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Суд заблокировал отставку президента Венесуэлы Мадуро


NewsHubВ частности, в суде заявили, что члены парламента не имеют права “призывать или совершать действия, нарушающие общественный порядок, подстрекающие против властей и государственных органов, а также иные действия, за пределами конституции и правового правопорядка”, говорится в сообщении венесуэльского телеканала TeleSur, сообщает “112.ua” .
Как сообщалось, не взирая на контроль оппозицией большинства парламента, нынешняя власть контролирует Верховный суд страны, который срывает любые законодательные инициативы парламента.
Депутаты Национальной ассамблеи уже безуспешно пытались начать в отношении президента судебный процесс, а также объявляли действия Мадуро государственным переворотом.
Венесуэла переживает тяжелейший экономический кризис. В стране происходят регулярные отключения воды и света, не хватает продуктов питания и лекарств. МВФ оценивает годовую инфляцию в стране в 500%, называя ее самой большой в мире.
Однако сам президент говорит, что его правительство является жертвой экономической войны, которую крупный бизнес ведет против его левой администрации.

Similarity rank: 7.7

© Source: http://zn.ua/WORLD/sud-zablokiroval-otstavku-prezidenta-venesuely-maduro-235368_.html
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Tuesday's TV highlights: Obama's farewell address, 'This Is Us' and more


Customized TV Listings are available here: www.latimes.com/tvtimes
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TV listings for the week of Jan 8 – 14, 2017 in PDF format
This week’s TV Movies
Casey Affleck talks about the way Kenneth Lonergan uses everyday language to convey deep emotion in “Manchester by the Sea. ”
For her role as Jackie Kennedy, Natalie Portman says, “It’s not a fashion story,” but the clothes do tell a story.
Joel Edgerton talks about staying truthful to the real-life story of “Loving. ”
Director Nicolas Winding Refn and composer Cliff Martinez discuss their “Neon Demon” collaboration.
“Manchester By the Sea” director Kenneth Lonergan discusses writing a quiet character and working with actor Casey Affleck to bring him to life.
“Manchester By the Sea” director Kenneth Lonergan discusses writing a quiet character and working with actor Casey Affleck to bring him to life.

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.latimes.com/la-et-st-0110-tvhighlights-20170110-story.html
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Yahoo's Marissa Mayer to resign from board after Verizon deal


NewsHubYahoo ( YHOO ) CEO Marissa Mayer and five other of the internet company’s board members plan to resign after Verizon ( VZ ) completes its $4.8 billion deal to buy most of its assets, Yahoo disclosed in a regulatory filing on Monday.
Verizon moved in July to buy Yahoo’s core business , including its internet properties and real estate holdings.
Yahoo! has confirmed that information was stolen from nearly half a billion user accounts following a hack on the company. Alex Hamerstone, Pract…
Verizon will buy Yahoo for $4.8 billion dollars, just one year after acquiring AOL. CBS MoneyWatch’s Jill Wagner explains the deal between the co…
If the deal closes — and it’s uncertain that it will, given the scale of two massive security breaches at Yahoo and potential antitrust concerns — what remains will be Yahoo’s stake in Chinese commerce giant Alibaba ( BABA ) and a number of patents. That company will be renamed Altaba and will function primarily as an investment company, according the Yahoo filing.
It’s unclear what this means for Mayer’s role as CEO of the beleaguered tech company. But there has been widespread speculation about her departure. Mayer said last year she intends to remain at the company.
Yahoo declined to elaborate on Mayer’s future, saying “the filing speaks for itself.”
Maynard Webb, the current chairman of Yahoo’s board, also intends to resign from Yahoo, as do David Filo, Eddy Hartenstein, Richard Hill and Jane Shaw.

Similarity rank: 6.4
Sentiment rank: -1.3

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/yahoos-marissa-mayer-to-resign-from-board-after-verizon-deal/
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Trump’s Son-In-Law Named White House Senior Adviser


NewsHubPresident-elect Donald Trump announced Monday that his son-in-law Jared Kushner will join him in the White House as a senior adviser.
“Jared has been a tremendous asset and trusted advisor throughout the campaign and transition and I am proud to have him in a key leadership role in my administration,” President-elect Trump said in a statement. “He has been incredibly successful, in both business and now politics. He will be an invaluable member of my team as I set and execute an ambitious agenda, putting the American people first.”
Kushner, like Trump, is a real estate developer and also owns the New York Observer. His lawyers announced Monday that Kushner will be stepping down from his company, divest “substantial assets” and sell off other assets including the Observer to a family trust.
A federal law prohibits the president from appointing relatives to cabinet positions, but the Trump transition team is maintaining that this “senior adviser” role steers clear of the anti-nepotism statute.
Kushner won’t be taking a salary in his new role, and his lawyer said in a statement that Kushner is “committed to complying with federal ethics laws and we have been consulting with the Office of Government Ethics regarding the steps he would take.”
The 35-year old New York businessman played a prominent role in Trump’s campaign. Eric Schmidt, chairman of Google parent company Alphabet, said in a December interview , “Jared Kushner is the biggest surprise of the 2016 election.”
“Best I can tell, he actually ran the campaign and did it with essentially no resources,” Schmidt added.
Kushner said in a statement that he is “energized by the shared passion of the President-elect and the American people” and that he is “humbled by the opportunity to join this very talented team.”

Similarity rank: 7.3
Sentiment rank: 3.2

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/09/trumps-son-in-law-named-white-house-senior-adviser/
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Strange new lawsuit against longtime investor Michael Goguen gets dropped


NewsHubEarly last month , we told you about a bizarre new lawsuit involving longtime venture capitalist Michael Goguen, whose career at Sequoia Capital ended early last year after he was sued in a salacious breach of contract suit that accused him of sexually mistreating a woman named Amber Baptiste, then refusing to honor an elaborate financial arrangement they’d made.
Baptiste and Goguen are set to meet in court this coming May. But the newer suit, filed the first week of December by a former acquaintance named Bryan Nash, was just dropped — and not surprisingly given the circumstances.
According to Nash’s suit, he first met Goguen in 1994 and they became “friends.” As Nash and Goguen’s “friendship developed,” they enjoyed “joint family gatherings,” took “vacations together,” went “mountain biking together,” and also exercised together, it said.
After skipping over two decades (that’s not an exaggeration), Nash’s suit then proceeded to claim that last year, Goguen agreed to pay Nash $15 million — and an eventual $19 million altogether — for “unrelated professional and personal assistance to Goguen.” It went on to observe that “before the funds were deposited through the wire transfer,” Goguen “withheld, or revoked” the transfer.
None of Nash’s complaint added up, as you’ve probably surmised yourself, but that didn’t stop a Mission Viejo, Ca.-based personal injury law firm from agreeing to represent Nash in his lawsuit.
At least, until earlier today.
As we reported in our piece last month, Goguen’s alleged agreement to pay Nash millions of dollars for “personal assistance” was part of a sting operation. As our sources told us at the time, Nash had re-emerged in Goguen’s life after seeing Baptiste’s lawsuit and the vast sums of money involved. According to those sources, soon after Nash approached Goguen, Goguen went to local authorities, saying that Nash was attempting to extort him. Those authorities then worked with Goguen to establish terms of a bogus contract between the two.
When, at the time, we asked Nash’s law firm about the sting operation and why they were bringing the case given the circumstances, his attorneys declined to comment. Apparently, however, they’ve since talked in greater length with the San Mateo County Sheriff’s office, which had helped orchestrate the operation. To wit, Nash’s attorneys finally dismissed the case earlier today “with prejudice,” meaning Nash can’t bring the same action against Goguen on the same claim — shapeless as that claim was from the start.
We’ll see what happens with Goguen versus Baptiste this spring.
Order of Dismissal With Prejudice by Constance Loizos on Scribd

Similarity rank: 0

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Acquia seeks to smooth path to Drupal 8 for enterprises


NewsHubDrupal 8 is yet to achieve the popularity of Drupal 7, but the most recent edition of the open source web platform is already helping deliver the digital presence of some of the world’s largest enterprises, according to John Kennedy.
Kennedy is a product manager for Acquia — the company founded by Drupal creator Dries Buytaert — and has spearheaded one of the company’s key initiatives to smooth the path to Drupal 8 enterprise adoption: The development of a Drupal distribution dubbed Lightning.
Drupal 8.0.0 was released in November 2015 and involved a major overhaul of the content management system.
In a sense Drupal 8 adoption has been “faster and slower” when compared to Drupal 7, Kennedy argued. After its January 2011 release, Drupal 7 experienced exponential adoption, helping boost the CMS to more than a million installs by early 2014.
As of 1 January this year, Drupal.org figures generated by the platform’s Update Status module (which are limited to Drupal installs with that module enabled) show just shy of 110,000 sites running 8.x, compared to more than 950,000 running 7.x.
“If you just looked at Drupal.org you would say, ‘Ah Drupal 8 is hovering around 100,000 installs online and that is not keeping pace with what’s happened with Drupal 7’,” Kennedy said.
“After six months, Drupal 7 went through this exponential rise in number of sites and kept going until it hit about a million sites. Drupal 8 isn’t doing that — but if you look at the companies that are adopting Drupal and the size of Drupal sites, it’s completely changed.”
“We now, more than ever, have more of the top Forbes 2000 companies and Drupal 8 is taking over the Alexa 10,000 and the top ranking sites for big companies,” Kennedy said.
“It’s really changed the market [Drupal] works in and it’s changed who we’re competing against. We’re really competing against Adobe and Sitecore and the other people in the top right [of the] Gartner WCM Magic Quadrant.”
At the same time, Kennedy said what he describes as “legacy CMS providers” are dropping off. “IBM has their own WCM that they’re not using for Ibm.com, which is a sign of the times,” he said.
Nestle is an example of a global enterprise that has chosen Drupal for content management and is now shifting onto Drupal 8, Kennedy said. Nestle chose the platform for its Digital Services Unit to deliver thousands of sites to business units around the world.
Nestle originally used Drupal 7 on Acquia’s cloud-based Site Factory
service but has begun to use Drupal 8 courtesy of Lightning, Kennedy
Kennedy stood up a team to build Lightning in October 2015, with development starting in November of that year. The distribution was formally released in July 2016, with Acquia pitching it as “the perfect starter kit for Drupal 8, bringing together critical functionality for enterprise-scale delivery of digital experiences”.
Running in parallel with work on Lightning was the Module Acceleration Program: An Acquia-funded effort to port a range of key Drupal 7 modules to Drupal 8. Kennedy also oversaw MAP.
“There were a lot of modules we thought would be important for Drupal 8 adoption and [for] the successful launch of an enterprise authoring edition of Drupal, which is Lightning,” he said.
“So as well as starting the development of Lightning, Acquia committed $500,000 to funding community members to accelerate the transition of their modules from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, and then also build a couple of new modules as well.”
MAP funded work on 47 modules, including 26 that found their way into Lightning.
“The key value of Lightning is that we take those 26 modules and put them together in a working configuration,” Kennedy said.
“In Drupal 7 there was a lot of fear, uncertainty, doubt around distributions,” he added. “There’s some really brilliant out-of-the-box distributions like Open Atrium that give people an idea of what a distribution is. But Lightning is very different to an out-of-the-box distribution. It’s a framework distribution that tries to be unopinionated about most of your development.”
“Our principles are that we don’t put anything in Lightning that a developer going to have to undo,” Kennedy said.
“We’re really building for the 80 per cent of builds in enterprise; so all of Acquia’s customers when they build on Drupal 8 they start with Lightning if they’re building through our professional services team, and more and more of our partners are starting with Lightning now as well.”
The core functions contained in Lightning — drag and drop layout support, media management, content workflow and preview — are relevant to almost any large enterprise with a digital presence, Kennedy added.
Kennedy said that a key selling point of the distribution is the team’s commitment to an upgrade path for all the modules it incorporates.
“We’re really saying, you don’t have to worry about these modules as they upgrade or as their functionality goes into core — we’re going to give you an upgrade path so you don’t have to think about it,” he said.
Kennedy argued that using Lightning could cut a Drupal project’s initial development time by reducing the effort spent choosing and configuring modules to implement baseline functionality needed by the majority of enterprises, allowing a team to concentrate on bolting-on modules required to deliver less-common features. It also cuts ongoing maintenance costs, he said.
“And also it means as Lightning upgrades you get the ability to turn on new functionality for free,” he added. “You upgrade Lightning, there’s something new, you decide to turn it on. Suddenly your authors can do something new, which is pretty fantastic.”
Tags open source acquia drupal
More about Acquia Adobe CMS Gartner IBM Sitecore

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/612525/acquia-seeks-smooth-path-drupal-8-enterprises/?utm_medium=rss&utm_source=sectionfeed
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Microsoft launches Office Insider Program for iPhone and iPad


NewsHubMicrosoft first launched the Office Insider Program for Windows back in late 2015, followed by the release of builds to Android , Mac and Windows 10 Mobile in the first half of 2016. This meant that almost all users could be an Office Insider, except for those on iOS. Today marks a change as Microsoft is now offering those on iOS a chance to become an Office Insider.
Currently, only the Fast Ring is available for those using iPhone or iPad, which means a faster pace of release of preview builds, but also more chances there will bugs and issues. Because of this, Microsoft is also advising users that there will be the risk of running unsupported builds on their devices.
Also, the company has stated that only a limited capacity is available for this program. This means that if a participant is not actively testing or if it becomes necessary to reallocate resources, some participants may be removed from the program.
Finally, for those that would like to participate, be sure to submit your application. If chosen, be sure to save your files to the cloud, as Microsoft has warned that files saved to the device will be lost if a user opts out of the Insider program or if Microsoft terminates it.
Source: Office Insider via MSPoweruser

Similarity rank: 0

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Images of Samsung's mid-range Galaxy C7 Pro leak online


NewsHubThere’s a lot of anticipation for Samsung’s next flagship , but the company has also been producing some fairly interesting and feature packed mid-range devices. While a release date is still unknown, the C7 Pro has leaked online.
As mentioned previously, these images find their way online in an unofficial manner and as such could look very different from the official model when it debuts. But if they are real, the C7 Pro looks quite dated compared to its Galaxy C7 counterpart that was launched earlier last year. Unlike the original C7 that offered sloped edges and a design reminiscent of the S7 edge or Note 7, the leaked C7 Pro looks more like the Galaxy S5. According to the folks at SamMobile, the C7 Pro will offer a 5.7-inch 1080p display, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 625 processor, 4GB RAM, and a 3,300mAh battery – most of which are offered on the current C7.
Source: NextPowerUp via SamMobile | Handset image via NextPowerUp

Similarity rank: 0

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Alleged Moto G5 Plus makes an appearance and look at Lenovo's future


NewsHubLenovo radically changed the design of its top end handset for 2016 with the introduction of the Moto Z. But from what we’ve been seeing from a few leaks, that design language won’t trickle down to handsets in other lines anytime soon. Instead, it looks like Lenovo will evolve its designs for the Moto X and Moto G, if leaks are to be believed. While leaked images are always tough to digest, pictures have surfaced of an alleged Moto G5 Plus that has gone up for sale through an unofficial channel.
While the listing for the G5 Plus has now been pulled, you can still see an archive of the post. Along with many images of the G5 Plus, the poster also had details about the specifications of the device. According to the poster, through translation, it appears the G5 Plus will offer:
Naturally, it’s always a bit tough to see what is real and what is not, but if the other leaks can corroborate, the rear of the Moto X that we saw late last year seems to look very similar to the image we see above., which could mean that Lenovo is indeed moving to a new design for 2017.
Source: OLX via Reddit

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/HN0CtSICAqg/alleged-moto-g5-plus-makes-an-appearance-and-look-at-lenovos-future
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If Verizon closes its deal – Yahoo could become Altaba Inc and CEO Marissa Mayer will resign


NewsHubA new SEC document has revealed that when Verizon makes its purchase of Yahoo Inc, certain stipulations are in place that will see the company’s name change to Altaba Inc. and the current CEO, Marissa Mayer will resign along with other current executives. This is all of course only if Verizon chooses to close the deal and purchase Yahoo.
While at one time it was the “go to” website for Internet searches, Yahoo has since become a muddled mess of a company. Last year, rumors began spreading that some were interested in purchasing t he search giant, with Verizon ultimately becoming the purchaser for nearly $5 billion.
Unfortunately, a few months after the purchase, Yahoo made a data breach public , which Verizon was only privy to a couple days ahead of the public notice. It comes without say that Verizon didn’t take the incident lightly, requesting that $1 billion be knocked off the price as they might abandon the purchase. Things would get even worse for Yahoo as it would disclose yet another data breach , straining the deal with Verizon even further.
Source: Yahoo / The Independent

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/3VeLbHR_IS8/if-verizon-closes-its-deal—yahoo-could-become-altaba-inc-and-ceo-marissa-mayer-will-resign
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