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Salmon with large tapeworms arrive in the U. S.


NewsHub(NEWSER) – U. S. salmon lovers feeling bad for those overseas infected with a pesky parasite can start worrying about themselves.
The Japanese broad tapeworm, aka  Diphyllobothrium nihonkaiense , is usually only found in fish from Asia’s Pacific coasts,  CNN  reports, but per a study in the CDC’s  Emerging Infectious Diseases  journal, wild salmon netted in Alaska were also plagued by the parasite.
Researchers now say that could mean salmon caught anywhere off North America’s Pacific coasts could be affected, though the health effects aren’t generally serious. The scientists, however, warn the problem could spread if not remedied: Because salmon is often packed and transported on ice (but not frozen), the tapeworm’s larvae may be able to survive the trip, possibly infecting consumers in Europe, New Zealand, China, and other parts of the US.
The researchers cut open 64 wild Alaskan salmon in 2013 to find the larvae (some up to 15 mm long), and gene sequencing identified it as the Japanese tapeworm. Four species are known to carry it: chum salmon, masu salmon, pink salmon, and sockeye salmon.
Per  Food Safety Magazine , infection risk is increased when consuming raw or undercooked fish. A preventive medicine professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine tells CNN most infected humans remain asymptomatic — some may feel slight abdominal discomfort or nausea — though there are rare cases in which the infection can turn serious. The  CDC  notes that freezing or cooking the fish will annihilate Diphyllobothrium parasites.
(A Canadian man bit into a piece of salmon and  fell into a coma .)
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Similarity rank: 2

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Abe ends Philippine visit with investment, speedboat pledge


NewsHubJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, right, and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte walk together for their meeting at the Malacanang Palace grounds, Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017, in Manila, Philippines. Abe arrived Thursday for a two-day official visit that includes a visit to Duterte’s hometown of Davao city in southern Philippines.(AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
(The Associated Press)
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, left, and Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte toast during a state banquet at the Malacanang Palace Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017 in Manila, Philippines. Abe arrived Thursday for a two-day official visit that includes a visit to Duterte’s hometown of Davao city in southern Philippines.(AP Photo/Francis Malasig, Pool)
(The Associated Press)
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe reviews the troops during a welcoming ceremony at the Malacanang Palace grounds, Thursday, Jan. 12, 2017, in Manila, Philippines. Abe arrived Thursday for a two-day official visit that includes a visit to President Rodrigo Duterte’s hometown of Davao city in southern Philippines. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)
(The Associated Press)
MANILA, Philippines –   Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is on his way to Australia after a two-day visit to the Philippines, during which he pledged $8.7 billion worth of business opportunities and private investments along with speedboats and other counterterrorism equipment.
He left for Sydney Friday from southern Davao city, President Rodrigo Duterte’s hometown. The two leaders shared breakfast of mung soup and rice cakes in Duterte’s home.
They posed for pictures with businesspeople in a hotel and attended a ceremony to name an endangered Philippine eagle Sakura, or cherry blossom, in Abe’s honor. They ate durian fruit at the hotel’s garden as dancers performed to the beat of brass gong before sitting down for lunch.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: http://feeds.foxnews.com/~r/foxnews/world/~3/chtDkcbcTQ8/abe-ends-philippine-visit-with-investment-speedboat-pledge.html
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Nintendo Switch game console to go on sale in March ‹ Japan Today


NewsHubTOKYO —
The Nintendo Switch video game console will sell for 29,980 yen (about $260) in Japan, starting March 3, the same date as its global rollout in the U. S. and Europe. The Japanese company promises the device will be packed with fun features of all its past machines and more.
The Kyoto-based maker of Super Mario and Pokemon games announced details of the Switch’s release Friday at the Tokyo Big Sight events hall. It said the console will sell for $299.99 in the U. S. Customers in Europe would need to ask retailers there for prices.
Anticipation has been mounting. In teaser videos, Nintendo Co has shown players using a handheld whose remote controller section detaches from the left and right sides of the main part of the device’s display. Players can use the Switch as a regular handheld, put the display on a table, or use a TV screen as a monitor.
“Nintendo Switch is a brand-new kind of home gaming system that offers a wide variety of play modes,” Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima told reporters.
Nintendo needs the Switch to buttress a turnaround after the disappointing sales of the Wii U and the 3DS handheld. Nintendo has been playing catch-up after consumers dumped older machines in favor of using smartphones and personal computers to play games. The company also faces powerful rival game machine offerings from Microsoft Corp and Sony Corp.
The Switch needs to win over new, younger players, who may not be hard-core game fans and might be daunted by its hefty price tag. Many had hoped it might sell for closer to $200.
Nintendo is promising a more immersive, interactive experience with the Switch, including online playing and using the remote controller in games that don’t require players to be constantly staring at a display.
Nintendo officials demonstrated features such as using the detachable remote controllers, called “Joy-Con,” to play a gun-duel game. Motion sensors enable players to feel virtual water being poured into a virtual cup.
In another game, characters’ arms swirled out during combat when players punched the air while holding the controllers.
“It’s a totally new kind of game,” said Kouichi Kawamoto, who oversaw “1-2-Switch,” a gun-duel game that requires players to look each other in the eye. “It’s about having fun with communication.”
Nintendo said 50 software makers, including Electronic Arts and Sega, are preparing 80 games for the Switch. It also promised in-house games such as a Legend of Zelda game, which will go on sale the same date as the Switch.
The company planned a similar presentation in the U. S. later Friday. It’s also setting up places where people can try the device ahead of its launch, including cities in Europe, to woo buyers.
Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Similarity rank: 4

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/technology/view/nintendo-switch-game-console-to-launch-in-march
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Fluffy toys out, socks off: Japan’s Shinzo Abe treated to some Rodrigo Duterte diplomacy in Philippines


NewsHubWith a visit to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s bedroom, having one of the world’s rarest birds named in his honour and guided by a sockless host, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had a morning to remember on Friday. Duterte, a charismatic politician known at home for his folksy charm, dropped many of the formal protocols normally associated with visits by a head of government as he took Abe on a tour of his beloved southern home city of Davao. Abe’s day began with a visit to Duterte’s “simple home” for a breakfast of sticky rice cakes and mung bean soup, a presidential aide said, with the leaders dining at a wooden table before heading for a look around Duterte’s house. “We also showed him how the president enjoys the comfort of his own bed, including his old and favourite mosquito net,” Duterte’s aide, Christopher Go, wrote on Facebook alongside a photo of the leaders smiling while standing next to the bed. The leaders later had a casual meeting at a hotel overlooking the sea, where Duterte was photographed in a checkered shirt and long pants but no socks – a familiar look for the 71-year-old who takes pride in his informal fashion style. Abe’s next activity saw him standing in front of a stuffed Philippine eagle, the national bird and one of the world’s most endangered. A ceremony saw a two-year-old eagle named Sakura after the famous Japanese cherry blossom. Abe was given a photo of the eagle, which is kept at a nearby sanctuary, as well as a fluffy toy version draped in indigenous clothing. Abe, normally blue-suited and politically conservative who nevertheless showed off his fun side last year when he ’ closing ceremony, appeared to enjoy the day. He smiled and laughed throughout the eagle ceremony, and ended his Davao trip at a Japanese-language school where he was greeted by singing and flag-waving children. Abe was the first foreign leader to visit the Philippines since Duterte took office just over six months ago. His two-day trip began on Thursday with a much more formal itinerary in the capital of Manila, where he held meetings with Duterte at the presidential palace. Abe was also the first head of government to visit Davao, the largest city in the southern Philippines that is 1,500km from Manila. Duterte, a long-time mayor of Davao before becoming president, has made developing the southern Philippines a top priority, arguing the region has been neglected by “imperial Manila”. Abe flew from Davao to Australia on Friday afternoon as part of a trip that will include Indonesia and Vietnam.

Similarity rank: 4

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/2061955/fluffy-toys-out-socks-japans-shinzo-abe-treated-some
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Breakfast at Duterte's: Abe samples Philippine leader's simple style


NewsHubMANILA: Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe feasted on bean soup and rice cakes at the humble home of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on Friday, and sampled the down-to-earth living of a volatile new friend who is shaking up the status quo in Asia.
With the backdrop of family photos, cups hanging from kitchen cabinets and clusters of used beer and wine bottles, Abe ate Duterte’s favourite breakfast in Davao City and was given a tour of his creaky, two-storey house, including a bedroom featuring the mosquito net he sleeps under on most weekends.
Duterte’s simple living is part of the man-of-the-people style that endeared him to the millions of Filipino voters who in May favoured an abrasive city mayor over wealthy politicians on a largely Manila-centric ballot.
Abe’s visit comes as the Philippines edges closer to becoming a geostrategic battleground, with China offering billions in loans and investments, as Duterte opts to befriend Beijing and avoid challenging its maritime claims while ramping up hostility towards historic ally Washington.
While Japan’s allies in the West ponder how to deal with the hot-headed new leader, Abe has formed a close bond with Duterte during the four times they have met.
He is the first head of state to visit Duterte and arrived on Thursday offering a 1 trillion yen (US$8.77 billion) aid and investment package aimed at boosting the flagging infrastructure of one of the world’s fastest growing economies, in which Japan is a top investor, donor and trade partner.
The two leaders, both dressed in short-sleeve shirts, did not discuss business on Friday and were photographed mostly eating local delicacies.
Duterte’s top aide, Christopher “Bong” Go posted images of their private breakfast meeting on his Facebook page.
“We also showed him how the President enjoys the comfort of his own bed, including his old and favourite mosquito net,” Go posted.
Abe also became the owner of a Philippine eagle, named “Sakura”, which is being treated at a local rehabilitation centre after being shot and wounded by hunters.
He didn’t get to meet Sakura personally, but was given a stuffed eagle toy instead, bearing a medallion engraved with “Sakura is adopted by Mr. Shinzo Abe”.

Similarity rank: 5

© Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/breakfast-at-duterte-s-abe-samples-philippine-leader-s-simple/3435884.html
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センター試験、午前9時半に開始 大雪や交通混乱に警戒


NewsHub本格的な入試シーズンの幕開けとなる大学入試センター試験が14日、全国の691会場で始まる。日程は15日までの2日間で、志願者数は前年度より1万2199人多い57万5967人。参加大学の内訳は国立82校、公立86校、私立526校で、国公立大は大学院大を除く全校が利用する。 試験期間中、北日本から西日本までの日本海側を中心に大雪や猛吹雪になるとして、気象庁は警戒を呼び掛けている。大学入試センターも受験生に余裕を持って試験会場に向かうよう呼び掛けたほか、会場の各大学に対し、交通の混乱などがあった場合、試験開始時刻を繰り下げるといった対応を取るよう求めた。

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017011401001030.html
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NewsHub[ワシントン 13日 ロイター] – 米労働省が13日発表した昨年12月の卸売物価指数(PPI、最終需要財向け財・サービス)は、前月比0.3%上昇した。市場予想と一致した。11月は0.4%上昇していた。 前年同月比では1.6%上昇と2014年9月以来、2年3カ月ぶりの大きな伸びとなった。こちらも市場予想と一致した。11月は1.3%の上昇だった。 12月はエネルギー製品の価格が2.6%上昇し、最終需要財の伸びのうち約60パーセントを占めた。エネルギー価格は11月は0.3%の下落だった。 これに伴って最終需要財は12月に0.7%上昇となった。 原油安による押し下げ効果が薄れたことで、卸売物価は上昇しつつある。原油価格は1バレル=50ドルを超える水準で推移しており、12日に発表された輸出入物価統計によると、昨年12月の輸入物価は前年同月比で5年ぶりに近い大きな上昇となった。 ただ、トランプ氏の米大統領選勝利後はドル高が再燃しており、原油値上がりによる物価押し上げ効果は薄まる可能性がある。 12月は食品が0.7%上昇し、11月の0.6%上昇から伸びを拡大した。 ヘルスケア費用は横ばい。11月は0.2%の上昇だった。これらは連邦準備理事会(FRB)が物価の目安として注視する個人消費支出(PCE)物価指数に反映される。 変動の大きい貿易サービスは0.2%上昇。11月は1.3%の大幅上昇だった。貿易サービスは卸売業や小売業の利潤の変化を示す。 変動の大きい食品とエネルギー、貿易サービスを除き、基調的な物価動向を示すとされるコア卸売物価は前月比で0.1%上昇。前年同月比では1.7%上昇だった。11月はそれぞれ0.2%と1.8%の上昇だった。

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 3.5

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/business/reuters/CRBKBN14X2FJ.html
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道警によると、インターネット交流サイト(SNS)への執拗(しつよう)な投稿などを規制対象に加えた改正ストーカー規制法が3日に施行されて以降、全国初の立件という。 逮捕容疑は11日、元交際相手の30代女性が拒否しているのに、「俺のことをばかにし過ぎだ」「こけにされたら許さない」などと、LINEでメッセージ5回と音声データを送信した疑い。 女性は昨年12月、「男が別れてくれず困っている」と同署に相談していた。(2017/01/13-21:36)

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -0.8

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017011300867&g=soc&m=rss
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What South Korea Thinks of China’s ‘Belt and Road’


NewsHubIf the 21st century ultimately fulfills its predicted destiny as the “Pacific Century,” future historians will mark 2013 as the watershed year in which the gravity of world power began to tilt toward the Asia-Pacific, and perhaps 2017 as the decisive year of the shift. In 2013, two major economic strategies to strengthen regional cohesion and global connectivity were announced: China’s massive “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) and South Korea’s “Eurasia Initiative” (EAI). While the former has clearly overshadowed the latter, the relatively tiny South Korea’s aspirations may ultimately hold the key to the success or failure of China’s grand vision because of the pivotal role North Korea plays in the destiny of both countries.
The genesis of both OBOR and the EAI is geography, from which the region’s strategic impetuses flow. As the Western world’s attention has increasingly tilted eastward, manifested in part by the U. S. “Pivot to Asia,” China, in contrast, has turned westward, as well as to its north and south. Not to be outdone, other regional powers have also readjusted their strategic compasses: Russia’s attention is increasingly turning south and east through its “Eastern Dream”; India is turning north and east through its “Act East” strategy; and Japan is turning to its west and south with its “Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy.”
These geographic readjustments of strategic priorities are in great part a reaction to the U. S.-centric regional architecture based on the “hub-and-spoke” alliance system that has dominated the region since World War II. OBOR is China’s attempt to build an alternative regional architecture to support its own geopolitical objectives, first and foremost challenging U. S. leadership in the region and ultimately globally. OBOR also serves China’s nearer-term priority of reinforcing its own domestic stability by promoting security in extra-territorial regional neighbors through its economic and political influence.
Through massive investments in infrastructure development projects in geographically strategic countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, and countries throughout Central Asia, China offers tempting alternatives to U. S. and Western influence with their more stringent standards and requirements.
Meanwhile, South Korea, whose very existence and security remains firmly entrenched in the U. S. alliance system, is under historically familiar pressure from regional powers vying for influence on the Korean peninsula. President Park Geun-hye’s launch of the EAI was an effort to exert South Korea’s growing strength and to geographically connect Western Europe with the easternmost pillar of Asia, the southern tip of the Korean peninsula.
EAI unambiguously emphasized its political goals to fundamentally alter the geopolitical and security landscape of Northeast Asia. EAI explicitly acknowledges that the single impediment to creating a continuous geographical link between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through the European and Asian landmasses is the ongoing division of the Korean Peninsula. This vision is in stark contrast to OBOR, whose connections with the West notably stop at China’s eastern borders, glaringly ignoring the Korean Peninsula.
In this regard China’s vision may be more realistic, for it fully accounts for North Korea’s adamant resistance against any regional cooperation, much less loosening of its borders. Indeed, South Korea’s EAI may have been doomed from its inception because its very premise was based on corralling national and regional power to alter North Korean calculations. Unfortunately, North Korean actions in 2016, including its fourth and fifth nuclear tests as well as numerous missile launches, seems to have eliminated any remaining hope in South Korea that North Korea’s leadership is inclined toward a peaceful, much less cooperative future.
Nevertheless, China’s purposefully limited view westward — as well as north and south — with the explicit exclusion of the Korean Peninsula, which is economically and strategically crucial for true regional integration, is striking. It is perhaps further confirmation that for China, maintenance of the status quo — division of the Korean Peninsula — even with North Korea’s ongoing pursuit of nuclear weapons programs, serves Chinese strategic goals: ensuring extra-territorial stability, particularly in its bordering countries.
It is becoming evident that South Korea’s own vision for the region, supported by its growing confidence as a solid middle power, is increasingly at odds with China’s. South Korea’s EAI, despite purporting to share similar goals with OBOR of reviving the ancient Silk Road to promote economic benefits for all involved, is far more likely to be a divergent path than a shared road.
More than the potential loss of long-term regional benefits, however, is the divergence between the two visions for extra-regional integration, which signals a deeper and troubling disparity in fundamental views about regional security. China’s refusal to acknowledge the obstructionist role that North Korea plays, hampering not only regional integration but stability on the Peninsula and beyond, is recognized and challenged by South Korea. Despite the political turmoil surrounding current President Park Geun-hye and her impeachment, and uncertainty about the next leader of the country, it is unlikely that the public will tolerate a return to the permissive engagement of previous Sunshine policies toward the North.
Meanwhile, North Korea’s ability to assert its own independent actions despite regional and global pressures highlights the opportunities for exploitation created by the inability of regional powers to cooperate when national security interests diverge. Thus, the respective grand projects promulgated by China and South Korea to revive the ancient Silk Roads in order to promote regional integration may paradoxically unleash greater divisions in the Asia-Pacific, and fail to deliver the regional stability both nations are striving to achieve.
Finally, uncertainty surrounding the future direction of U. S. policies in Asia under the new Trump administration contributes another element of ambiguity about the regional architecture and whether the United States will remain as the anchor of stability for the region. As such, 2017 may mark the beginning of a 21st century shift in regional and global power, and augurs an unsettling if not certainly eventful future.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://thediplomat.com/2017/01/what-south-korea-thinks-of-chinas-belt-and-road/
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DOJ assigns new prosecutor in alleged kidnapping of Korean trader


NewsHubThe Department of Justice (DOJ) on Friday assigned a new prosecutor to take charge of the alleged kidnapping of a South Korean businessman in Angeles City three months ago.
Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II has appointed prosecution attorney Loverhette Jeffrey Villordon as head of the prosecution team looking into the abduction of businessman Jee Ick-joo by an antidrug police team.
Aguirre said he was surprised why Assistant State Prosecutor Hjalmar Quintana had inhibited from the case.
The main suspect in the case, Senior Police Officer 3 Ricky Sta. Isabel, has reportedly accused Quintana of being biased against his antidrug tream.
Aguirre said Sta. Isabel, a member of the PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Group, went AWOL in the past few months but surfaced immediately after the police ordered for a manhunt against him. Sta. Isabel has denied all the charges against him but the justice secretary said this was not enough to dispute charges and evidence against him.
“I have met with the South Korean ambassador and Police Chief Bato Dela Rosa. We’re looking seriously into the case and the circumstances,” said Aguirre.
Aguirre said that he also urged Dela Rosa to come up with safeguards to prevent dirty policemen from using President Rodrigo Duterte’s order to go hard on drug lords and pushers as a ruse to carry out their criminal activities.
Aguirre said that it was important to protect the integrity of the President’s antidrug program from crooked members of the police.

Similarity rank: 1.5

© Source: https://globalnation.inquirer.net/151621/doj-assigns-new-prosecutor-alleged-kidnapping-korean-trader
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