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Why Sophocles would have applauded Bloodline The best pop culture moments of 2016


NewsHubThe recurring trope of almost every cable television series these days is extreme violence, frequently involving the capture, rape and slaughter of young women. Even Henning Mankell’s relatively cosy Wallander series, in its numerous manifestations – Wallander has been played by at least three actors – and the semi-comic Inspector Montalbano serve up frequent, grisly helpings of sex and violence. The Sopranos , the first and still the best of the lot, did not flinch from the rawer aspects of the criminal life, but the bloodshed was always secondary to the drama. In its successors, however, the makers have been steadily ratcheting up the horrors, and seemingly there is no limit they will not breach.
So, what a risk it was for the creators of the successful Glenn Close series Damages to embark on, of all things, a good old-fashioned family saga. The folk in the Netflix series Bloodline , set in the Florida Keys, are the Rayburns, Robert and Sally, played with consummate artistry and ease by Sam Shepard and Sissy Spacek, and their three sons and daughter. Things are going fairly swimmingly at the family-run Rayburn House resort hotel, until the unexpected return of Danny, the eldest son, a deeply damaged but amiable black sheep. When he shows up, Rayburn House slowly begins to turn into something very like the house of Atreus.
The plot of Bloodline has its instances of extreme violence and its morgues are full of mutilated young women, but the unflinching way in which it portrays the savagery at the heart of family life would have been acknowledged and applauded by Sophocles. The twin glories of the series, however, are the quality of the acting and the range and subtlety of the writing. Very little screen entertainment nowadays is made with an adult audience in mind. Bloodline , almost uniquely, is for grown-ups.
The best entrance
Beyonc é , Lemonade
Just ten months after its release, it’s hard to imagine a cultural landscape without Lemonade. Beyoncé’s second visual album, which dropped in February, set the bar high early in the year. By turns blistering, bitter, and blissful, listening to Lemonade for the first time can feel like a kind of baptism, cleansing through its catharsis. So it’s only appropriate that one of the film’s most lasting visuals plays with similar ideas, as Beyoncé begins “Hold Up” with waves breaking through heavy doors. That’s one way to make an entrance.
The best use of social media
Kim Kardashian West, Snapchat
It would take a much higher wordcount to explain the tension that had been building between Taylor Swift and Kanye West for years , but their relationship was more tense than ever when West released a rap mentioning her: “I think me and Taylor might still have sex / Why? / I made that bitch famous. ” West claimed he had her approval for the lines, but Swift hinted at her horror at the Grammy’s. Contentious comments in interviews followed, until Kim Kardashian West came to her husband’s support with a delicious serving of revenge: posting video footage of Taylor’s approval on her Snapchat. A truly electrifying use of personal social media channels that showed Kardashian West’s dominance of the form. It’s bittersweet to remember her triumph after a traumatic assault has seen her move away from her former social media persona.
The best British export
Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Fleabag
Hilarious, depressing, filthy and always surprising – Fleabag was undoubtedly the best of British comedy in 2016. Constantly leaving its audience on a knife-edge between laughter and tears, Phoebe Waller-Bridge – who wrote and starred in the sitcom – offered an irresistible exploration of a woman struggling to entertain those around her while dealing with grief, shame, and insecurities financial and personal. It was extra sweet to see her success translate Stateside when Amazon Prime Video distributed the series. Extra points, too, must go to a show that manages to make a scene starring Hugh Dennis talking about orgasms and his dishwasher moving.
The best revenge
Every woman on Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones has been rightly criticised for its voyeuristic and degrading treatment of women across its six seasons. We’ve seen Arya, Sansa, Cersei, Daenerys, Ellaria and Yara beaten, raped, humiliated and tortured at length. So when this season saw several disparate plotlines culminate with the triumph of the women at their centres, it was hard not to celebrate for them. Particularly sweet was Sansa’s revenge, as she finally sat at the head of her house and murdered her husband using his own preferred method of torture: death by dogs. Let’s hope they don’t fuck up her character (there have been hints of a “the power goes to her head” storyline) in season seven!
The best non-stop monologue
Aoife Duffin, A Girl is a Half-formed Thing
I loved two female-driven monologue performances in 2016: Fleabag at the Soho Theatre was one, and the other was A Girl is a Half-formed Thing at the Young Vic. Following on from runs in Dublin, Edinburgh and Manchester in 2014 and 2015, this production finally came to London this year, and it was transcendent. This uninterrupted 90-minute show is relentlessly traumatic and terribly bleak, but the sheer force of it reminds us of the depths simmering beneath the faces of every passing person you meet.
The best nostalgic romance
Barry Jenkins, Moonlight
2016 has been a year thick with nostalgia: from Stranger Things to La Land and beyond. Moonlight , a coming-of-age film set in Eighties Miami by director Barry Jenkins – described by one critic as ” Carol meets Frank Ocean” – is the most nuanced and stylish of the lot. Following the troubled youngster Chiron as he grows up, discovers his sexuality, and even falls in love, Moonlight seduces you from its very first frame. An honourable mention, too, must go to the Black Mirror episode “San Junipero”, which managed to transcend all the melodramtic, po-faced elements of your typical Black Mirror episode by choosing to look at the potential positive aspects of future technology.
The best exit
Damien Chazelle, La Land
It’s not out in the UK until 12 January, but La Land has dominated the cinematic conversation in 2016. A lush, sweeping musical centring on two LA romantics (Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone), it spends its two-hour run time hovering between fantasy and reality. It’s irresistible throughout, but it’s the final scene – a dreamy musical montage with a gorgeous score – that knocks the wind out of its audience. I’ve seen this film three times, and so far I haven’t managed to not bawl my eyes out throughout. Just go and see it, okay?

Similarity rank: 0.4
Sentiment rank: 2.5

© Source: http://www.newstatesman.com/culture/tv-radio/2016/12/why-sophocles-would-have-applauded-bloodline
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"Will & Grace" actor confirms reboot, Megan Mullally posts cast photo


NewsHubIt’s not exactly official, but it looks like “Will & Grace” is making a comeback.
Actor Leslie Jordan, who won an Emmy for his portrayal of Beverley Leslie, rival to character Karen Walker, told San Diego radio station KPBS that the show is “absolutely” coming back. The 61-year-old said NBC has ordered 10 episodes of the sitcom, and that the reboot will start shooting in July.
It makes sense, considering the cast reunited for a special election-themed online episode in September, 10 years after the series wrapped.
Adding more creedence to the rumors? Megan Mullally, who played brassy socialite Karen, posted a photo of the cast looking very celebratory on Sunday.

How your gut's circadian rhythm affects your whole body


NewsHubWe’ve known that bacteria live in our intestines as far back as the 1680s, when Leeuwenhoek first looked through his microscope.
See the latest news and share your comments with CNN Health on Facebook and Twitter .
Richard G. “Bugs” Stevens is a professor in the School of Medicine at the University of Connecticut.
Copyright 2016 The Conversation. Some rights reserved.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/02/health/gut-microbiome-circadian-rhythm/index.html
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Два украинских спортсмена попали в список самых перспективных боксеров мира


NewsHubАлександр Гвоздик (12-0, 10 КО) и Иван Голуб (13-0, 11 КО) попали в пятерку самых перспективных боксеров по версии авторитетного телеканала ESPN, сообщает УНН.
Украинский боксер Гвоздик разместился на 2-м месте в рейтинге. По итогам прошлого года бронзовый призер Олимпийских игр в Лондоне-2012 получил четыре досрочные победы, что позволило нашему соотечественнику войти в топ-10 рейтингов WBO, WBC, IBF.
Иван Голуб также стал автором четырех побед в 2016 году и замкнул топ-5 самых перспективных боксеров мира.
Отметим, что первое место в рейтинге занял 21-летний американец Эриксон Лубин (17 побед и ни одного поражения), который выступает в первой средней весовой категории.
Напомним, ранее Владимир Кличко встретился со своей 110-летней фанаткой .

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.aif.ua/sport/box/dva_ukrainskih_sportsmena_popali_v_spisok_samyh_perspektivnyh_bokserov_mira
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Динамо оценивает Ярмоленко в 22 млн евро


NewsHubПолузащитник киевского “Динамо” Андрей Ярмоленко близок к переходу в “Наполи”.
По информации ITASportPress, итальянский клуб уже начал подготовку к трансферу украинца. В ближайшее время стороны проведут переговоры. Сообщается, что “Динамо” оценивает Ярмоленко в 22 миллиона евро.
Ранее сообщалось, что “Наполи” планировал подписать Ярмоленко будущим летом, желая уговорить футболиста пойти на понижение зарплаты.
В текущем сезоне УПЛ 27-летний футболист провел 14 матчей и забил 4 мяча.
Напомним, к Ярмоленко также проявляли интерес английские “Эвертон” и “Сток Сити”.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://kp.ua/sport/562699/
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В Англии стартовал второй круг Премьер-лиги. Таблица


NewsHub“Манчестер Сити” в меньшинстве обыграл дома “Бернли”, а “Сандерленд” и “Ливерпуль” сыграли вничью
В чемпионате Англии в понедельник проходят первые матчи второго круга Премьер-лиги.
“Манчестер Сити” победил “Бернли” в матче 20-го тура – 2:1. Решающий мяч провел Серхио Агуэро, который вышел на замену в первой игре после истечения срока дисквалификации. Отметим, что с 32-й минуты подопечные Хосепа Гвардиолы играли в меньшинстве после удаления Фернандиньо.
В другом поединке тура “Вест Бромвич” одержал волевую победу над “Халл Сити” – 3:1.
Еще в одной игре “Эвертон” разгромил “Саутгемптон” – 3:0.
“Сандерленд” и ” Ливерпуль ” сыграли вничью – 2:2, причем дважды хозяева отыгрывались благодаря назначенным в ворота гостей пенальти.
Позже сегодня состоится матч “Вест Хэм” – “Манчестер Юнайтед”.
Чемпионат Англии. Премьер-лига. 20-й тур :
“Вест Бромвич” – “Халл Сити” – 3:1 (0:1)
“Эвертон” – “Саутгемптон” – 3:0 (0:0)
“Манчестер Сити” – “Бернли” – 2:1 (0:0)
“Сандерленд” – “Ливерпуль” – 2:2 (1:1)
Таблица чемпионата Англии:
Вы сейчас просматриваете новость “В Англии стартовал второй круг Премьер-лиги. Таблица”. Другие Мировые новости смотрите в блоке “Последние новости”
Сегодня|Спорт , СЭ
Если вы нашли ошибку в тексте, выделите её мышью и нажмите Ctrl+Enter
Футболисты “Мидлсбро” сыграли вничью с “Лестером” в матче чемпионата Англии – 0:0
Нападающий “Арсенала” в матче чемпионата Англии поразил ворота “ударом скорпиона”
Ведущие не поверили звонившему, поэтому ямаец вынужден был подтвердить свой звонок в twitter
Команда Антонио Конте выиграла 13 матчей подряд
В последний раз эту отметку преодолевали Энди Коул и Алан Ширер в 1998 году
Победный гол был забит уже на восьмой минуте встречи
“Челси” сохранил лидерство в Премьер-лиге
Победителя определяли представители изданий из 110 стран мира
Юрген Клопп с юмором объяснил причину продажи Кристиана Бентеке
Трансфер может состояться не раньше лета

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/world/v-anglii-startoval-vtoroy-krug-premer-ligi-tablica-785243.html
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Дефо: Мы знали, что "Ливерпуль" будет активно использовать прессинг


NewsHubВстреча проходила в Сандерленде на стадионе “Стэдиум оф Лайт” и завершилась со счётом 2:2. Дефо реализовал два пенальти.
“Мы усердно работали и знали, что будет трудно, ведь играть предстояло против топ-команды. Мы знали, что „Ливерпуль“ будет давить и активно использовать прессинг. Команда играла компактно и показала настоящий характер — именно об этом нас просил тренер. Мы счастливы, потому что отобрали очки у фаворита”, — цитирует Дефо BBC

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/sport-cat/futbol/3075429-defo-myi-znali-chto-liverpul-budet-aktivno-ispolzovat-pressing.html
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В Сети появилось видео выступления Пола Маккартни вместе с The Killers на новогодней вечеринке Абрамовича


NewsHubБывший участник легендарной группы The Beatles Пол Маккартни выступил вместе с The Killers на новогодней вечеринке на французском острове Сен-Бартелеми, которую устроил российский миллиардер Роман Абрамович.
При этом, как сообщает Billboard , его появление на сцене было незапланированным.
Как видно на видео, опубликованном The Killers у себя в Facebook, Маккартни вышел на сцену и спел вместе с музыкантами песню Helter Skelter с Белого альбома The Beatles.
Напомним, ранее сообщалось, что новый клип Пола Маккартни в дуэте с Майклом Джексоном стал хитом Сети.

Similarity rank: 4.2

© Source: http://nv.ua/style/showbiz/v-seti-pojavilos-video-vystuplenija-pola-makkartni-vmeste-s-the-killers-na-novogodnej-vecherinke-abramovicha-405784.html
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Сенсация в исполнении украинки Свитолиной: на теннисном турнире в Брисбене повержена олимпийская чемпионка


NewsHubВ австралийском
Брисбене на турнире WTA сезона первая ракетка Украины Элина Свитолина начала
выступления в одиночном турнире с сенсационной победы, сообщает “Диалог
С 1 по 7
января в Австралии проходит первый турнир WTA сезона – 2017 с призовым фондом в 890
тысяч долларов.
В одиночном
разряде уже в первом круге украинка Элина Свитолина произвела фурор, обыграв в
двух сетах олимпийскую чемпионку Монику Пуиг из Пуэрто-Рико (6:3, 6:3).
Одессы, ныне проживающая в Харькове, в каждой из двух партий сделала брейки и благодаря этому одержала победу с весомым преимуществом.
Еще одна
представительница Украины Екатерина Бондаренко в упорной борьбе уступила итальянке
Роберте Винчи (6:7, 7:6, 6:7). Соперницы обменялись победами на тай-брейках (по
7:6) в первых двух партиях, а в решающем сете у Бондаренко был матчбол при
счете 5:4, однако она не сумела выиграть гейм и в ешающем тай-брейке третьего
сета вновь уступила Винчи — 6:7.
отметить, что это уже не первая громкая сенсация в исполнении Свитолиной. На
Олимпиаде – 2016 Элина обыграла
первую ракетку мира Серену Уильямс. Однако затем не смогла пробиться в
полуфинал и побороться за олимпийские медали.
два месяца назад Элина
Свитолина разгромила россиянку Елену Веснину и вышла в полуфинал
престижного турнира WTA Elite Trophy.

Similarity rank: 4.3

© Source: http://www.dialog.ua/news/107108_1483372406
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N. Korea’s leader hints of long-range missile test launch


NewsHubTOKYO — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un hinted Sunday that Pyongyang may ring in the new year with another bang — the test-launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile.
In his annual New Year’s address, Mr. Kim said that after testing what the North claims was its first hydrogen bomb last year, preparations for launching an intercontinental ballistic missile have “reached the final stage”
Mr. Kim did not explicitly say an ICBM test, which if successful would be a big step forward for the North, was imminent. But he has a birthday coming up next Sunday, and last year Pyongyang conducted a nuclear test Friday.
Mr. Kim threatened in the address to boost his country’s military capabilities further unless the U. S. ends war games with rival South Korea. But he also said efforts must be made to defuse the possibility of another Korean war and stressed the importance of building the economy under a five-year plan announced in May.
“The political and military position of socialism should be further cemented as an invincible fortress,” Mr. Kim said, according to an outline of the speech carried by the North’s official Korean Central News Agency. “We should resolutely smash the enemies’ despicable and vicious moves to dampen the pure and ardent desire of the people for the party and estrange the people from it.”
The address was shown on television mixing video with Mr. Kim speaking and stretches of audio only, as still photos were broadcast. It was less than 30 minutes long.
South Korea’s Unification Ministry said in a statement that it “strongly condemns” Mr. Kim’s threat to proceed with a test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile and strengthen North Korea’s nuclear-strike capabilities. It said that the international community will not tolerate North Korean efforts to develop nuclear weapons, and that the North will only face tougher sanctions and pressure if it continues to go down that path.
Under Mr. Kim, who rose to power following his father’s death in 2011, North Korea has seen steady progress in its nuclear and missile programs, including two nuclear tests in 2016. It recently claimed a series of technical breakthroughs in its goal of developing a long-range nuclear missile capable of reaching the continental United States.
U. N. resolutions call for an end to North Korea’s nuclear and missile tests. Mr. Kim appears uninterested in complying.
The year ahead could be a tumultuous one in north Asia, with Donald Trump set to become the new U. S. president Jan. 20.
Mr. Kim indicated there will be no change in the North’s nuclear policy unless Washington makes a big, conciliatory first move, which, even with the advent of Mr. Trump, would seem unlikely.
Mr. Trump has somewhat offhandedly suggested he would be willing to meet with Mr. Kim — but not in North Korea — and has at the same time indicated that he wants China to exert significantly more control over Pyongyang to get it to abandon its nuclear program.
At the same time, South Korea’s politics in disarray over a scandal that brought the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye. Ms. Park on Sunday accused her opponents of framing her with accusations that she conspired with a longtime friend to extort money and favors from companies. Her statement came a day after the arrest of former cabinet minister Moon Hyung-pyo on charges that he illegally pressured the national pension fund to approve a merger between two Samsung subsidiaries, a deal that helped ensure that control of South Korea’s most powerful conglomerate passed from its chairman to his son; a special prosecutor is seeking to determine whether Mr. Moon acted on Ms. Park’s behalf.
Demands from Pyongyang for the U. S. to stop its joint military exercises with the South and enter into negotiations to sign a peace treaty formally ending the 1950-53 Korean War have fallen on deaf ears in Washington for years amid an atmosphere of distrust and deepening hostility.
Mr. Kim is in his early 30s and is now in his fifth year as the North’s leader.
His New Year addresses, and a marathon speech at the May ruling party congress, are a contrast with his enigmatic father, Kim Jong Il, who rarely spoke in public. But he has yet to meet a foreign head of state or travel outside of North Korea since assuming power, and remains one the world’s most mysterious national leaders.

Similarity rank: 2.1
Sentiment rank: 1.2

© Source: http://www.post-gazette.com/news/world/2017/01/02/N-Korea-s-leader-hints-of-long-range-missile-test-launch/stories/201701020086
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