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【タオルミナ時事】 イタリア南部タオルミナで開かれていた先進7カ国(G7)首脳会議(サミット)は27日午後(日本時間同日夜)、 焦点となっていた貿易の 在り方について「開かれた市場を堅持し、 保護主義と闘う」 と明記した首脳宣言を発表して閉幕した。 核開発や弾道ミサイル
【タオルミナ時事】イタリア南部タオルミナで開かれていた先進7カ国(G7)首脳会議(サミット)は27日午後(日本時間同日夜)、焦点となっていた貿易の在り方について「開かれた市場を堅持し、保護主義と闘う」と明記した首脳宣言を発表して閉幕した。核開発や弾道ミサイル発射を強行し続ける北朝鮮は「新たな段階の脅威」だとして、関連する国連安全保障理事会制裁決議の完全履行を国際社会に呼び掛けた。 サミット首脳宣言は、ロシアを加えたG8時代の2007年以降、「保護主義と闘う」との立場を明確にしてきた。今回、自国第一主義を掲げるトランプ米政権は過去の宣言の踏襲に反対していたが、最終的に日本や欧州に足並みをそろえた。 宣言は「自由で公正な貿易と投資は互いに利益をもたらし、成長と雇用創出の主要な原動力になる」との認識を表明。新興国の動向を念頭に「全ての不公正な貿易慣行に断固として立ち向かう」との文言も盛り込んだ。 また、北朝鮮の核・ミサイル開発を非難し、「国際社会の最優先課題」として解決に取り組む意思を示した。北朝鮮に影響力を持つ中国やロシアを含む国際社会全体に圧力強化を促し、北朝鮮に対しては国連決議の完全順守と全ての核・ミサイル計画の放棄を迫った。 中国が進出を活発化させる東・南シナ海情勢も取り上げ、現状に改めて懸念を表明。「緊張を増大させるいかなる一方的な行動にも強く反対する」と訴えた。中国による軍事拠点化の動きを念頭に、非軍事化も求めた。内戦が長引くシリア情勢の早期安定化に向け、アサド政権の後ろ盾となっているロシアに積極的な対応を要請した。 気候変動分野では、トランプ米政権のパリ協定見直し作業に理解を示しつつ、同協定を迅速に履行していくことを再確認した。 一方、英国での自爆テロを受けて主要議題に浮上したテロ対策では、初日の討議後に「あらゆるテロを可能な限り最も強い表現で非難する」とする共同声明を発表している。(2017/05/27-22: 50) 関連ニュース
【経済記事一覧へ】 【アクセスランキング】

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017052700372&g=eco&m=rss
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Chasing dreams may be the next sleeper hit for venture capitalists


After decades spent funding technologies tailored to deprive us of sleep (see: streaming video, gaming, social networks and 24/7 online shopping) , the venture..
A lot of startups are pitching ways to put us to sleep lately. In response, investors are perking up and writing big checks.
Call it Big Sleep. After decades spent funding technologies tailored to deprive us of sleep (see: streaming video, gaming, social networks and 24/7 online shopping) , the venture capital industry has decided to direct its considerable capital reserves at helping us get more shut-eye.
How else to explain the expansive number of venture rounds for companies developing sleep-focused apps, therapies and monitoring devices? There’s also an ultra-hot mattress startup sector, with at least two companies reportedly on a credible path to unicorn status.
Overall, sleep-focused companies that closed rounds in the past couple of years have raised a cumulative total of more than $700 million, according to an analysis of Crunchbase funding data. Funding in the past year alone was just shy of $300 million for these companies. (See our list of funded sleep startups here.)
That’s a big number, but it’s hard to say if it’s record-setting. Comparing recent funding activity to other periods is complicated because sleep isn’ t a discrete investment category. Rather, the list of “Big Sleep” startups includes companies in various sectors, including mobile apps, pharma, medical devices, media and consumer products. There also are no dedicated sleep funds or famous serial sleep entrepreneurs to track.
That said, there are very large rounds going to companies in the sleep space lately. In the consumer products area, the biggest investment recipient is Casper, which makes comfy mattresses and sells them online. The four-year-old New York company was reportedly in talks to sell to Target for $1 billion before deciding to pursue a late-stage investment from the retailer instead. Casper raised about $70 million in prior rounds. (See other mattress startups here .)
On the consumer device side, meanwhile, there’s Hello, developer of the Sense sleep-tracking system, which has raised $41 million to date. It’s one of several companies in what you might call the quantitative sleep space, with a device and app providing a detailed breakdown of your sleep cycles and advice for achieving a more restful night.
While consumer-focused startups are gaining traction, life sciences and medical device companies still account for the lion’s share of sleep-related venture investments. The most heavily funded private, sleep-focused company we found in the Crunchbase data set is Inspire Medical Systems, a developer of implantable therapeutic devices for treating obstructive sleep apnea. The Minnesota company has raised more than $110 million in venture funding, including a $38 million round in November. Other top funding recipients include Ebb Therapeutics (formerly Cereve) , which is working on a device to treat insomnia, and Novasom, a provider of prescription home sleep tests.
Investments in sleep-focused startups come amid a period of growing awareness about the extent and harmfulness of sleep deprivation. Last year, the Centers for Disease Control published a study finding that more than one-third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis. Sleeping less than seven hours per day, the CDC added, is associated with an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke and mental distress.
Lack of sleep is also a big problem at work. Even in Silicon Valley, where workaholic habits are celebrated, most dedicated techies will admit lack of sleep can lead to burnout and poor decision-making. Some are doing something to address the issue.
It might seem counter-intuitive to see internet entrepreneurs pitching solutions for the same fatigue-induced burnout commonly caused by working at a startup or using its products. Yet that’s what’s happening as more serial founders jump on the restfulness bandwagon. Celebrity media entrepreneur Arianna Huffington made a widely reported entrance into the space last year with the launch of Thrive Global, a media platform with $7 million in funding and a self-described mission to “end the epidemic of stress and burnout.” (Long before Thrive, Huffington was an advocate of nap rooms for tech workers.)
Predating Thrive by a couple of years is Headspace, a meditation and mindfulness app that has raised nearly $40 million. It’s one of several meditation-focused startups that have raised capital in the past few years.
Investors, of course, aren’ t backing these companies just for the warm fuzzy feeling of helping people relax. They’ re in it to make money. Most of them haven’ t yet, but a few have.
Just this month, Apple, a company with a long track record of making things trendy, made a foray into the sleep space with the acquisition of Beddit, the developer of a popular sleep-tracking app and connected device. The purchase price wasn’ t disclosed, but given that Beddit had previously raised less than $4 million, and Apple has $67 billion in cash on its balance sheet, it’s a safe bet that the sale provided investors a favorable outcome.
As for the mattress business, Target’s reported pursuit of Casper seems to indicate large-cap acquirers see value in newcomers. Another mattress startup, Utah-based Purple, has reportedly grown to $150 million or more in annual sales, all without venture financing.
The largest investments, and exits, however, will likely come from companies aiming to treat serious sleep disorders. The market for insomnia therapies and drugs in the U. S. alone is projected to reach $4.2 billion by 2021, up from $3.4 billion last year, according to a recent market forecast .
And although consumer apps and gadgets may go in and out of style, products and therapies that actually help provide a good night’s sleep should see continuous demand.

© Source: https://techcrunch.com/2017/05/27/chasing-dreams-may-be-the-next-sleeper-hit-for-venture-capitalists/?ncid=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29
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British officials release image of Manchester bomber


British authorities seek public’s help in identifying suspect’s earlier whereabouts.
WASHINGTON — British police released a closed-circuit television image of the Manchester, England, suicide bomber Saturday evening and asked the public to provide any footage it might have of Salman Abedi or his likely whereabouts in the period before his bomb was ignited.
The surveillance camera image shows the 22-year-old British citizen of Libyan descent in glasses and a baseball cap and carrying a pack authorities believe contained the explosive device that killed 22 people and injured at least 119 others Monday night.
The bomb exploded as the crowd for an Arianna Grande concert was leaving the Manchester Arena. Exactly where the photo released Saturday was taken was not identified and the images’s background is obscured.
Police have said they believe the bomb might have been assembled nearby and are seeking images of the bomber en route to the arena or at other points around Manchester that day. Anyone with images they believe could be relevant to the investigation is being asked to send them to UKPoliceImageAppeal.co.uk
So far, 13 people — including the suspect’s father and brother — have been arrested in connection with the case, with more than 1,000 police and others involved in the probe. Authorities know that Abedi returned to Britain from Libya on May 18, just four days before the bombing.
Anyone with knowledge of Abedi’s movements between his return on that Thursday and the time of the bombing is asked to contact authorities, Greater Manchester Police Chief Ian Hopkins and Deputy Commissioner Neil Basu with Britain’s counter-terrorism unit said in a statement released Saturday evening. They said the investigation is proceeding.
“The investigation is making good progress and we know one of the last places Abedi went was the city centre flat and from there he left to make his way to the Manchester Arena. The flat is highly relevant as a location which we believe may be the final assembly place for the device, ” the statement said.
“We have 14 locations that are still being searched and there are 13 people that have been arrested on suspicion of offences contrary to the Terrorism Act. In total 17 warrants have been carried out mainly across Greater Manchester, ” it added.
As the fast-moving investigation proceeds, Britain lowered its threat level from critical to severe on Saturday. The critical level hadn’ t been posted since the July 2005 London subway bombings.
British authorities have been critical of American officials who have leaked information about the case, including the suspect’s name, without the consent of the lead British investigators.
The investigation continues amid major public events over what is also a three-day holiday weekend in Britain, which includes a major music concert at Hull, featuring Katy Perry, and parades scheduled by regional soccer clubs.

© Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/05/27/uk-police-show-photo-concert-bomber-ask-public-info/102242070/
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Палестинские заключенные в Израиле прекратили голодовку


Начатая 17 апреля голодная забастовка палестинцев в тюрьме Израиля прекратилась.
Голодовка заключенных-палестинцев, отбывающих наказание в пенитенциарных заведениях Израиля, прекращена. Об этом сообщает DW.
“Начатая 17 апреля голодная забастовка окончилась в субботу, 27 мая, после того, как палестинцам удалось достичь взаимопонимания с администрацией тюрем касательно улучшения условий содержания и прекращения нарушений прав заключенных. Об окончании голодовки сообщили как представители союза заключенных-палестинцев, так и в пенитенциарных органах Израиля”, – отмечается в сообщении.
По данным палестинцев, в начале акции протеста в ней принимали участие порядка 1,5 тысяч палестинских заключенных. Вместе с тем, власть Израиля сообщила о том, что до недавнего времени число заключенных палестинцев, которые голодали в знак протеста, составляло немногим более 800. Голодовка прекратилась за несколько часов до начала мусульманского месяца поста Рамадан. Среди требований участников голодовки – доступ к телефону, расширение прав на посещение и улучшение медицинского обслуживания заключенных.
В израильских пенитенциарных органах сообщили, что в будущем будут позволять свидания дважды в месяц. До сих пор родственникам позволялось навещать заключенных-палестинцев только раз в месяц.
Во время 40-дневной голодовки палестинцы, которые проживают на Западном берегу реки Иордан, часто устраивали демонстрации в знак солидарности с палестинскими заключенными.

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/mir/drugie/3389128-palestinskie-zaklyuchennyie-v-izraile-prekratili-golodovku.html
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В Лондоне из-за угрозы взрыва эвакуировали театр


Из-за сообщения об угрозе для безопасности в центре Лондона эвакуировали театр Old Vic и близлежащие заведения.
Из-за сообщения об угрозе для безопасности в центре Лондона эвакуировали театр Old Vic и близлежащие заведения.
В театре Old Vic в Лондоне полиция провела эвакуацию после сообщения об угрозе для безопасности, сообщает ВВС .
После предупреждения об опасности были эвакуированы также близлежащие бары и рестораны.
Пресс-служба театра в Twitter написала, что эвакуация проводилась в качестве меры предосторожности.
“Мы были эвакуированы в качестве меры предосторожности, безопасность аудитории является нашим приоритетом”, – говорится в сообщении.
We have been evacuated as a precaution; audience safety is our priority. We are liaising with the Met Police. Check here for updates.
— The Old Vic (@oldvictheatre) 27 травня 2017 р.
Через два часа правоохранители заявили, что повода для подозрений больше не существует.
Сейчас в Великобритании действует “серьезный” уровень террористической угрозы .
Около 22.30 (по местному времени) 22 мая в британском Манчестере произошел взрыв. Жертвами нападения стало 22 человека. Медики сообщили о госпитализации 59 пострадавших. В связи с происшествием уровень террористической угрозы подняли до “критического”.
ИГИЛ выпустил заявление, восхваляющее убийство “крестоносцев” в Манчестере, которое якобы совершил “солдат халифата”.
Взрыв совершил террорист-смертник ливийского происхождения Салман Абеди .
В полиции Манчестера сообщили утром 27 мая в Twitter, что по подозрению в причастности к теракту арестовали 13 людей, двух уже отпустили.

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/worldnews/v-londone-iz-za-ugrozy-vzryva-evakuirovali-teatr-190275.html
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Google's AlphaGo retires on top after humbling world No. 1


The Google-owned computer algorithm AlphaGo is retiring from playing humans in the ancient Chinese game of Go after roundly defeating the world’s top player this week, its developer said Saturday.
AlphaGo defeated brash 19-year-old world number one Ke Jie of China on Saturday to sweep a three-game series that was closely watched as a measure of how far artificial intelligence (AI) has come.
AlphaGo last year become the first computer programme to beat an elite player in a full Go match, and its successes have been hailed as groundbreaking due to the game’s complexity.
Go has an incomputable number of moves, putting a premium on human-like “intuition” and strategy.
But this week’s contests in the eastern Chinese city of Wuzhen were its last, said DeepMind Technologies, the London-based AI company that developed AlphaGo and which Google acquired in 2014.
In a blog post, DeepMind founder Demis Hassabis said AlphaGo’s developers will turn to “the next set of grand challenges, developing advanced general algorithms that could one day help scientists as they tackle some of our most complex problems”.
These could include “finding new cures for diseases, dramatically reducing energy consumption, or inventing revolutionary new materials, ” he said.
“If AI systems prove they are able to unearth significant new knowledge and strategies in these domains too, the breakthroughs could be truly remarkable. We can’t wait to see what comes next.”
Go involves two players laying black and white stones on a grid, trying to capture the most territory. Invented nearly 3,000 years ago in China, it is played worldwide but most popular in East Asia.
Top players have been mesmerised by AlphaGo, describing its play as groundbreaking and opening up new ways of approaching the game.
Likewise, AlphaGo’s feats have fuelled visions of AI that can not only perform pre-programmed tasks, but help humanity look at complex scientific, technical and medical mysteries in new ways.
AlphaGo’s “thinking” is powered by millions of connections similar to neurons in the brain. It is partly self-taught, having played millions of games against itself.
This week’s matches received considerable build-up in China, where it is popular.
But Chinese authorities abruptly banned live coverage before the first match on Tuesday, prompting anger and scorn on Chinese social media.
The ban was not explained, but quickly fueled speculation that it was linked to Google’s tense history with Beijing.
Google shut down its www.google.cn website in 2010 in a row over cyberattacks and Chinese censorship, and most of its offerings have remained blocked by authorities.
Explore further: Chinese fans trash blackout as Google AI wins again

© Source: https://phys.org/news/2017-05-google-alphago-humbling-world.html
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Trees Beat Lawns for Water Hungry L.A.


Evaporation from overwatered lawns cost the city of Los Angeles 70 billion gallons of wasted water a year. But the city’s trees were much thriftier. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Evaporation from overwatered lawns cost the city of Los Angeles 70 billion gallons of wasted water a year. But the city’s trees were much thriftier. Christopher Intagliata reports.
Christopher Intagliata

© Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/trees-beat-lawns-for-water-hungry-l-a/
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Mastercard upgrades Masterpass platform in Brazil


The second generation of the digital payments service includes simpler digital wallet authentication and improved mobile features.
Mastercard has brought the second generation of its Masterpass digital payments platform to Brazil.
The latest version of the service includes a more responsive design for mobile devices and the ability to recover passwords via SMS or email.
Other highlights of the Masterpass platform include automatic digital wallet – a feature that promises to securely store user payment and shipping info – identification, a dynamic button that displays the information of the user’s financial institution at the time of payment.
New features also include simpler access to the digital wallet, the user’s password being the only information required to authenticate payments at the end of purchases.
A number of large Brazilian retailers use Masterpass’s digital payments platform, including fast food chain Bob’s, ticket company Ingresso.com, as well as furniture and DIY chains Etna and C&C.

© Source: http://www.zdnet.com/article/mastercard-upgrades-masterpass-platform-in-brazil/
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Створений у КПІ наносупутник вийшов на орбіту і надіслав перший сигнал


26 травня команда КПІ ім. Сікорського встановила радіозв’язок і розпочала налагодження окремих підсистем наносупутника власного виробництва PolyITAN-2-SAU.
Про це йдеться в повідомленні на сайті КПІ.
Супутник вийшов на власну навколоземну орбіту з Міжнародної космічної станції (МКС) , куди його 18 квітня з мису Канаверал (штат Флорида, США) доправила ракета ATLAS-5.
Апарат було створено в межах міжнародного проекту QB50 під координацією Інституту гідродинаміки фон Кармана (Бельгія) .
Головне завдання проекту, який розпочато в рамках програми Єврокомісії FP7 у 2012 році, – дослідження змін клімату.
На сайті університету зазначено, що наносупутник київських політехніків був запущений у космос разом із ще 27 супутниками, створеними в університетах 19 країн.
Це вже другий наносупутник, створений командою з КПІ для цього проекту. У 2014 році було створено та виведено на орбіту наносупутник PolyITAN-1.
Фото: ukrinform.ua
Нагадаємо, приватна космічна компанія SpaceX під керівництвом Ілона Маска запустила на земну орбіту ракету-носій Falcon 9 із супутником Inmarsat-5 F4, який повинен забезпечити пасажирів літаків мережею Wi-Fi .
Перший український телекомунікаційний супутник “Либідь”, побудований у міжнародній кооперації за участю Канади і Росії, планується запустити на орбіту і ввести в експлуатацію в четвертому кварталі 2017 року .

© Source: http://ipress.ua/news/stvorenyy_u_kpi_nanosuputnyk_vyyshov_na_orbitu_i_nadislav_pershyy_sygnal_212537.html
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Puchar Niemiec: Piszczek z asystą. Borussia Dortmund z trofeum


Piłkarze Borussii Dortmund po raz czwarty zdobyli Puchar Niemiec. W sobotnim finale na Stadionie Olimpijskim w Berlinie pokonali Eintracht Frankfurt 2: 1. Cały mecz w barwach zwycięzców rozegrał Łukasz Piszczek, który zanotował asystę. – Ligi zagraniczne – najnowsze wyniki i relacje ze stadionów. Serie A, Premier League, La Liga, Ligue 1, Bundesliga.
Borussia objęła prowadzenie w ósmej minucie, a na listę strzelców po podaniu Polaka wpisał się Francuz Ousmane Dembele.
Do wyrównania doprowadził 20 minut później Chorwat Ante Rebic, który wygrał pojedynek sam na sam ze szwajcarskim bramkarzem Romanem Buerkim. Jednak w 66. minucie strzegący drugiej bramki Fin Lukas Hradecky sfaulował w polu karnym Amerykanina Christiana Pulisica, a “jedenastkę” wykorzystał król strzelców zakończonego przed tygodniem sezonu Bundesligi Gabończyk Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.
W latach 2014-16 Borussia dwukrotnie przegrała mecze o trofeum z Bayernem Monachium, a raz z VfL Wolfsburg. W czwartym kolejnym finale zwyciężyła. Eintracht w decydującym pojedynku zagrał po raz pierwszy od 11 lat.

© Source: http://sport.dziennik.pl/pilka-nozna/ligi-zagraniczne/artykuly/550877,puchar-niemiec-piszczek-z-asysta-borussia-dortmund-z-trofeum.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Dziennik-Sport+%28RSS+-+Dziennik+-+Sport%29
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