design to help keep everything organized. There are now separate tabs in the inbox for text messages, calls and voicemails, for example.
Other new features include support for group and photo MMS messaging as well as in-notification replies. It will also be easier to keep track of individual conversations, which will now stay in one continuous thread. In addition to these changes, Google has said that it is starting to introduce voicemail transcription for Spanish.
Going forward, the company has promised to provide even more updates and new features to the Google Voice apps. The latest update is starting to roll out to select users on Monday and will be available to everyone in the coming weeks.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/google-voice-update-adds-new-design-group-messaging-support-and-more/
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Android apps coming to all future Chromebooks


NewsHubThe perceived lack of applications has been the biggest knock against Google’s Chrome OS platform since the very beginning. Last May, Google announced plans to bring most of its Android’s software library to at least some Chromebooks. A few models, including the Asus Chromebook Flip we sampled in June , have since then gained the ability to run Android apps , as Google Play Store compatibility moved from Chrome OS’s development channel to the stable branch. The search giant now announced that all future Chromebooks will have access to Android apps, by just adding just a few words to the Chrome OS Systems Supporting Android Apps page. Approximately sixty existing models are on the compatibility list already.
At CES, Google and Samsung called the Korean manufacturer’s new Chromebook Plus and Chromebook Pro the first Chrome OS devices built from the ground up for Android app compatibility. An updated Asus Chromebook Flip was also shown at CES with access to the Google Play store.
Owners of current-generation Chromebooks that aren’t on the list can take some solace in Google’s guarantee that Chrome OS will be supported for at least five years since the launch of each device. Beyond that, it’s possible for users to install operating systems like Linux and even Windows , depending on the device in question.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://techreport.com/news/31318/android-apps-coming-to-all-future-chromebooks
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UPDATE 1-SAP nudges up multi-year outlook after posting in-line 2016 results


NewsHub* Sees 2017 oper profit at 6.8-7.0 bln vs 6.7-7.0 previously
* Q4 oper. profit at light side of analyst estimates
* Growth in Germany offsets currency-hit U. S. business
* Shares indicated at top of DAX index pre-market
(Adds details on results, background)
WALLDORF, Germany, Jan 24 (Reuters) – SAP, Europe’s most valuable technology firm, on Tuesday posted 2016 results on the lower side of analysts’ expectations, while edging up its 2017 sales and profit guidance and signaling slightly higher revenue ambitions four years out.
Fourth-quarter operating profit, excluding special items, for the German software maker rose 4 percent to 2.37 billion euros ($2.55 billion), as growth in its German businesses offset its currency-hit U. S. business, the company said in a statement.
These results were on the light side of estimates ranging from 2.28-2.60 billion euros, according to a Reuters poll of 21 analysts. SAP Finance Chief Luka Mucic indicated last month the company would meet 2016 targets.
Marking progress moving its customer base to newer cloud-based internet platforms from classic packaged software products it has sold for decades, SAP said new cloud bookings jumped 40 percent in the quarter and backlog for unbilled cloud services rose 47 percent to 5.4 billion euros at year-end.
The software maker, whose customers include many of the world’s biggest multinational companies, specializes in applications used in business planning, ranging from accounting to human resources to supply-chain management.
SAP has made strides in recent years relative to entrenched rivals such as Oracle in moving its customer base to newer cloud-based internet platforms from classic packaged software products it has sold for decades.
Its move to sell software as internet services rather than in packages has also helped SAP fend off newer cloud rivals like Salesforce.com and Workday Inc.
Still, SAP’s classical software license and support business held up well during the final period of 2016, its most important quarter of the year when the lion’s share of licenses are up for renewal in that period.
SAP said it expects revenue for 2017 of 23.2 billion to 23.6 billion euros, a modest rise from the 23.0 billion to 23.5 billion euros it forecast a year ago for the current year and an increase of 6 percent over 2016, based on the midpoint of the guidance.
These forecasts were shy of the mean 2017 revenue estimate of 23.65 billion euros, based on a Reuters poll of 20 analysts.
It said it expected 2017 operating profit of 6.8 billion to 7.0 billion euros in constant currencies, tightening its prior estimate of 6.7 billion to 7.0 billion euros. This would represent roughly a 4 percent rise over 2016.
“Our strong backlog paired with our robust pipeline position us for yet another year of profitable growth in 2017,” Mucic said in a statement, adding that these factors allowed the company to confidently raise its financial ambitions for 2020.
SAP raised its 2020 total revenue outlook to between 28 billion and 29 billion euros, up from a range of 26 billion to 28 billion previously, while looking for operating profit at the high end of its prior outlook.
The company said that about three quarters of its business would come from long-term contracts in 2020. At the end of 2016 this so-called predictable business stood at 61 percent.
Shares in SAP were up 0.8 percent at the top of Germany’s blue-chip DAX index in pre-market trade at brokerage Lang & Schwarz.
($1 = 0.9300 euros)
(Editing by Maria Sheahan and Stephen Coates)

Similarity rank: 0.1

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/24/reuters-america-update-1-sap-nudges-up-multi-year-outlook-after-posting-in-line-2016-results.html
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Surface Pro 4 firmware update changelog notes an 'upcoming product release'


NewsHubLast week, Microsoft released a collection of firmware and driver updates for the Surface Pro 4. The changelog, when it was finally published , had a curious entry. Two items were listed as adding “support for an upcoming product release. ”
The obvious conclusion to jump to would be that this is an early indication of the Surface Pro 5. That doesn’t seem likely, as it wouldn’t make much sense for Pro 5 firmware to show up in an update to the Pro 4. It also doesn’t matter very much. The Surface Pro 5 will launch at some point – probably this spring – and this won’t change anything.
It seems more likely that this is referring to another configuration of the Surface Pro 4, which wasn’t yet on the market. This seems like a more logical conclusion, considering that Microsoft began selling a variant of the Surface Pro 4 today that does not come bundled with a Surface Pen.
The Surface Pro 3 actually had a similar incident back in October 2014. Although it was certainly more specific, there was an update to the Pen driver that enabled “additional upcoming configuration options”.
We reached out to Microsoft to confirm whether or not the new Pro 4 SKU is indeed the model that the changelog was referring to, and the company said that it has nothing to share.

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/Iq9OaidGGfA/surface-pro-4-firmware-update-changelog-notes-an-upcoming-product-release
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Kolejne ofiary we Włoszech


NewsHubTrwają poszukiwania turystów, którzy zostali przysypani przez lawinę we włoskim hotelu w Rigopiano di Farindola. Ratownicy, którzy pracują bez przerwy wydobyli trzy kolejne ciała. Liczba ofiar wzrosła do 9, nadal poszukiwanych jest 20 osób, które przebywały w budynku. Pracujący na miejscu ratownicy nie tracą nadziei, kilka godzin wcześniej udało im się wydobyć spod śniegu trzy szczeniaki.
Zwłoki kolejnych trzech osób w nocy z poniedziałku na wtorek wydobyli ratownicy spod gruzów hotelu w Abruzji. Część budynku nadal pozostaje pod śniegiem. Poszukiwanych jest 20 osób. Ratownikom od soboty nie udało się dotrzeć do żywych turystów. To 6 doba poszukiwań. Ratownicy powoli docierają do kolejnych zasypanych pomieszczeń.
Nadzieję rodzinom zaginionych i ratownikom dało wydobycie w poniedziałek trzech szczeniaków uwięzionych pod gruzami. Skoro młode zwierzęta przeżyły, dla ludzi również jest jeszcze nadzieja. W tej chwili służby próbują przedrzeć się przez grubą ścianę nośną, która dzieli ich od niedostępnego pomieszczenia hotelu. Tam nadal nogą znajdować się żywi ludzie.
Zobacz także:
Lawina przysypała turystów. Są ofiary
Odradzano im przyjazd. Wymknęli się śmierci
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Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -2.2

© Source: http://www.fakt.pl/wydarzenia/swiat/rigopiano-di-farindola-liczba-ofiar-lawiny-we-wloszech-rosnie/cyv3qet
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The most expensive city to live in 2017 is…


NewsHub(CNN) They may be in opposite corners of the globe, but Hong Kong, Sydney and Vancouver have one thing in common.
Sydney’s housing prices shot up because foreign investors are buying trophy assets, in places like Bondi

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: -0.2

© Source: http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/cnn_latest/~3/sr2PSnLIjLo/index.html
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SPD-Minister fordert Obergrenze – für Wölfe!


NewsHub„Jeder Baum, jede Hecke ist ein Strauss von Blumen, und man möchte zum Maikäfer werden“, schwärmte Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Jetzt hat’s sich ausgeschwärmt.
Das Thema bei „hart aber fair“: „Mensch raus, Wolf rein – wie viel Naturschutz verträgt unser Land?“
Unter den Wipfeln tobt Streit.
► Die Gäste:
• Peter Wohlleben, Förster, pflanzt Buchen statt Fichten und bietet Naturfreunden die letzte Ruhe unter schattigen Baumkronen an.
• Franz Prinz zu Salm-Salm, Jäger und Waldbesitzer, legt die Axt an und schlägt das Holz: „Der Wald ist ein Wirtschaftsgut, selbst wenn einige das nicht hören wollen.“
• Barbara Hendricks, SPD, hat als Umweltministerin Verständnis dafür, dass die hochheilige Natur auch mal für Autobahnen und Zugverkehr weichen muss.
• Olaf Tschimpke, Präsident des Naturschutzbundes NABU, freut sich über jeden Wolf, der den Weg nach Deutschland findet: „Der Wolf ist kein Kuscheltier, aber auch keine Bestie.“
• Roland Tichy, Journalist, fordert den Schutz der Wildmilane vor tödlichen Windrädern.
Vorsicht! Hier wird schon mal scharf geschossen – im Wald und auf der Weide.
Wer ist auf dem Holzweg?
Förster Wohlleben versteht die Welt nicht mehr: „Die Menschen demonstrieren für den Urwald in Brasilien. Aber hierzulande haben wir keinen Meter echten Urwald mehr.“ – Urwald für Deutschland!
Waldbesitzer Salm-Salm: „Holz ist ein nachwachsender Rohstoff. Wenn wir hier keinen Nutzwald haben, verlagern wir das Problem und in Südamerika wird noch mehr abgeholzt.“ Also: Rettet den Nutzwald! – Wohlleben motzt: „Massentierhaltung für Bäume!“
Ein Drittel Deutschlands ist von Wald bedeckt. Da wird doch wohl für alle Platz sein. So sieht das die Umweltministerin: „Fünf Prozent des Staatswaldes sollen wieder Urwald werden.“ – Auch mit dem Naturwald lässt sich Geld verdienen, verkündet Förster Wohlleben stolz: Mit Blockhausbau und Beerdigungen. Doch wenn alle Deutschen im Blockhaus wohnen und im Wald bestattet sind, ist sein Geschäftsmodell am Ende.
Die Natur kann mit sich selber nicht in Frieden leben.
Der Wolf reisst Schafe, nähert sich dem Menschen. SPD-Minister Backhaus in Meck-Pomm will eine Obergrenze für Meister Isegrim. Landwirte und Jäger sind für „begrenzten Abschuss“.
Salm-Salm berichtet aus dem Wolfs-Land Sachsen-Anhalt: „Bei uns war ein Wolf in der Waschanlage und im Kindergarten. Bürger bauen einen Zaun, um ihre Kinder zu schützen.“
Ministerin Hendricks: „Nicht füttern!“, notfalls „Problem-Wolf erschiessen“. – Doch Wolfsliebe ist grenzenlos: „In Niedersachen gibt es einen Wolfskrankenwagen“, Salm-Salm kann es nicht fassen – „und das in einem Landstrich, wo das Gesundheitssystem zusammenbricht. Wie soll man den Menschen das erklären?“
Wolf-Freund Wohlleben nimmt sein Lieblingstier in Schutz: „Es gibt im Jahr 10.000 gefährliche Übergriffe von Hunden. Drei bis fünf sind tödlich. Trotzdem kommt keiner darauf, Hunde abzuschiessen.“ – Das ist Zynismus pur.
Wer zählt mehr: Mensch oder Natur?
Bauvorhaben werden gestoppt, weil die Eidechse das Land besetzt. Eine Umgehungsstrasse wird nicht gebaut, weil irgendwo der Kiebitz nistet. Dafür rasen LKWs durch enge Strassen. Tierschützer Wohlleben will in diesem Falle gnädig sein: „Wo Menschen krank werden durch Lärm sollte man tatsächlich andere Prioritäten setzen.“ Danke für die Einsicht.
Und dann noch das Windrad als Vogelmörder.
Tichy wettert gegen die Windrad-Plage: „Windräder zerfetzen den Rotmilan. Ganze Bestände von Vögeln werden zerstört. Wir zerstören den Schwarzwald. Wir zerstören mehr, als wir durch den Windstrom je gewinnen.“ – Endlich hat er NABU-Mann Tschimpke an seiner Seite: „Windräder nur dort, wo sie naturverträglich sind.“ – Sein Wort ins Ohr der Windstrom-Freunde.
Plasberg: „Als welches Tier würden sie gern wiedergeboren?“ Tschimpke: „Als Giraffe.“ – Wohlleben: „Als Wolf.“ – Tichy: „Als Bergdohle. Da oben kommt kein Windrad hin.“ – Hendricks: „Ich mag Giraffen. Aber ich möchte nicht wiedergeboren werden.“- Plasberg: „Schade, sonst hätten wir ein Paar.“
Einmal quer durch die Natur. Da verläuft man sich schon mal.
PS: Sind Sie bei Facebook? Werden Sie Fan von BILD.de-Politik !

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.bild.de/politik/inland/frank-plasberg/wolfs-talk-bei-plasberg-49929792.bild.html
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Here are the known issues in the first Xbox One Creators Update preview


NewsHubMicrosoft today released the first Creators Update Insider Preview build for the Xbox One , including lots of new features, along with a new UI. The build number is 15009, the version number is 1703, and the build string is rs2_xbox_rel_1703.170118-1900.
But just like any Windows Insider Preview, there are some known issues that you need to be aware of:
As always, you should be aware of the known issues before installing an Insider Preview build. For example, if you use VUDU or other video streaming applications, you may run into issues.
Microsoft also announced today that members of the Xbox Insider Program will finally receive system updates. Previously, this was only available to members that carried over from the Xbox One Preview Program. There will be four rings, with the lowest level similar to the Release Preview ring of the Windows Insider Program, and if you want to get into the higher rings, you’ll need to work for it.
Source: Xbox Forums

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/kENBCQ99DBU/here-are-the-known-issues-in-the-first-xbox-one-creators-update-preview
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Q&A: Acrylamide – a reason to give up browned toast and roast potatoes?


NewsHubAdvice on how to reduce the amount of acrylamide in our diets has been issued by the government’s food safety body, because the chemical could cause cancer.
Acrylamide is created when starchy foods are roasted, grilled or fried for long periods at high temperatures.
The message is to cut back on browned and burnt toast, cook roast potatoes, chips and parsnips carefully – to a golden yellow colour – and eat fewer crisps, cakes and biscuits.
Are they trying to take all the fun out of life?
We try to put the latest dietary advice from the Food Standards Agency (FSA) into perspective.
Do not panic – you do not need to give up on the delicious Sunday roast staple just yet.
Crispy, brown roast potatoes which are traditionally cooked at very high temperatures do produce acrylamide, but the key is to try to cook them to the right colour.
“Go for gold” is what the FSA advises – that is a golden yellow colour, rather than brown.
And that applies to parsnips and all types of potato products too.
So if you are a roast potato fanatic you might want to rein in your obsession and cook them a little less often.
If you love them at Christmas and special occasions in-between, then try turning down the oven heat and taking the roast potatoes out before they start to turn excessively crispy and brown.
Well, during the browning process, when starchy foods are heated they do give off new flavours and aromas.
The bad news is that the same process also produces acrylamide, so there may have to be some trade-off between tastiness and the colour of your food.
When cooking packaged products, such as oven chips, follow the instructions carefully – they are designed to ensure you are not cooking starchy foods for too long or at too high a temperature.
Boiling, steaming or microwaving food is a much better and healthier option.
There is no need to worry about the occasional slightly overcooked piece of toast or other food.
Scraping off the dark brown bits of toast might help reduce acrylamide content a bit – and it certainly will not increase it.
But, in general, aim for a golden or lighter colour (see above).
Studies in animals found that the chemical causes tumours. This suggests that it also has the potential to cause cancer in humans.
The FSA has used that data and multiple dietary surveys to work out whether an average person’s exposure to acrylamide in food is a concern.
Scientists believe that there should be a margin of exposure of 10,000 or higher between an average adult’s intake of acrylamide and the lowest dose which could cause adverse effects.
But at the moment the numbers are 425 for the average adult and 50 for the highest consuming toddlers, making it a slight public health concern, UK and European food safety experts say.
However, Cambridge University risk expert Prof David Spiegelhalter is unconvinced by this very strict safety standard.
He says the margin of exposure figure is “arbitrary” and 33 times higher than the current margin for average adults in the UK, and he questions whether a public campaign should be launched on that basis.
Stopping smoking is the most important thing you can do to prevent cancer.
Keeping a healthy bodyweight and eating a balanced diet ranks second.
Our individual risk of cancer depends on a combination of genes, our environment and the lifestyle we lead, which we are able to control.
The amount of acrylamide in our diets is one small element of our food intake which we can control to help reduce our risk of cancer during the whole of our lives.
Research has shown that eating too much processed meat and red meat can increase the risk of developing cancer – that is a definite.
Cooking meat at high temperatures such as grilling or barbecuing can produce cancer-causing chemicals called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic amines (PCAs).
The FSA says the industry is doing its bit to find out how to reduce levels of acrylamide in food.
A toolkit and brochures have been produced for food manufacturers and food businesses, giving information and advice.
Evidence suggests the industry has been lowering levels of acrylamide in food over the past few years.
But there are currently no rules on the maximum limits for the chemical in food.
It is their job to make sure the food we eat is safe and to let the public know if they are concerned about any risk to our health.
This is not a new risk – people are likely to have been exposed to it since fire was first invented.
A Swedish study in 2002 was the first to reveal that high levels of acrylamide formed during the baking or frying of potato and cereal products.
And since then researchers have been trying to make sure the risks from the chemical are kept to a minimum.
Infants and toddlers are more at risk of exposure because of their smaller body weight, and their high intake of cereal-based foods.
Basically, the advice is another reason to eat a healthy, balanced diet – and make sure your children do too.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 4.6

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-38691915
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That’s No Moon … Saturn’s Satellite Looks Just Like The Death Star


NewsHubNASA captured a photo of one of Saturn’s moons in a way that looks exactly like something out of science fiction.
In its photo of the moon, Mimas looks a lot like the Death Star from the Star Wars movies, thanks in large part to its 88-mile-diameter crater.
Saturn’s icy moon Mimas
NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
NASA’s Cassini space probe captured the photo as part of its 12-year orbit of Saturn. Cassini was nearly 115,000 miles from Mimas when it took the picture.
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Sentiment rank: -3.3

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/23/thats-no-moon-saturns-satellite-looks-just-like-the-death-star/
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