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Fired Trump aide Michael Flynn 'wants immunity' to testify


Michael Flynn’s lawyer says the ex-national security adviser must guard against «unfair prosecution».
President Donald Trump’s fired national security adviser reportedly wants immunity to testify at hearings into alleged Russian election meddling.
Michael Flynn’s lawyer says his client «has a story to tell», but needs to guard against «unfair prosecution».
The Senate opened its hearing earlier, with one member warning of Kremlin «propaganda on steroids».
Mr Flynn was sacked in February after misleading the White House about his conversations with a Russian envoy.
His links to Russia are being scrutinised by the FBI and the House and Senate Intelligence Committees.
«General Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit,» said his attorney, Robert Kelner.
He said he would not comment on his discussions with congressional panels investigating claims Moscow sought to help Donald Trump win the US presidential election.
The lawyer said the media was awash with «unfounded allegations, outrageous claims of treason, and vicious innuendo».
«No reasonable person, who has the benefit of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution,» said the written statement.
Mr Kelner did not explicitly comment on a Wall Street Journal report that Mr Flynn wants immunity from prosecution.
The Senate Intelligence Committee opened its hearing on Thursday with one member saying Moscow had sought to «hijack» the US election.
Ranking Democrat Mark Warner said Russia may have used technology to spread disinformation, including fake news for voters in key states, such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
Panel chairman Richard Burr, a Republican, warned: «We are all targets of a sophisticated and capable adversary. »
Mr Burr also confirmed there had been «conversations» about interviewing Mr Flynn, but his appearance had not been confirmed.
The Trump presidency has been unable to shake off allegations that members of its team colluded with Russian officials during the election campaign.
The president regularly dismisses the claims as «fake news» and Russia has also ridiculed the allegations.
President Putin did so again on Thursday at an Arctic forum, describing them as «nonsense» and «irresponsible».
Mr Flynn, a retired army lieutenant-general, initially denied having discussed US sanctions against Russia with the country’s ambassador, Sergei Kislyak.
But he stood down after details of his phone call emerged, along with reports the Department of Justice had warned the White House about him misleading officials and being vulnerable to Russian blackmail.
At last summer’s Republican party convention, Mr Flynn led chants of «lock her up» aimed at Hillary Clinton over her private email server.
In September, he said in a TV interview it was unacceptable that some of the Democratic candidate’s aides had been granted immunity from prosecution.
«When you get given immunity that means you’ve probably committed a crime,» he told NBC News.

Similarity rank: 6.3
Sentiment rank: -0.3

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-39451358
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How Trump and China’s Xi could stumble into war


When a rising power threatens to displace a ruling power, it rarely ends well.
It may not be apparent when President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping meet beneath the towering palms and crystal chandeliers at Mar-a-Lago this coming week, but the nations they lead are on a collision course for war.
An irresistibly rising China is challenging the United States’ accustomed dominance. Consider that the U. S. share of global economic output fell from 22 percent in 1980 to 16 percent today, while China’s grew from 2 percent to 18 percent over the same period. Historians know that when a rising power threatens to displace a ruling power, alarms should sound: extreme danger ahead. As Thucydides explained about the war that destroyed the two great city states of ancient Greece, “It was the rise of Athens and the fear that this instilled in Sparta that made war inevitable.” Likewise, a century ago, it was the rise of Germany and the fear it created in Britain that allowed an archduke’s assassination to ignite a conflagration so devastating that it required an entirely new category: world war.
This pattern, which I call the “Thucydides Trap,” recurs often. A major nation’s rise has disrupted the position of a dominant state 16 times over the past 500 years. In 12 of those 16 cases, the outcome was war. In the four cases that avoided violent conflict, that was possible only because of huge, painful adjustments in attitudes and actions on the part of challenger and challenged. Think of Britain and the United States under Theodore Roosevelt, or the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
We are certain to see a succession of confrontations between China and the United States in the years ahead. What is in doubt is whether the leaders of these two great powers can manage these confrontations without escalating them to war. For now, that’s up to Trump and Xi.
If Hollywood made a movie pitting the United States against China on the road to war, central casting would be hard-pressed to find two better leads. As personalities, Trump and Xi could not be more different. Despite the formalities of a scripted summit, their contrasting styles will be on full display. But in many ways, they are mirror images of each other.
Both have pledged to restore the greatness of their nations with an agenda of radical change. Everyone knows Trump’s trademark one-liner. But when Xi rose to power in 2012, he announced his “China Dream,” calling for “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”
Both men take pride in what they consider their unique leadership capabilities. Trump built his presidential aspirations on what he portrayed as unrivaled business acumen, memorably claiming that he alone could fix the nation’s problems. Xi has so firmly concentrated power in his own hands that he is now often referred to as the “Chairman of Everything.” Indeed, the exceptionalism ingrained in each man’s political agenda speaks to a broader similarity between the United States and China: Both have extreme superiority complexes. Each sees itself as without peers.
And, perhaps most important, both Trump and Xi view the nation the other leads as the principal obstacle to achieving their core ambition.
The danger is that amid the structural stress caused by China’s rise, and exaggerated by Xi’s and Trump’s clashing visions, inevitable crises that could otherwise be contained will result in outcomes neither side wants.
The potential sparks for such a conflict are frighteningly mundane. Already during the Trump administration, tensions have escalated over the status of Taiwan , North Korea’s nuclear ambitions and trade. (During his campaign, Trump accused China of “raping” the U. S. economy. On Thursday, he tweeted that the meeting with Xi “will be a very difficult one,” because “we can no longer have massive trade deficits and job losses.”)
Could a trade conflict become a hot war that ends with nuclear explosions? As preposterous as that may sound, remember that Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor happened after the United States imposed crippling sanctions on Japan, bringing this country into a war that ended with atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The straightest path to war between the United States and China would begin with a sharp turn by Taiwan toward independence. During the presidential transition, Trump tripped this alarm with tweets and a phone call with Taiwan’s leader. No Chinese national security official I have ever met, and no U. S. official who has examined the situation, doubts that China would choose war over losing territory it considers vital to its national interest. Were a Taiwanese president, with or without encouragement from Trump, to cross one of Beijing’s bright red lines, China might begin with an updated version of its 1996 “missile tests” that bracketed Taiwan. If the United States came to Taiwan’s assistance and provided Navy escorts for the lifeline of ships supplying the island, China could try to sink one or more. And to prevent China from suppressing Taiwan, the United States would have to conduct massive, repeated attacks on missile bases on the Chinese mainland, killing thousands of Chinese. It’s hard to believe that China would not respond to such attacks with equivalent strikes on U. S. air bases in Guam and Japan, as well as carriers. From there to bombs exploding on U. S. soil is not a very long hop, skip or jump.
North Korea is another possible catalyst for a war no one wants — but nonetheless could happen. During the upcoming summit, Trump is expected to demand that Xi put more pressure on Kim Jong-un to rein in his nuclear program. On its current path, North Korea will acquire the capability to deliver a nuclear weapon against the U. S. homeland on Trump’s watch. The president has said he won’t allow this to happen. The Pentagon has reportedly prepared various military options to slow North Korea’s missile program. Although some might hope that fallout from a surgical strike would be limited, a U. S. attack could provoke retaliation that triggers a second Korean War or the collapse of the Kim regime. Either could lead to war between the United States and China.
U. S. war planners have examined scenarios for North Korea that begin with regime collapse. As the country descends into chaos, U. S. forces would try to destroy weapon systems capable of delivering a nuclear warhead against South Korea, Japan or Guam. The U. S. Joint Special Operations Command has a long-standing mission to secure “loose nukes” and has trained to enter the North to take control of its nuclear weapons facilities before rogue commanders could pirate these weapons to international arms bazaars. But because the sites are thought to be near China’s borders, it is likely that Chinese special forces would beat U. S. forces there. As Gen. Raymond Thomas, a former head of the Joint Special Operations Command, has warned, trying to secure North Korea’s nuclear weapons would result in a “vertical track meet” between Chinese and U. S.-South Korean forces. Unaware of each other’s presence, they could end up in a firefight and mistake accidental engagement for an intentional ambush requiring retaliation.
Another possibility is that, after a regime collapse, North Korean refugees would pour into China. Fearing its own instability, China could send troops into North Korea and establish a buffer state between it and South Korea. Under pressure from its population to liberate those who have lived under the most brutal regime on Earth, the South Korean government could also send troops marching north. Because U. S. troops and aircraft stationed in South Korea are integrated with South Korean troops in operational military plans, American and Chinese troops would then engage one another directly, as they did in 1950.
Is it possible to manage the structural stress between rising and ruling powers without war? Yes. Xi and President Barack Obama even discussed the Thucydides Trap at their 2015 summit, but could not agree what to do to escape it. Xi had proposed a “new form of great power relations.” But by this he meant an expansive concept of China’s core interests, including an Asian sphere of influence, which the United States could not accept.
Trump and Xi now have an opportunity to redirect the most significant relationship of the 21st century. More important than any specific deliverables from this summit will be whether the leaders of the world’s most powerful nations recognize the risks as far as any eye can see. If they settle for business as usual, we are likely to get history as usual – where the odds of war are against us.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2017/03/31/how-trump-and-chinas-xi-could-stumble-into-war/
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North Korean suspects sent home with murder victim as Malaysia makes swap


Three North Koreans wanted for questioning in the murder of Kim Jong Nam, the estranged half-brother of their country’s leader were believed to be returning home with the coffin of the victim on Friday after Malaysia agreed a swap deal with the reclusive state.
Photographs obtained by Reuters from Japan’s Kyodo news agency show Hyon Kwang Song, the second secretary at the North Korean embassy in Kuala Lumpur, and Kim Uk Il, a staff member of North Korea’s state airline Air Koryo were on a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on Thursday evening.
The pictures match those released by the Malaysian police earlier. The coffin carrying the body of Kim Jong Nam was also believed to have been on the same flight, though this has not been confirmed by authorities.
Malaysian media reported that a third North Korean, Ri Ji U, also known as James, who had been hiding with them at the North Korean embassy in Kuala Lumpur was also allowed to go home.
The three men and the coffin were expected to be transferred to a flight to Pyongyang.
Malaysian authorities released Kim’s body on Thursday, in a deal that secured the release of nine Malaysian citizens held in Pyongyang after a drawn out diplomatic spat.
Kim Jong Nam was killed in Kuala Lumpur International airport on Feb.13 in a bizarre assassination using VX nerve agent, a chemical so lethal that it is on a U. N. list of weapons of mass destruction.
Malaysian prosecutors have charged two women — an Indonesian and a Vietnamese — with killing him, but they are regarded by South Korean and U. S. officials as pawns in an operation carried out by North Korean agents.
North Korea’s young, unpredictable leader, Kim Jong Un, had issued a «standing order» for his elder half-brother’s assassination, and there was a failed attempt in 2012, according to some South Korean lawmakers.
Malaysian police had named eight North Koreans they wanted to question in the case, including the three believed to have been given safe passage to leave Malaysia.
Of the others, police believe four fled Malaysia on the same day as the murder and another was held for a week before being released due to insufficient evidence.
Angered by the probe North Korea slammed a travel ban on Malaysians leaving North Korea, trapping three diplomats and six family members — including four children — in Pyongyang.
Malaysia, which had previously friendly ties with North Korea responded with a ban of its own, but was left with little option but to accede to North Korea’s demands for the return of the body and safe passage for the three nationals hiding in the embassy.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak issued a statement announcing the return of the body, but did not mention Kim by name.
«Following the completion of the autopsy on the deceased and receipt of a letter from his family requesting the remains be returned to North Korea, the coroner has approved the release of the body,» Najib, who is currently on an official visit in India, said in the statement.
North Korea has maintained that the body was that of Kim Chol, the name given in the passport carried by the victim, and not Kim Jong Nam.
Najib’s statement did not mention the safe passage given to the North Koreans that police had wanted to question, but it did say the travel ban on North Koreans leaving Malaysia had been lifted.
North Korea also released a statement saying both countries managed to «resolve issues arising from the death of a DPRK national. »
The swap agreement brings to an end nearly seven weeks of diplomatic standoff, with Pyongyang emerging the clear winner, analysts said.
«It is a win (for North Korea), clearly,” Andrei Lankov, North Korea expert at Seoul’s Kookmin University said on the swap deal.
«I presume the Malaysians decided not to get too involved in a remote country’s palace intrigues, and wanted their hostages back. »
The episode, however, is likely to have cost North Korea one of its few friends.
“For all intents and purposes, I think this relationship is going to go into cold storage for a very long time,” said Dennis Ignatius, a former Malaysian diplomat.
Kim Jong Nam, the eldest son of the late North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, had spoken out publicly against his family’s dynastic control of the isolated, nuclear-armed nation.
For the past few years he had lived in exile in the Chinese territory of Macau, and his family has gone into hiding since the murder.
Najib said the police investigation will continue.
The nine Malaysians who had been trapped in Pyongyang were brought home to Kuala Lumpur early Friday morning on board a small Bombardier business jet operated by the Malaysian air force.
«We won’t deny that when the DPRK government imposed the travel ban which prevented (us) from leaving, we were very concerned especially since we had committed no wrong,» Mohd Nor Azrin Md Zain, one of the returning diplomats, said.
«During that time we were not particularly harassed by DPRK authorities,» he added.
According to the Plane Finder tracking website the Bombardier took off from Pyongyang at the same time that the Malaysian Airlines flight MH360 left Kuala Lumpur for Beijing.
The Malaysian Air Force crew dressed in civilian clothes as a «precautionary step» for the mission, pilot Hasrizan Kamis said.
(Additional reporting by A. Ananthalakshmi and Joseph Sipalan,; Editing by Simon Cameron-Moore)

Similarity rank: 7.5

© Source: http://feeds.reuters.com/~r/reuters/topNews/~3/dtlifitS4Pw/us-northkorea-malaysia-kim-idUSKBN1711NI
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Südkoreas Ex-Präsidentin Park in Untersuchungshaft


Drei Wochen nach ihrer Entmachtung sitzt die frühere Präsidentin in Haft. Neun Stunden musste Park einem Richter Rede und Antwort stehen, dann erließ dieser Haftbefehl.
Die ehemalige südkoreanische Präsidentin Park Geun Hye muss wegen Korruptionsverdacht in Untersuchungshaft. Ein Justizsprecher in Seoul teilte mit, Park sei verhaftet worden. Nach der Anordnung der Untersuchungshaft durch ein Bezirksgericht in Seoul kann die Staatsanwaltschaft Park nun für 20 Tage im Gefängnis behalten, bevor sie Anklage erhebt. Zuvor war Park fast neun Stunden lang zu den Korruptionsvorwürfen gegen sie befragt worden.
Der einstigen Spitzenpolitikerin werden Erpressung, Machtmissbrauch und Bestechlichkeit vorgeworfen. Gemeinsam mit ihrer Vertrauten Choi Soon Sil und einem Regierungsberater soll sie Unternehmen erpresst haben. Auch der Elektronikhersteller Samsung soll davon betroffen gewesen sein. Die Firmen seien von Park und ihren Partnern dazu gezwungen worden, umgerechnet rund 63, 7 Millionen Euro an zwei Nichtregierungsorganisationen zu spenden. Die Organisationen sollen von Choi kontrolliert worden sein. Choi sitzt mittlerweile in Haft.
Mit den Spenden an die Nichtregierungsorganisationen sollen sich die drei bereichert haben. Die Unternehmen erklärten den Ermittlern, dass sie aus Angst vor
Nachteilen bei der Vergabe von staatlichen Aufträgen oder
Steuerprüfungen nicht hätten ablehnen können.
Park selbst wies von Anfang an jegliche Beteiligung von sich.
Dennoch leitete das von der Opposition kontrollierte Parlament im
vergangenen Dezember ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen die damalige Staatspräsidentin ein. Am 10.
März entschied das Verfassungsgericht, dass sie tatsächlich ihren Posten
abgeben muss – und damit auch ihre Immunität vor Strafverfolgung. Am
Montag stellte die Staatsanwaltschaft dann einen Haftantrag.
Bis Anfang
Mai müssen die Südkoreaner nun einen Nachfolger Parks wählen.
Meinungsumfragen sprechen dem Liberalen Moon Jae die größten Chancen zu. Er hatte die letzte Wahl 2012 gegen Park verloren.

Similarity rank: 5.6

© Source: http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2017-03/park-geun-hye-verhaftet-korruption
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Israel billigt erstmals seit 25 Jahren Siedlung im Westjordanland


Die neue Ortschaft nördlich von Ramallah soll für die Einwohner des Anfang Februar geräumten Siedlungs-Außenpostens Amona entstehen.
Zum ersten Mal seit 25 Jahren hat Israel den Bau einer völlig neuen Siedlung im Westjordanland genehmigt. Das Sicherheitskabinett billigte am Donnerstagabend einstimmig die Einrichtung einer neuen Ortschaft nördlich der Palästinenserstadt Ramallah. Sie soll für die Einwohner des Anfang Februar geräumten Siedlungs-Außenpostens Amona entstehen.
«Ich habe versprochen, dass wir eine neue Siedlung bauen würden», sagte Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu am Donnerstag. Nun werde dieses Versprechen gehalten.
Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu hatte direkt nach der Räumung, bei der es teilweise heftigen Widerstand gab, den Bau einer neuen Siedlung angekündigt. Eine Sprecherin der Organisation Peace Now sagte damals, es sei das erste Mal seit 1992, dass die israelische Regierung eine neue Siedlung im Westjordanland gründe. Seitdem habe es nur Erweiterungen bestehender Siedlungen oder rückwirkende Legalisierungen illegaler Außenposten gegeben.
Am 6. Februar billigte Israels Parlament dann ein umstrittenes Gesetz zur Legalisierung wilder Siedlungen, die auf palästinensischem Privatland errichtet wurden.
Rund 600.000 Israelis leben in mehr als 200 Siedlungen im Westjordanland und in Ost-Jerusalem. Israel unterscheidet zwischen Siedlungen, die mit Genehmigung der Regierung entstanden, und wilden Außenposten, die per Gesetz rückwirkend legalisiert werden sollen. Aus internationaler Sicht sind dagegen alle Siedlungen illegal. Der UNO-Sicherheitsrat hatte Israel im Dezember zu einem vollständigen Siedlungsstopp in den besetzten Palästinensergebieten einschließlich Ost-Jerusalems aufgefordert.
Der neue US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte im Wahlkampf deutlich gemacht, dass er den israelischen Siedlungsbau in den Palästinenser-Gebieten weniger kritisch sieht als sein Vorgänger Barack Obama. Trump hatte Netanjahu dann im vergangenen Monat gebeten, sich mit den Projekten etwas zurückzuhalten.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://diepresse.com/home/ausland/aussenpolitik/5193081/Israel-billigt-erstmals-seit-25-Jahren-Siedlung-im-Westjordanland?from=rss
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Меджлис подал жалобу в Европейский суд по правам человека


Меджлис крымскотатарского народа подал жалобу на включение его российскими властями в список экстремистских организаций и на запрет деятельности
Меджлис крымских татар подал жалобу в Европейский суд по правам человека в связи с тем, что Россия включила его в список экстремистских организаций и запретила его деятельность. Об этом сообщает правозащитный центр Мемориал, который будет представлять интересы Меджлиса.
В ЕСПЧ Меджлис также будут защищать Европейский центр защиты прав человека и Украинская Хельсинкская группа.
12 апреля 2016 года оккупанты в Крыму приостановил деятельность Меджлиса.
Мустафе Джемилеву , бывшему председателю Меджлиса, и Рефату Чубарову , нынешнему главе Меджлиса, запрещено въезжать на полуостров. Власти незаконно обыскивают мечети, исламские школы и частные дома крымских татар.
Несколько крымско-татарских СМИ запрещены, другие преследуются.
В жалобе в ЕСПЧ Меджлис указал, что включение его в список экстремистских организаций и прекращение его деятельности нарушают статью 11 (свобода собраний и объединений) Европейской конвенции о защите прав человека и основных свобод. Кроме того, организацию запретили, а ее членов преследуют в связи с их политической позицией, что является нарушением статьи 18 (пределы использования ограничений в отношении прав).
Читайте также: РФ лжет в суде, что Украина не требовала отменить запрет Меджлиса
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Similarity rank: 5.2

© Source: http://news.liga.net/news/politics/14723116-medzhlis_podal_zhalobu_v_evropeyskiy_sud_po_pravam_cheloveka.htm
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Happy World Backup Day! Are you protecting your data?


Today’s a day to think about how to keep data secure. Whether it’s an online service, a NAS device in your home, or saving data at a friend’s house, it’s important to identify and save your data.
Have you given any thought as to what would happen if you lost your phone? What if your laptop was infected with ransomware? Have you analyzed and figured out what data is important and, more importantly, how to keep it protected? It’s the goal of World Backup Day, «celebrated» on March 31 every year, to bring attention to the idea that many people don’t think about their data until it’s too late.
According to the World Backup Day website, a third of people have never backed up their data, yet a staggering 113 phones are lost or stolen every 60 seconds. While many people have online services from Microsoft, Apple, and Google that automatically copy data from their phone, a large number of people don’t configure it, don’t think about what data to have copied, or simply don’t understand the capabilities. In addition, there are often limits to the amount of data that can be stored, and photos are frequently reduced in quality in order to save space.
We’re sure all of our readers have a good handle on what data they need to backup and have reliable solutions in place. However, it’s probably a good idea to take the day to talk to your less technical friends about the potential issues and some solutions, whether it be a NAS device from companies like Synology and QNAP , cloud solutions, or offsite backups. Some solutions, such as local NAS devices, even allow you to setup snapshots so that if ransomware hits your network, you can still go back in time to save your data.
Even if you do have backups, make sure you test them on a regular basis (perhaps every World Backup Day!). As a smart sysadmin once told me, «Nobody cares about backups. Everyone cares about restores. »
Source: World Backup Day

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/ekMpMajGrQE/happy-world-backup-day-are-you-protecting-your-data
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朴前大統領を逮捕 史上3人目、韓国検察


【ソウル共同】 韓国の ソウル中央地裁は31日未明、 収賄容疑などで検察が請求した前大統領、 朴槿恵容疑者(65)の 逮捕状を発付した。 検察は直ちに逮捕、 前大統領はソウル拘置所に収容された。 韓国で大統領経験者の 逮捕は1995年の 盧泰愚氏、 全斗煥氏以来で3人目。 容疑を否認し…
【ソウル共同】韓国のソウル中央地裁は31日未明、収賄容疑などで検察が請求した前大統領、朴槿恵容疑者(65)の逮捕状を発付した。検察は直ちに逮捕、前大統領はソウル拘置所に収容された。韓国で大統領経験者の逮捕は1995年の盧泰愚氏、全斗煥氏以来で3人目。容疑を否認しており、地裁は「証拠隠滅の懸念がある」とした。5月9日の出直し大統領選で野党陣営にとっては追い風。保守から革新への政権交代が現実味を帯びてきた。 朴前大統領は容疑を否認。しかし贈賄側の韓国最大の企業集団、サムスングループの経営トップ、李在鎔被告は既に起訴されており、前大統領起訴は不可避の情勢だ。

Similarity rank: 5.5
Sentiment rank: -7.7
TW posts: 3
TW reposts: 0
TW likes: 1
TW sentiment: -10

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017033101000013.html
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【ソウル時事】 韓国の 検察特別捜査本部は31日未明、 前大統領の 朴槿恵容疑者(65)を収賄容疑などで逮捕した。 逮捕状の 可否を審査したソウル中央地裁が「主要嫌疑が立証され、 証拠隠滅の 恐れがある」 として、 発付妥当と判断した。 昨年10月に発覚し、 韓国を揺るがした疑惑は
【ソウル時事】韓国の検察特別捜査本部は31日未明、前大統領の朴槿恵容疑者(65)を収賄容疑などで逮捕した。逮捕状の可否を審査したソウル中央地裁が「主要嫌疑が立証され、証拠隠滅の恐れがある」として、発付妥当と判断した。昨年10月に発覚し、韓国を揺るがした疑惑は、前大統領の逮捕に発展した。朴容疑者の罷免に伴い5月9日に行われる大統領選の行方に、影響を与える可能性もある。 朴容疑者は逮捕後、直ちにソウル中央地検庁舎からソウル郊外の拘置所に移送された。 検察や特別検察官は、朴容疑者が親友の崔順実被告(60)らと共謀し、サムスングループから約束分を含め約433億ウォン(約43億円)の賄賂を受け取ったなどとして13件の事案で立件したが、現職大統領の持つ不訴追特権のため、これまで起訴できなかった。(2017/03/31-05:22)

Similarity rank: 4.4
Sentiment rank: -8.4

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017033100147&g=int&m=rss
All rights are reserved and belongs to a source media.

Экс-советник Трампа согласился рассказать ФБР о связях с Россией


В СМИ 30 марта сообщили о готовности экс-советника Трампа Майкла Флинна дать показания ФБР о связях с РФ в обмен на иммунитет от уголовного преследования
Об этом сообщает Wall Street Journal со ссылкой на источники, знакомые с ситуацией.
Отмечается, что взамен Флинн хочет получить иммунитет от уголовного преследования.
Адвокат экс-советника Трампа Роберт Келнер отказался комментировать эту информацию.
Напомним, 13 февраля Майкл Флинн подал в отставку с поста советника президента США по национальной безопасности. Это случилось после того, как стало известно, что Флинн ввел в заблуждение должностных лиц администрации по поводу его контактов с российским послом.
Сейчас в американском Сенате проходят слушания по делу о вмешательстве России в президентские выборы в США.
Как сообщал «Апостроф», Флинну предрекают тюрьму из-за его связей с Кремлем.

Similarity rank: 8.5
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://apostrophe.ua/news/91765
All rights are reserved and belongs to a source media.

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