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New guidelines to prevent peanut allergies in kids


NewsHubNew guidelines turning conventional wisdom on its head may help prevent life-threatening peanut allergies in future generations of children.
The guidelines from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), published today, call for introducing peanuts early into the diets of infants in order to reduce the risk they will go on to develop that allergy.
“This update to the peanut guidelines offers a lot of promise,” allergist Dr. Stephen Tilles, president of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), said in a statement. “Peanut allergy has literally become an epidemic in recent years, and now we have a clear roadmap to prevent many new cases moving forward.”
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According to a 2013 study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food allergies among children increased approximately 50 percent between 1997 and 2011.
The prevalence of peanut allergies specifically rose more than three-fold to 1.4 percent of children in 2010, from 0.4 percent in 1997, according to a study from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
The advocacy group Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE) says food allergies result in 200,000 emergency room visits each year. Outside of the hospital, food allergies are the leading cause of anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening reaction that disrupts breathing and causes a sudden drop in blood pressure.
“Peanut allergy can be fatal , is usually lifelong and has no cure. Considering a dramatic increase in prevalence of peanut allergy over the past decades, affecting estimated 1-2 percent of infants and young children in the U. S., there is a dire need for prevention,” said Dr. Anna Nowak-Wegrzyn, an associate professor of pediatrics at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and a researcher at the Elliot and Roslyn Jaffe Food Allergy Institute.
The new guidelines define high, moderate and low-risk infants for developing peanut allergy, and how to proceed with introduction based on that risk.
“If your child is determined to be high risk, the new guidelines recommend evaluation by an allergy specialist, which may involve peanut allergy testing, followed by trying peanut for the first time in the specialist’s office,” allergist Matthew Greenhawt, ACAAI Food Allergy Committee chair, and a co-author of the guidelines, said in a statement. “If a child is tested and found to have peanut sensitization, meaning they have a positive allergy test to peanut, from that positive test alone we still don’t know if they’re truly allergic. Peanut allergy is only diagnosed if there is both a positive test and a history of developing symptoms after eating peanut-containing foods.”
Having a peanut sensitivity doesn’t mean an infant has a peanut allergy, the authors stress. In fact, a recent study confirmed, “infants sensitized to peanuts showed the most benefit from early introduction of peanut-containing foods,” Greenhawt said.
Infants with a positive peanut skin test have small amounts of peanut fed to them the first time in the specialist’s office. From there, the family can decide with their doctor whether to proceed with giving the child peanut products or to completely avoid them.
Children considered moderate risk – those with mild to moderate eczema who have already started solid foods – do not need an evaluation, the recommendations state. These infants can have peanut-containing foods introduced at home by their parents starting around 6 months of age. Parents should consult with their child’s pediatrician if they have any questions about how to proceed.
Children with no eczema or egg allergy are considered low risk and can be introduced to peanut-containing foods according to the family’s preference, also around 6 months.
The new guidelines are based off the Learning Early About Peanut Allergy (LEAP) study , first published in 2015 and considered to be groundbreaking by the medical community. Prior to that study, allergists recommended that young infants avoid consuming peanuts to prevent allergies. But the results of the LEAP study showed that early introduction of peanuts dramatically decreased the risk of developing a peanut allergy by 70 to 80 percent.
Nowak-Wegrzyn acknowledges that the new method may be anxiety-producing for worried parents, but emphasizes that it will play a key role in prevention.
“The stakes are too high,” she told CBS News. “We cannot cure peanut allergies once it’s there, so if there’s a chance to prevent it, it’s like Benjamin Franklin said, ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.’”

Similarity rank: 6.4
Sentiment rank: 1

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/peanut-allergies-new-guidelines-for-parents-children/
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Japanese insurance firm replaces 34 staff with AI


NewsHubScience fiction has long imagined a future in which humans are ousted from their jobs by machines.
For 34 staff at a Japanese insurance firm, that vision just became a reality.
Fukoku Mutual Life Insurance is laying off the employees and replacing them with an artificial intelligence (AI) system that can calculate insurance payouts.
The firm believes it will increase productivity by 30%.
It expects to save around 140m yen (£979,500 / $1.2m) a year in salaries after the 200m yen AI system is installed later this month.
Maintenance of the set-up is expected to cost about 15m yen annually.
Japan’s Mainichi reports that the system is based on IBM Japan Ltd’s Watson, which IBM calls a “cognitive technology that can think like a human”.
IBM says it can “analyze and interpret all of your data, including unstructured text, images, audio and video”.
Fukoku Mutual will use the AI to gather the information needed for policyholders’ payouts – by reading medical certificates, and data on surgeries or hospital stays.
According to The Mainichi, three other Japanese insurance companies are considering adopting AI systems for work like finding the optimal cover plan for customers.
A study by the World Economic Forum predicted last year that the rise of robots and AI will result in a net loss of 5.1 million jobs over the next five years in 15 leading countries.
The 15 economies covered by the survey account for approximately 65% of the world’s total workforce.
Japan kicks off AI supercomputer project
Why Japan is embracing robots for the 2020 Olympics
Stephen Hawking – will AI kill or save mankind?

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 5

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-38521403
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Police: Charges coming in Chicago beating aired on Facebook


NewsHubChicago police don’t believe a man beaten in an assault broadcast live on Facebook was targeted because he was white despite profanities made by the accused assailants about white people and President-elect Donald Trump, a police spokesman said Thursday.
Charges are expected later in the day against four black suspects, Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi told The Associated Press.
Guglielmi acknowledged that the suspects made “terrible racist statements” during the assault, but that investigators believe the victim was targeted because he has “special needs,” not because of his race. Still, Guglielmi said authorities are looking at whether the attack falls under hate crimes statutes.
Guglielmi said it’s possible the suspects were trying to extort something from the victim’s family. Investigators said the victim was with his attackers, including one who was a classmate, for up to 48 hours, and the attack left him traumatized.
Excerpts of the video posted by Chicago media outlets show the victim with his mouth taped shut slumped in a corner as at least two assailants cut off his sweatshirt with a knife, as others taunt him off camera. The video shows a wound on the top of the man’s head, and one person pushing the man’s head with his or her foot. A red band also appears to be around the victim’s hands.
Off-camera, people can be heard using profanities about “white people” and Trump. At least one woman is shown in the video.
The victim is a suburban Chicago resident who Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said has “mental health challenges. ” In a news conference Wednesday, Johnson described the video as “sickening. ”
“It makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that,” he said.
The investigation began Monday after officers found a man who “was in distress and was in crisis” walking on a street on the city’s West Side, Capt. Steven Sasso said. The man was taken to a hospital and it was later discovered that he had been reported missing from an unidentified suburb.
At about the same time, police took several people into custody at a nearby address where they found signs of a struggle and property damage. Investigators determined that the missing man had been at the same address.
When asked Wednesday about the racial comments on the video, Cmdr. Kevin Duffin said the four people in custody were “young adults and they make stupid decisions. ” Investigators will have to determine whether the racial remarks were “sincere or just stupid ranting and raving” when considering a potential hate crime charge, Duffin said.
The victim was with his attackers for 24 to 48 hours before police found him, and the episode has left him shaken, according to Duffin.
“He’s traumatized by the incident and it’s very tough to communicate with him at this point,” he said.
The victim was a classmate of one of the attackers and initially went with that person voluntarily, Duffin said.
Police haven’t identified the individuals in custody, but said three are Chicago residents and one is from suburban Carpentersville. Guglielmi said the suspects are all age 18 or older, and that police were working with prosecutors on Thursday “to build the strongest case. “

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: -1.3

© Source: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/national/article124664124.html
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Chicago torture: Teens stream abuse of special needs man on Facebook Live


NewsHub(CNN) The young man cowers in the corner of a room, tied up with his mouth bound in plastic. His eyes exude fear as his attackers get ready for their next act.
#BLMKidnapping is the hashtag to get this story trending. https://t.co/gNaBrifiLm
CNN’s Catherine E. Shoichet, Mi Seon Lee, Sheena Jones, Hailey Middlebrook, Christina Zdanowicz, AnneClaire Stapleton Tina Burnside, Tony Marco and Rob Mclean contributed to this report.

Similarity rank: 10
Sentiment rank: -0.4

© Source: http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/cnn_latest/~3/gDIhoPXWxbw/index.html
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Car bomb kills at least ten in Syrian coastal town: state TV


NewsHubState media said scores of cars were on fire and shops were also damaged by the blast in a bustling commercial district of the town of Jableh that lies in the heartland of President Bashar al Assad’s minority Alawite sect.
Senior medical officer Ghassan Findi told state television the death toll was expected to rise with rescue operations still continuing and scores of injured still being rushed to nearby hospitals.
Jableh’s hospital director said many among around thirty people injured were in critical condition.
“It was a strong explosion, from the nature of the wounds we received,” Qusai al Khalil told state owned Ikhbariyah.
State television showed footage of mangled cars and shutters of shops damaged and blown apart as rescue workers cleared the debris amid a heavy security presence in the bustling commercial area near a popular vegetable market and a garage depot.
The head of the local police force told state media initial investigations suggested a car parked in the area that was remotely detonated may have been responsible for the blast.
At least 150 people were killed and 200 wounded in May when bombs hit the town and the port city of Tartous on the Mediterranean coast where Russian military bases are located.
Latakia province hosts Moscow’s naval base in Tartous port while Hmeymim air base is Russia’s main launching ground for an intensive bombing campaign against rebel-held territory.
Islamic State claimed the May attacks in a statement posted online saying its fighters had targeted “gatherings of Alawites” deploying suicide bombers to inflict the heaviest losses. Hardline Sunni militants consider Alawites heretics.
Latakia city, which is north of Jableh and capital of the province, has been targeted on a number of occasions by bombings and insurgent rocket attacks.
But these government-held coastal cities have been largely spared the widescale violence seen elsewhere in the war-torn country.
(Reporting by Suleiman Al-Khalidi; Editing by Ralph Boulton)

Similarity rank: 8
Sentiment rank: -4.5

© Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/Reuters/worldNews/~3/aieu7pFRZEs/us-mideast-crisis-syria-blast-idUSKBN14P1FA
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The Latest: Official says Obama has intel report on hacking


NewsHubWASHINGTON (AP) – The Latest on accusations that Russia meddled in America’s presidential election to help Donald Trump win (all times local):
9:40 a.m.
U. S. intelligence officials have delivered the classified report on Russian and other foreign meddling in American elections to the White House.
A U. S. official said Thursday that President Barack Obama has received the report. President-elect Donald Trump is to be briefed on the report on Friday.
The official was not authorized to publicly discuss the issue and spoke on condition of anonymity.
Director of National Intelligence told Congress that an unclassified version of the report is tentatively scheduled to be released early next week.
-By Deb Riechmann.
9:36 a.m.
Top U. S. intelligence officials say Russia poses a major and growing threat to U. S. government, military, diplomatic and commercial operations – as well as America’s critical infrastructure.
National Intelligence Director James Clapper and other intelligence officials are testifying at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing focused on Russia ’s meddling in the U. S. presidential election. They say Russia is among at least 30 nations that are developing capabilities to launch cyberattacks.
President-elect Donald Trump has expressed skepticism that Russia was behind the election hacking.
U. S. intelligence agencies disagree.
The officials aren’t expected to disclose details of a report on foreign influence in U. S. elections before President Barack Obama gets a briefing on that report Thursday.
3:11 a.m.
Top U. S. intelligence officials are set to testify at a Senate hearing to be dominated by accusations Russia meddled in America’s presidential election to help Donald Trump win.
The Armed Services Committee hearing on Thursday comes a day before the president-elect is to be briefed by the CIA and FBI directors – along with the director of national intelligence – on the investigation into Russia ’s alleged hacking efforts.
Trump has been deeply critical of their findings. He’s even appeared to back controversial WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s contention that Russia did not provide him with hacked Democratic emails.
Slated to appear before the Armed Services Committee are the national intelligence director, James Clapper; the undersecretary of defense for intelligence, Marcel Lettre; and the National Security Agency chief, Navy Adm. Michael Rogers.
Copyright © 2017 The Washington Times, LLC.
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Similarity rank: 9.7
Sentiment rank: 1.5

© Source: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/5/the-latest-official-says-obama-has-intel-report-on/?utm_source=RSS_Feed&utm_medium=RSS
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Mexican peso jumps against US dollar after central bank intervention


NewsHubThe Mexican peso briefly spiked more than 1 percent against the U. S. dollar on Thursday after Mexico’s central bank took steps to buttress its slumping currency.
Juan Garcia, director of national operations for the bank, told Reuters it began selling dollars, but did not specify how many dollars the bank was selling. The peso hit an all-time low versus the dollar on Wednesday, amid uncertainty over President-elect Donald Trump’s trade policies.
Mexico’s currency has taken a beating since Trump shocked the world by winning the U. S. presidential election. Trump called for an overhaul of the North American Free Trade Agreement and has repeatedly said he will construct a wall along the U. S.-Mexico border. Since Nov. 8, the peso has shed more than 16 percent against the dollar.
Marc Chandler, global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman, said he expects the peso’s weakness against the dollar to persist, but added that Wednesday’s sell-off was “a bit exaggerated. ”
“If the intervention can push the peso below 21 (to the dollar), we could see some consolidation,” Chandler said. “If the peso can break below 20.70, it would be even more convincing. ”
The peso traded around 21.30 to the dollar, up 0.8 percent, as of 9:54 a.m. ET.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/05/mexican-peso-jumps-against-us-dollar-after-central-bank-intervention.html
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Are you over-insured?


NewsHubOne of my jobs as a financial planner is to identify and mitigate financial risks through insurance. For example, the sudden death of a family member could derail your family’s goals, making it a serious risk to your family’s financial well-being. This risk can be mitigated through life insurance.
Although it’s important to have insurance to protect against different risks, there is a cost — not just in dollars — to being over-insured. So let’s discuss a few rules of thumb to prevent this from happening.
I watch a good amount of NBC’s “Dateline,” and it seems as if once a month there is a story about someone who was murdered with the goal of obtaining their life insurance proceeds. Although it is important to have life insurance to provide your family with a source of income in the event of your death, being over-insured can provide an incentive for you to be dead.
And there are so many life insurance riders. While I can’t cover each one in detail, I can safely say that riders wouldn’t exist if the life insurance company didn’t make money off of them. Know which riders meet your unique needs, and steer clear of riders that are too complex or sound too good to be true (because they usually are).
When you insure your house, you are insuring the replacement cost, or the cost it would take to replace your house. Having your house insured for the true replacement cost of your home rather than the value of your home can reduce your premiums.
For example, if the average expected cost of a private nursing-home room is $215 per day, purchase $175 per day of coverage, not $215 per day.
Be sure to take into account other factors that are unique to each person, such as no longer having travel expenses. This will result in significant reduction of premiums because changing the daily benefit up or down on long-term care insurance policies changes the premium by the exact same percentage.
For the most part, the cost of being over-insured is the increased cost of premiums and riders that you pay for but don’t need. By eliminating these unnecessary costs, you can potentially save hundreds or thousands of dollars per year and reallocate those savings toward other, more exciting spending goals.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 4.8

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/05/are-you-over-insured.html
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Bears Chairman George McCaskey: ‘We Have No Intention Of Selling’


NewsHub(CBS) Chairman George McCaskey has made it abundantly clear — his family will remain in ownership of its Bears.
“Nothing has changed,” McCaskey said on the Mully & Hanley Show on Thursday. “I’ve said it the same way every time. We have no intention of selling. My brother, Pat, says it very well. We intend to hold onto the Bears until the second coming. My brother, Mike, when he was president of the Bears, said it very well. We want to discourage people from even making inquiries. We have no intention.
“There is no price. We have no intention.”
McCaskey spoke to 670 The Score a day after he, coach John Fox and general manager Ryan Pace met with the media at Halas Hall and recapped a 3-13 season, the Bears’ worst under a 16-game schedule.
McCaskey has been in his position of chairman since 2011. His grandfather, George Halas, founded the Bears organization in 1920.
The Bears have endured recent struggles, including one of the worst three-year stretches in franchise history. Fox and Pace are 9-23 in their current positions since taking over in January 2015.
Given that it’s a family team struggling, McCaskey knows well the hardest part of his role.
“The most difficult part of my job is, after a loss, looking Virginia McCaskey in the eye,” he said. “That’s tough.”

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 4

© Source: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2017/01/05/bears-chairman-george-mccaskey-we-have-no-intention-of-selling/
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'I don’t see how you can’t be bullish in this environment'


NewsHubWith a healthy rally taking U. S. markets into 2017, it’s smart to be bullish on the new year’s opportunities, despite the potential for a pullback, technical analyst Katie Stockton told CNBC on Thursday.
“I don’t see how you can’t be bullish in this environment. We’ve seen a lot of breakouts, we’ve seen a lot of momentum behind the market. The leading sectors have been the more offensive sectors at the marketplace,” Stockton told ” Squawk Box. ”
“All of those things stack up nicely for Q1,” said Stockton, chief technical strategist at BTIG, referring to the first quarter of 2017.
Stockton said a pullback could be in sight as the markets feel overbought on the short term, but that didn’t mar her bullishness for the start of the year.
“[If] we see something change, we’re going to change with it,” Stockton said. “But as it stands, I think it’s right to be bullish, it’s right to be looking for opportunities to add exposure and really just trying to get to get those sector calls right. ”
One surprising sector emerging as a popular pick in the new year is health care, Stockton said, despite heated discussions in Congress over the future of the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.
“Already we’re seeing some rotation into health care. I think that’s kind of interesting. It’s a bit more defensive in its properties at times, but health care does have a big footprint in the S&P 500,” Stockton said.

Similarity rank: 0
Sentiment rank: 1.3

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/05/i-dont-see-how-you-cant-be-bullish-btig-katie-stockton-says.html
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