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サッカーの ワールドカップ(W杯)ロシア大会アジア最終予選は28日、 各地で第7戦が行われ、 B組で日本がサウジアラビアと入れ替わって首位に浮上した。 日本は埼玉スタジアムでタイに4-0で快勝し、 5勝1分け1敗の 勝ち点16とした。 サウジアラビアもホームでイラクを1-
日本の次戦は6月13日に中立地で行われるイラク戦。この試合の結果次第で、日本の3位以内が確定する。 (2017/03/29-05:03)

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Not to be overshadowed, LG reveals a new commercial for the G6


LG has released a new G6 commercial on the eve of Samsung’s Galaxy S8 event. The 30-second spot shows off the display, water resistance, and 13MP wide angle camera. The G6 will be available in April.
Late last month, LG debuted its latest handset, the G6. Although we are still a couple weeks away from its arrival to carriers , the firm has now released a new commercial for the device on the eve of Samsung’s Galaxy S8 and S8+ unveiling.
The LG G6 has everything that you could want from a handset. It has a solid build, incorporates premium materials, a large QHD+ ‘Full Vision’ display and, best of all, it is priced far less than the competition. So how is LG getting away with pricing its device hundreds less? The answer is in its use of an older Snapdragon 821 processor. Due to this, LG has been adamant about touting the G6’s other qualities and this latest commercial is no different.
Instead of talking about specs and power, it opts to put the other features front and center, like its large display, water resistance, wide angle camera , and more. It will be hard to tell whether this handset will be a homerun for the company, but it is a good start and is a world of difference from last year’s G5.
Source: LG Mobile Global (YouTube) via The Verge

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/uhIkbOwjmh0/not-to-be-overshadowed-lg-reveals-a-new-commercial-for-the-g6
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Генштаб РФ: Радары американцев покрывают всю Россию и отследят любую ракету


Американские радары покрывают почти всю территорию России благодаря радилокационным системам, размещенным на прилегающих к российской земле…
Благодаря радиолокационным системам, американцы смогут перехватывать российские ракеты на любой траектории полета
Американские радары покрывают почти всю территорию России благодаря радилокационным системам, размещенным на прилегающих к российской земле территориях. Об этом заявил на Конференции по разоружению в Женеве замначальника ГОУ Генштаба РФ Виктор Познихир, передает РИА Новости.
По его словам, роадиолокационные станции американских систем предупреждения о ракетно-ядерном ударе готовы засечь российские ракеты на любой траектории полета в направлении США .
“Эти станции способны отслеживать полет боевых блоков межконтинентальных баллистических ракет и баллистических ракет подводных лодок и выдавать целеуказания РЛС противоракетных комплексов. Возможности перехвата повышают использование мобильной РЛС морского базирования вблизи Аляски, станции в Румынии и Польше, а также информационные системы ПРО “, — отметил Познихир.
При этом из-за наращивания низкоорбитальной космической системы обнаружения и сопровождения баллистических ракет, информационные возможности американских РЛС вырастут.
Как заявлял в начале марта зампредседателя Комитета начальников штабов вооруженных сил США генерал Пол Селва, Россия развернула на своей территории крылатые ракеты наземного базирования в нарушение “духа и целей” договора между РФ и США о ликвидации ракет средней и малой дальности.
На что в Кремле открестились от обвинений касательно развертывания крылатых ракет на своей территории и отмечают приверженность договору о ликвидации ракет средней и малой дальности.
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Производство будет осуществляться на мощностях предприятий “Укроборонпрома”
Песков заявил, что Кремль не был в курсе этих контактов и назвал встречи обычным бизнесом
Иранская делегация, включая президента страны Хасана Рухани, прибыла в Москву
Дик Чейни уверен, что Путин и в будущем будет пытаться влиять на избирательные процессы в разных странах
США выступают за безъядерный мир, но также они “реалистично” оценивают шансы достичь этого

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/world/genshtab-rf-radary-amerikancev-pokryvayut-vsyu-rossiyu-i-otsledyat-lyubuyu-raketu-1007584.html
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森友学園 大阪府と大阪市が31日に学園側を調査へ


学校法人「森友学園」 をめぐる問題で、 大阪府と大阪市は、 今月31日に学園側の 調査を行い、 小学校の 建設で金額の 異なる契約書が作られたいきさつや、 …
学校法人「森友学園」をめぐる問題で、大阪府と大阪市は、今月31日に学園側の調査を行い、小学校の建設で金額の異なる契約書が作られたいきさつや、幼稚園や保育園への補助金や給付金の支給が適正か調べることにしています。 大阪の学校法人「森友学園」をめぐっては、小学校の建設で、国や大阪府などに金額の異なる3種類の契約書が提出されていたことなど、さまざまな問題が明らかになっています。 これを受けて、大阪府は今月31日、森友学園の運営の拠点となっている「塚本幼稚園」に職員およそ10人を派遣し、籠池理事長の立ち会いのもと調査を行うことになりました。 大阪府は、金額の異なる領収書が作られたいきさつについて詳しい説明を求めるほか、幼稚園への補助金の支給が適正かについても調べることにしています。 一方、大阪市も、同じ日に籠池理事長の妻が園長を務める認可保育園「高等森友学園保育園」で調査を行います。大阪市は、園長に常勤の実態があるかなど給付金の支給が適正か確認するとともに、子どもたちへの指導の内容についても調べる方針です。 大阪府は、法律に違反する事実などが確認されれば、捜査機関への告訴や告発も検討したいとしています。

Similarity rank: 3.1
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TW sentiment: -10

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170329/k10010928471000.html
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24-летняя дочь Курта Кобейна "испортила" свой билборд для Marc Jacobs


Дочь лидера группы Nirvana Курта Кобейна и певицы Кортни Лав “испортила” рекламный билборд со своим изображением для бренда Marc Jacobs,…
Билборд был установлен недалеко от бутика компании в Мелроуз-Плейс
Дочь лидера группы Nirvana Курта Кобейна и певицы Кортни Лав “испортила” рекламный билборд со своим изображением для бренда Marc Jacobs, передает i-D.
Как отмечает издание, 24-летняя Фрэнсис Бин Кобейн вместе с друзьями “творчески переработала” рекламный плакат – дописала на нем слово “ведьма”, а свое лицо на фото заклеила соответствующей наклейкой.
Таким образом она последовала примеру своих родителей, которые 20 лет назад во имя искусства сожгли одежду этого же бренда.
Отмечается, что билборд был установлен недалеко от бутика компании в Мелроуз-Плейс.
Все свои проделки Фрэнсис Бин Кобейн фотографировала и записывала на видео, которые опубликовала в instagram.
WITCH WITCH SHES A WITCH @illmagore @abreealoren @marcjacobs
Публикация от Frances Bean Cobain (@space_witch666) Мар 25 2017 в 11:03 PDT
@marcjacobs defacing my face
Публикация от Frances Bean Cobain (@space_witch666) Мар 25 2017 в 11:49 PDT
Covered in tattoos glue and spray paint @marcjacobs
Публикация от Frances Bean Cobain (@space_witch666) Мар 25 2017 в 12:08 PDT
Big head @marcjacobs
Публикация от Frances Bean Cobain (@space_witch666) Мар 25 2017 в 12:01 PDT
#ONEBIGROOFFULLOFFBADBITCHES directed by @alexanderalexandrov // song @cigsaftersex @marcjacobs @abreealoren @illmagore
Публикация от Frances Bean Cobain (@space_witch666) Мар 25 2017 в 12:22 PDT
Вы сейчас просматриваете новость “24-летняя дочь Курта Кобейна “испортила” свой билборд для Marc Jacobs”. Другие Новости про звезд смотрите в блоке “Последние новости”
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Фрэнсис Бин Кобейн стала лицом весенне-летней кампании Marc Jacobs
Среди знаменитых гостей были замечены: муза Лили-Роуз Депп, Кортни Лав с дочерью Френсис Бин Кобейн, певец Ашер

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/culture/stars/24-letnyaya-doch-kurta-kobeyna-isportila-svoy-bilbord-dlya-marc-jacobs-1007595.html
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New Office Insider build for iOS brings co-authoring to Excel and Designer to PowerPoint


Microsoft today released a new Office build to iOS Insiders on the Fast ring, bringing the version number to 1.31.1 (170326). It contains new features for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Microsoft today released new builds of its Office for iOS apps for Insiders on the Fast ring, bringing the version numbers to 1.31.1 (170326).
In Word, you’ll find touch controls that allow you to select and resize rows and columns in a table. You’ll also be able to insert endnotes into documents.
Co-authoring is a major improvement in Excel. You can now see “who’s working with you in a spreadsheet, see where they’re working, and view changes automatically in seconds. ” Microsoft says that the feature is now available in Excel for iOS, Android, Windows 10, and the web, with Mac support coming soon.
Finally, PowerPoint for iOS gets Designer, as long as you have an Office 365 subscription. You can get started by inserting an image and testing out various design suggestions that the app provides.
Microsoft announced the Office Insider Program for iOS back in August , and unfortunately, it requires an invitation which you can apply for. The application will ask what your most used Office app is on your iOS device, and make sure you’re honest, because that’s likely to be the only one that you get approved for.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/HZNut0v4B9U/new-office-insider-build-for-ios-brings-co-authoring-to-excel-and-designer-to-powerpoint
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Toshiba approves bankruptcy for US atomic unit


Toshiba has approved a plan to place its US nuclear unit in bankruptcy protection, a report said Wednesday, as the troubled division wrestles with multi-billion-losses and accounting fraud claims. Japan’s Nikkei business daily said Toshiba’s board gave Westinghouse Electric the green light to
Toshiba has approved a plan to place its US nuclear unit in bankruptcy protection, a report said Wednesday, as the troubled division wrestles with multi-billion-losses and accounting fraud claims.
Japan’s Nikkei business daily said Toshiba’s board gave Westinghouse Electric the green light to make a Chapter 11 filing in a US court, which temporarily shelters struggling firms as they try to restructure their affairs and outstanding debts.
Toshiba, a pillar of corporate Japan and one of its best-known brands overseas, declined to comment on the report.
Its embattled shares rose 1.19 percent to sit at 219.8 yen by the break.
The vast conglomerate has lost more than half its market value since late December when Toshiba warned over a flood of red ink at Westinghouse and said it was investigating whistleblower claims of accounting fraud by senior executives at the division.
Japanese financial regulators have given the company until April 11 to publish results for the October-December quarter, which were originally due in mid-February.
Toshiba delayed their release, saying it needed more time to probe claims of misconduct by senior managers at Westinghouse and gauge the impact on its finances.
Toshiba has previously warned it was on track to report a net loss of 390 billion yen ($3.5 billion) in the fiscal year to March, as it faced a writedown topping 700 billion yen at Westinghouse.
This month, Standard & Poor’s cut its credit rating on Toshiba again, warning its finances were quickly deteriorating.
Toshiba has said it would try to sell Westinghouse, once lauded as the future of its atomic business after the 2011 Fukushima disaster sidelined new orders in Japan. But the business was hit by big delays and cost overruns.
The Japanese giant is trying to spin off its prized memory chip business to raise cash, after earlier selling its medical devices unit and most of a home appliance business.
The latest crisis comes less than two years after Toshiba’s reputation was badly damaged by separate revelations that top executives had pressured underlings to cover up weak results for years after the 2008 global financial meltdown.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/toshiba-approves-bankruptcy-us-atomic-unit-report-031250880.html
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Anyone on the Xbox Insider Program can now try out the Creators Update


Microsoft today released the first Insider Preview build of the Xbox One Creators Update for Preview Ring 4, which is the only ring in the Xbox Insider Program that doesn’t require an invitation.
Today, members of Ring 4 of the Xbox Insider Program are finally getting their first taste of the upcoming Creators Update. The first build to hit the ring is rs2_release_xbox_1703.170323-1228, and it’s an update to 15063, which is the RTM build .
If you’re unfamiliar with how the Xbox Insider Program works, Preview Ring 4 is the only one that doesn’t require an invitation. It’s where you end up when you sign up for the Program, but you can work your way up by completing Quests and Surveys in the Insider Hub.
It’s basically the equivalent of the Release Preview ring in the Windows Insider Program, as it’s meant so that users can preview updates that are going to roll out to the general public. Of course, this is even more evidence that build 15063 is indeed the RTM build, just in case you needed it.
The Creators Update for the Xbox One includes a new Dashboard, a Guide, built-in Beam streaming, a new Beam app, and much more. Naturally, anyone is free to try it out now, even if you’re brand new to the Xbox Insider Program.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/FaiJoYJa560/anyone-on-the-xbox-insider-program-can-now-try-out-the-creators-update
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Apple Quietly Upgrades the File System of Millions of iOS Devices


With the release of iOS 10.3 to the general public, millions of devices will be upgraded to use Apple’s new file system, APFS, in what is a bold, yet not risk-free move according to several commentators.
With the release of iOS 10.3 to the general public, millions of devices will be upgraded to use Apple’s new file system , APFS , in what is a bold, yet not risk-free move according to several commentators.
Presented at the last WWDC and covered by InfoQ at the time, APFS is the replacement for the almost 20 year old HFS+ file system that was introduced with Mac OS 8.1, sporting a number of features that put it in the same category as ZFS and HAMMER , including advanced support for encryption, copy-on-write, flexible partitioning, snapshots, atomic saves, and more.
As many developers who had previously installed iOS 10.3 beta versions, users installing the official 10.3 release on their devices have been experiencing a rather lengthy upgrade process , seemingly due to the file system conversion, but no reports of any significant issues are known at the time of writing.
Interestingly, this is APFS official debut, since it has been previously available on macOS Sierra only as a developer preview , and with a number of limitations including the impossibility of using an APFS-formatted disk as a startup disk. This makes it even more surprising that Apple decided to push a file system conversion on ten of millions of devices almost at once, which would amplify greatly the impact of any issues. Still, as Ars Technica’s Andrew Cunningham remarked , the move makes more sense when you consider that Apple controls the iOS platform and knows every detail of the hardware and partition schemes used. Additionally, the closed nature of iOS devices makes it pretty unlikely that non-jailbroken users have messed with their devices’ storage, adding further predictability to the picture.
This does not mean, however, that upgrading to APFS will not have some undesirable consequences for a number of users. As macOS and iOS developer Michael Tsai wrote in his blog, there are a number of things that make APFS intrinsically at odds with HFS+, including the way APFS does not normalize Unicode filenames , or the fact that APFS allows multiple files whose names differ only in case to exist in the same directory. InfoQ will keep an eye on such kind of issues and report back if anything interesting arises.
As to the technical merit of upgrading a file system in a transparent way for users, Reddit user applishish explains that the migration does not actually moves data, rather it writes APFS metadata into HFS+ free space. This approach has the advantage that if anything goes wrong with the conversion, the user is still left with a valid HFS+ partition. In the same thread, Reddit user 1337Gandalf says Apple’s move is somewhat reminiscent of Microsoft’s when introducing XP and dealing with the upgrade to NTFS from FAT32 volumes, although in that case the user was given the option whether to upgrade to NTFS during the upgrade process or not.

© Source: http://www.infoq.com/news/2017/03/apple-switches-iso-apfs?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=news
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Undercover videos of fetal tissue talks spur felony charges


Two anti-abortion activists who secretly recorded Planned Parenthood conversations about fetal tissue must each face more than a dozen felony charges.
Two anti-abortion activists who secretly recorded Planned Parenthood conversations about fetal tissue must each face more than a dozen felony charges.
California’s new Attorney General Xavier Becerra filed 15 counts apiece Tuesday against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center of Medical Progress, saying the videos showing discussions of fetal tissue were made without the consent of the people in them in violation of state law.
Becerra, a longtime Congressional Democrat who took over the investigation in January, said in a statement that the state “will not tolerate the criminal recording of conversations. ”
The charges come eight months after similar charges against the pair were dropped in Texas.
California prosecutors say Daleiden, of Davis, California, and Merritt, of San Jose, filmed 14 people without permission between October 2013 and July 2015 in Los Angeles, San Francisco and El Dorado counties. One felony count was filed for each person recorded. The 15th was for criminal conspiracy to invade privacy.
Daleiden said in an email to The Associated Press that the “bogus” charges are coming from “Planned Parenthood’s political cronies. ”
“The public knows the real criminals are Planned Parenthood and their business partners,” Daleiden said.
The conversations included officials from Planned Parenthood and StemExpress, a California company that provides blood, tissue and other biological material for medical research and had received fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood.
In one of the pair’s videos, Daleiden poses as “Robert Sarkis” of the phony Biomax Procurement Services and is shown discussing liver tissue with the chief executive of StemExpress at a Northern California restaurant.
Abortion opponents said the recordings showed Planned Parenthood was illegally harvesting and selling the organs. Planned Parenthood said the videos were deceptively edited to support extremists’ false claims.
“As we have said from the beginning, and as more than a dozen different state investigations have made clear: Planned Parenthood has done nothing wrong, and the only people who broke the law are those behind the fraudulent tapes,” said Mary Alice Carter, interim vice president of communications for Planned Parenthood, in a statement.
In April of last year, Daleiden said in a Facebook post that California Department of Justice agents raided his home, seizing all of his video footage along with personal information.
Since then the case had gone largely quiet, with virtually no revelations about the investigation and no indication that the charges were coming before they were filed Tuesday in San Francisco Superior Court.
The case is one of the first of high-profile prosecutions for Becerra, who left the U. S. House to take over for Kamala Harris after she became a U. S. Senator.
Daleiden and Merritt had previously been indicted in Texas on similar charges in January of 2016, but all of the charges were eventually dropped by July as prosecutors said a grand jury had overstepped its authority. The grand jury had originally been convened to investigate Planned Parenthood, but after finding no wrongdoing turned around and indicted Daleiden and Merritt instead.
The videos reignited the American abortion debate when they were released in 2015, and increased Congressional heat against Planned Parenthood that has yet to subside.

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: -0.4

© Source: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/national/article141391238.html
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