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Młodzi radiowcy spędzili ferie w Radiu Wrocław! (FILMY, ZDJĘCIA)


Portal Radia Wrocław. Zawsze aktualne wiadomości i świeże informacje nie tylko z Wroclawia, ale z całego Dolnego Śląska. Żebyś wiedział…
zdjęcia: Andrzej Owczarek
Jak zrobić wywiad? Jak nagrać audycję? Jak szybko przeczytać trudny wyraz? Tego wszystkiego uczyli się uczestnicy ferii w Radiu Wrocław. Mali reporterzy gościli u nas od poniedziałku. Dziś, na pożegnanie też dostali zadanie. Musieli opowiedzieć o jednej osobie z radia, którą na pewno zapamiętają, ale był warunek: nie można było użyć słowa fajnie ani ekstra.
Kalina Bytner poradziła sobie pierwszorzędnie:
– Osobą, która mi zapadła w pamięć, jest pani Iwona Rudnik. Miała z nami zajęcia. Ćwiczyliśmy, żebyśmy mówili wyraźnie i powoli. Czytaliśmy trudne teksty, żebyśmy nabrali w tym wprawy. Pani Iwona jest bardzo pozytywną i wesołą osobą, która ma bardzo dużo energii – mówiła Kalina Bytner.
Młodzi dziennikarze otrzymali certyfikaty poświadczające ich radiowe umiejętności. Zapewniają, że czas spędzili pożytecznie. Zuza uwielbia pracę z mikrofonem:
– Nagrywałyśmy własną audycję, taką wymyśloną. Nagrałyśmy audycję o kotach, o weekendzie i feriach. To było zabawne – mówi nam Zuza.
Wszystkie dzieci, które chciałyby nauczyć się pracy z mikrofonem i tego jak być dziennikarzem zapraszamy na stronę akademiaradiowca.prw.pl. Najbliższe warsztaty ruszają za miesiąc.
Mali dziennikarze najpierw zajrzeli do wszystkich zakamarków naszego budynku przy Karkonoskiej 10…
A później zasiadają w studiu i współprowadzą program z Filipem Marczyńskim:
Wszyscy byli zgodni – to wielka przygoda:
Podczas warsztatów dzieciaki nauczyły się, jak najlepiej zaprezentować się przed mikrofonem i kamerą. Ćwiczyły emisję głosu, pracowały nad dykcją oraz prawidłowym oddechem. Wreszcie – pod czujnym okiem najlepszych dziennikarzy Radia Wrocław, zamienili się w reporterów i prezenterów.
– Będziemy podpatrywać pracę dziennikarzy aż w końcu się nimi staniemy – mówili uczestnicy radiowych warsztatów:

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 4.4

© Source: http://www.radiowroclaw.pl/articles/view/63469
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ЦВК через смерть нардепа Ваната визнала обраним у Раду ще одного кандидата від Народного фронту


Центральна виборча комісія України визнала обраним та зареєструвала народного депутата від партії Народний фронт…
Центральна виборча комісія України визнала обраним та зареєструвала народного депутата від партії Народний фронт Федора Бендюженка замість померлого Петра Ваната.
Про це повідомляє Інтерфакс-Україна із посиланням на прес-службу ЦВК.
34-річний Федір Бендюженко був включений у список Народного фронту на позачергових парламентських виборах 26 жовтня 2014 року під №80 , зазначає агентство. Тоді він обіймав посаду начальника управління контролю над виконанням рішень Державної виконавчої служби України.
Нагадаємо, 8 лютого на вісімдесятому році життя помер депутат Верховної Ради від Народного фронту Петро Ванат .

Similarity rank: 7.3

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/politics/tsvk-iz-za-smerti-nardepa-vanata-viznala-obranim-u-radi-shche-odnogo-kandidata-vid-narodnogo-frontu-664285.html
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Indonesian woman tricked into attack that killed North Korean leader's half brother, police chief says


The Indonesian woman arrested on suspicion of involvement in the killing of the North Korean leader’s half brother in Malaysia was duped into thinking she was part of a comedy show prank, Indonesia’s national police chief said Friday, citing information received from Malaysian authorities.
The Indonesian woman arrested on suspicion of involvement in the killing of the North Korean leader’s half brother in Malaysia was duped into thinking she was part of a comedy show prank, Indonesia’s national police chief said Friday, citing information received from Malaysian authorities.
Tito Karnavian told reporters in Indonesia’s Aceh province that Siti Aisyah, 25, was paid to be involved in “Just For Laughs”-style pranks, a reference to a popular hidden-camera show.
He said she and another woman performed stunts that involved persuading men to close their eyes and then spraying them with water.
“Such an action was done three or four times and they were given a few dollars for it, and with the last target, Kim Jong Nam , allegedly there were dangerous materials in the sprayer,” Karnavian said.
“She was not aware that it was an assassination attempt by alleged foreign agents,” he said.
Karnavian’s comments come after a male relative of Aisyah said in an Indonesian television interview that she had been hired to perform in a short comedy movie and traveled to China as part of this work. Indonesian Immigration has said Aisyah traveled to Malaysia and other countries, which it did not specify.
South Korea has been quick to accuse its enemies in North Korea of dispatching a hit squad to kill Kim Jong Nam at the airport in Kuala Lumpur, saying two female assassins poisoned him and then fled in a taxi.
Although Kim Jong Nam is believed to have two sons and a daughter with two women living in Beijing and Macau, police in Malaysia say none has come forward to claim the body or provide DNA samples in the aftermath of what appeared to be an assassination.
North Korean diplomats in Malaysia have requested custody of Kim Jong Nam’s body, arguing that he had a North Korean passport. The officials objected to an autopsy, but Malaysian authorities went ahead with the procedure anyway because they did not receive a formal complaint.
Investigators were still trying to piece together details of the case, and South Korea has not said how it concluded that North Korea was behind the killing.
Malaysian police were questioning three suspects — Aisyah, another women who carried a Vietnamese passport, and a man they said is Aisyah’s boyfriend — and waiting for autopsy results that could shed light on why Kim Jong Nam suddenly fell ill at the airport on Monday as he waited for a flight home to Macau.
Dizzy and in pain, he told medical workers at the airport he had been sprayed with a chemical. Within two hours, Malaysian officials said, he was dead.
Kim Jong Nam, who was 45 or 46, had lived in exile for years and was estranged from his younger half brother, the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. He reportedly fell out of favor in 2001, when he was caught trying to enter Japan on a false passport to visit Tokyo Disneyland.
Yoji Gomi, a Japanese journalist who wrote a book about Kim Jong Nam, said he criticized the family regime and believed a leader should be chosen “through a democratic process. ”
Gomi said he met Kim Jong Nam by chance at Beijing’s international airport in 2004, leading to exchanges of 150 emails and two interviews in 2011 — one in Beijing and another in Macau — totaling seven hours.
Kim Jong Nam appeared nervous during the interview in Macau, Gomi said.
Malaysian authorities Thursday detained two more people in connection with the mysterious death of Kim Jong Nam, the half brother of North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un .
Police in Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital, said they had arrested a woman carrying Indonesian travel documents and a local…
Malaysian authorities Thursday detained two more people in connection with the mysterious death of Kim Jong Nam, the half brother of North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong Un .
Police in Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital, said they had arrested a woman carrying Indonesian travel documents and a local…
“He must have been aware of the danger, but I believe he still wanted to convey his views to Pyongyang via the media,” Gomi said. “He was sweating all over his body, and seemed very uncomfortable when he responded to my questions. He was probably worried about the impact of his comments and expressions. The thought now gives me a pain in my heart. ”
In Indonesia, Aisyah’s family and former neighbors said they were stunned by her arrest, describing her as a polite and quiet young mother.
Between 2008 and 2011 she and her then-husband lived in a home with flaking red paint in a narrow alley of Tambora, a densely populated neighborhood in western Jakarta.
Her former father-in-law, Tjia Liang Kiong, who lives in a nearby middle-class neighborhood and last saw Aisyah on Jan. 28, described her as respectful.
“I was shocked to hear that she was arrested for murdering someone,” he said. “I don’t believe that she would commit such a crime or what the media says — that she is an intelligence agent. ”
Aisyah’s mother, Benah, said by telephone that the family comes from a humble village background and has no ability to help her.
“Since we heard that from the television, I could not sleep and eat. Same as her father, he just prays and reads the holy Koran. He even does not want to speak,” said Benah. “As villagers, we could only pray. ”
According to Kiong, Aisyah completed junior high school and moved to Malaysia with her husband in 2011 to seek a better life after the garment-making shop they ran from their home went out of business. The couple left their nearly 2-year-old son in Jakarta under the care of Kiong and his wife.
She and her husband divorced in 2012.
Malaysia, which is approaching developed-nation income levels, is a magnet for millions of Indonesians, who typically find work there as bar hostesses, maids and construction and plantation workers.
Malaysia said Friday it wants DNA samples from Kim Jong Nam’s family as part of the post-mortem procedure and that officials were not yet willing to hand the body over to the North Koreans.
“If there is no claim by next-of-kin and upon exhausting all avenues [to obtain DNA], we will finally then hand over the body to the [North Korean] embassy,” said Abdul Samah Mat, a senior Malaysian police official.
He would not speculate on how long that process might take.
The three suspects were arrested separately on Wednesday and Thursday.
The women were identified using surveillance videos from the airport, police said. Early Friday, police took the pair back to the crime scene at the budget terminal of the airport “for further investigations,” Abdul Samah said. Local media reported that police wanted to re-create the crime scene to establish new leads.
At a press conference, President Trump shrugged off a rocky start. An executive order has been drafted to end protection for ‘Dreamers,’  who were brought to the U. S. illegally as children. New York real estate scion Robert Durst confessed to killing a writer , a witness said in court. The Governors Ball after the Oscars  will be decked out for the stars.
Nickel Diner owners, Kristen Trattner and Monica May, closed their restaurant in downtown Los Angeles for the day in solidarity with a national “Day Without Immigrants. ” (Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times )
Kenneth Turan and Justin Chang chat about the 2017 Academy Awards, and which movie might win for best Picture.
President Trump met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. A powerful new storm  is expected to wallop Southern California on Friday. L. A. Mayor Eric Garcetti says backers of Measure S are engaged in “dirty tricks. ”  16-year-old Mauricio Gomez is from El Salvador , a country with one of the highest murder rates in the world.
Harvard-Westlake wins 1A opener
Harvard-Westlake wins 1A opener

Similarity rank: 5

© Source: http://www.latimes.com/world/asia/la-fg-north-korea-indonesia-20170217-story.html
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Батько загиблого під час подій на Майдані У. Голоднюка отримав орден "За заслуги"


КИЇВ. 17 лютого. УНН. Президент Петро Порошенко відзначив державними нагородами учасників Революції Гідності. Відповідний указ опублікований на сайті глави …
Зокрема, П. Порошенко нагородив орденом “За заслуги” третього ступеня батька учасника Революції, який був вбитий 20 лютого 2014 року на вул. Інститутській Устима Голоднюка, та волонтера з Тернопільщини Володимира Голоднюка, а також учасника Революції Гідності Павла Кучера.
Крім того орден “За мужність” третього ступеня від президента отримали 58 учасників Майдану.
Також, глава держави нагородив орденом княгині Ольги третього ступеня двох учасниць революції гідності та волонтерку з Хмельниччини.

Similarity rank: 5.8

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1645110-batko-zagiblogo-pid-chas-podiy-na-maydani-u-golodnyuka-otrimav-orden-za-zaslugi
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Alpine Ski-WM: Beinahe-Katastrophe beim Riesenslalom der Männer


Keine Chance für Felix Neureuther und die anderen Deutschen beim WM-Riesenslalom. Doch das Sportliche geriet in St. Moritz fast zur Nebensache.
Nach dem medaillenlosen „Belastungstest“ von Felix Neureuther droht dem Deutschen Skiverband eine Alpin-WM ohne Edelmetall. Auch im Riesenslalom am Freitag verpassten die deutschen Starter die Podestplätze in St. Moritz. Nach einem Beinahe-Unglück vor dem Start, als ein Show-Flugzeug eine Seilbahnkamera über dem Ziel zum Absturz brachte, war Linus Straßer auf einem starken zwölften Platz überraschend der beste aus dem deutschen Trio. „Unglaublich, das erste Mal in die Punkte gefahren und dann noch bei der WM“, sagte Straßer im Ziel.
Auf Weltmeister Marcel Hirscher aus Österreich fehlten dem 24-Jährigen 1,38 Sekunden. Bei Stefan Luitz als 14. (+1,52 Sekunden) und Neureuther auf Rang 16 (+1,62 Sekunden) war der Rückstand auf die Spitze noch größer. „Es war heute wichtig, den Belastungstest zu haben, der ist gelungen, das ist sehr positiv“, sagte der zuletzt am Rücken verletzte Neureuther.
Silber und Bronze gingen überraschend an Hirschers Teamkollegen Roland Leitinger und den Norweger Leif Kristian Haugen. „Das war eines der schwersten Rennen der Saison, ich bin sehr dankbar“, sagte Hirscher, dessen größter Gold-Konkurrent Alexis Pinturault aus Frankreich nur Siebter wurde.
Auch die deutschen Sportler waren mit Hoffnungen auf Edelmetall in das Rennen gegangen und hätten eine lange Serie von Titelkämpfen ohne Riesenslalom-Medaille bei den Herren beenden können. Seit Markus Wasmeiers Gold-Triumph von 1985 in Bormio gingen die Deutschen bei allen Titelkämpfen leer aus. Überhaupt war dies vor 32 Jahren die einzige deutsche Herren-Medaille der WM-Historie in der Disziplin.
Zwei Rennen bleiben dem Deutschen Skiverband noch, um die erste Ski-WM ohne Medaille seit 2007 in Are zu vermeiden. Im Damen-Slalom am Samstag sind die Chancen eher theoretisch, im abschließenden Torlauf am Sonntag ruhen die Hoffnungen fast nur auf Neureuther.
Nach seiner Rückenverletzung aus dem Team-Event gab er zumindest gesundheitlich Entwarnung. „Man muss sowieso immer positiv nach vorne schauen, und das Positive ist, dass es vom Rücken her relativ gut gehalten hat“, berichtete er. „Jetzt gilt’s zu regenerieren und sich auf den Sonntag richtig vorzubereiten und da dann einen rauszuhauen.“
Der zweite Durchgang wurde mit 30 Minuten Verspätung begonnen. Bei einer Flugshow hatte ein Flugzeug der Schweizer Armee das Trageseil einer Kamera durchtrennt, die daraufhin in den leeren Zielbereich stürzte. Verletzt wurde niemand. „Das hätte auch sehr, sehr schlimm ausgehen können. Das steht in keinem Verhältnis“, sagte Neureuther.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.tagesspiegel.de/sport/alpine-ski-wm-beinahe-katastrophe-beim-riesenslalom-der-maenner/19408282.html
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Стала відома кількість загиблих в результаті сходу лавини під час військових навчань у Казахстані


Жертвами сходження лавини на півдні Казахстану стали, щонайменше, сім військовослужбовців
Жертвами сходження лавини на півдні Казахстану стали, щонайменше, сім військовослужбовців.
Про це з посиланням на офіційного представника Комітету з надзвичайних ситуацій МВС країни Руслана Іманкулова передає Інтерфакс.
“Як стало відомо щойно, сім осіб загинули. На даний момент врятовано 10 військовослужбовців”, – розповів він.
За словами чиновника, пошуково-рятувальні роботи тривають.
“Від місця події до міста Тараз більше 110 км відстань. У зв’язку з цим зараз 75 осіб і 7 одиниць техніки знаходяться в дорозі для продовження пошуково-рятувальних робіт. Крім того, зараз на місці вже понад 60 військовослужбовців тієї ж самої військової частини 91678 та бригада швидкої медичної допомоги беруть участь у пошуково-рятувальних роботах”, – додав він.
Нагадаємо, раніше повідомлялося, що під час військових навчань у горах Жамбилської області Казахстану на солдатів зійшла снігова лавина.

Similarity rank: 5.3

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/world/countries/stalo-vidomo-kilkist-zagiblih-v-rezultati-shodu-lavini-pid-chas-vijskovih-navchan-u-kazahstani-664173.html
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Eye Opener: President Trump holds extraordinary news conference


In a marathon news conference, President Trump comes out swinging, attacking his critics and defending his first month. Also, hundreds of businesses across the country shut down to protest Trump’s immigration policies. All that and all that matters in today’s Eye Opener…
| In a marathon news conference, President Trump comes out swinging, attacking his critics and defending his first month. Also, hundreds of businesses across the country shut down to protest Trump’s immigration policies. All that and all that matters in today’s Eye Opener. Your world in 90 seconds. Get the Eye Opener delivered straight to your inbox.

Similarity rank: 3.3
Sentiment rank: 0.3

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/eye-opener-president-trump-holds-extraordinary-news-conference/
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How Samsung dominates South Korea's economy


Samsung’s businesses reach deep into many parts of South Korean people’s lives, from the cradle to the grave.
Its businesses reach deep into many parts of people’s lives, from the cradle to the grave.
South Koreans can be born in a Samsung-owned medical center, grow up learning to read and write with the help of Samsung tablets and go on to attend the Samsung-affiliated Sungkyunkwan University.
It doesn’t end there. They may then live in a Samsung-built apartment complex, fitted out with the company’s appliances and electronics. South Koreans can even end up at a Samsung funeral parlor when they die.
Related: Samsung heir arrested in corruption scandal
Samsung is one of South Korea’s chaebols — large, family-controlled conglomerates that have dominated the country’s economy for decades. However, the powerful corporations’ close ties to the South Korean political elite are now facing unprecedented scrutiny.
Samsung’s de facto chief, Lee Jae-yong, was arrested Friday over allegations of bribery and other charges. Lee and Samsung deny the accusations, which have thrust the company into the heart of a massive political scandal that has rocked the South Korean establishment.
Related: South Korea’s long history of light sentences for business leaders
Samsung plays an outsize role in the country’s economic life.
Its various affiliated companies account for more than 20% of the entire market value of the Korean Stock Exchange — most of that coming from the crown jewel, Samsung Electronics ( SSNLF ). The conglomerate’s businesses are estimated to account for around 15% of South Korea’s entire economy.
Samsung’s success at home and abroad — it’s the world’s largest maker of smartphones — has made it a key symbol of South Korea’s economic transformation. The country went from one of the world’s poorest countries after World War II to one of the richest in recent years.
Related: Samsung blames batteries for Galaxy Note 7 fires
Steve Chung, a Korea expert at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, says many South Koreans still have a lot of respect for the economic model that “helped their nation build up throughout the last 40 years. ”
But that’s now being tested by the huge political corruption scandal that has engulfed Samsung and other chaebols.
The far-reaching scandal has driven hundreds of thousands of South Korean protesters into the streets and prompted lawmakers to vote to impeach President Park Geun-hye. Other top South Korean companies are also under investigation.
Samsung’s links to the corruption investigation have done further damage to the company’s image after the humiliating fiasco over its fire-prone Galaxy Note 7 smartphone last year.

Similarity rank: 4

© Source: http://rss.cnn.com/~r/rss/edition_world/~3/pbVeaFL5qSA/index.html
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What Does the Kim Jong-Nam Assassination Mean for China?


Kim Jong-un’s older half-brother was reportedly living under Chinese protection before he was killed.
The Cold War-style assassination of Kim Jong-un’s exiled half-brother, who had reportedly been living under Chinese protection in Macau, is likely to inflame existing tensions between Beijing and its ally Pyongyang, experts told The Diplomat. 
China reportedly viewed Kim Jong-nam, who shared a  father with the North Korean dictator, as a potential replacement for the current leader, who has tested Beijing’s patience with repeated nuclear and missile tests and by executing his reform-minded uncle Jang Song-thaek, who had close relations with the county. In an interview in 2012, Yoji Gomi, a Japanese journalist who extensively interviewed the estranged Kim, said that Beijing viewed him as a “political card” for the future.
As the first-born son of late dictator Kim Jong-il, Kim was once assumed to be the heir to the dictatorship but later fell out of favor, and in recent years he denied having any interest in power. After years of living outside North Korea, he was killed in an apparent poison attack at Kuala Lumpur airport in Malaysia  on Monday.
Nam Change-hee, an international relations professor at Inha University near Seoul, said Kim’s assassination was “another slap on the face of Beijing,” leaving it with the competing options of punishing its ally or accommodating the slight.
“The policy I expect Beijing will take is a combination of the two, meaning sending another warning signal by reducing aid temporarily but simultaneously trying to maintain communication with Pyongyang as long as Kim Jong-un does not directly damage China’s security interests,” he said. 
“We need to be reminded that Beijing needs to focus on domestic agenda and also other foreign policy problems like the Senkaku and South China Sea issues.”
Michael Madden, the founder of North Korea Leadership Watch , said the killing came at an especially inopportune moment as the countries appeared to be trying to mend fences. 
“Jong-nam’s demise occurred at the same time as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea [North Korea] and People’s Republic of China were shoring up their ties,” Madden said. “They had been relatively distant from one another the last three to four years — even prior to Mr. Jang’s execution — under Kim Jong-un. During the last few months there was an uptick in their conducting some public interactions and events.”
Madden said, however, that China may feel constrained in pushing back against its neighbor. 
“I do not think the PRC will react too strongly because that would betray the value which some in China’s intelligence and diplomatic communities held Jong-nam,” he said. “ It may well serve as a test of China’s tolerance on the recent public renewal of DPRK-PRC ties.”
Robert Kelly, a political science professor at Pusan National University, said the fact that Beijing ultimately proved unable to unwilling to protect such a “useful wedge against Kim Jong-un” hinted at as-yet unknown machinations behind the scenes.  
“Where was his operational security?” he said. “Does that mean China has given up on threatening or leveraging Kim Jong-un? That China let go such a useful asset is telling, but we don’t know what it means yet.”

Similarity rank: 5

© Source: http://thediplomat.com/2017/02/what-does-the-kim-jong-nam-assassination-mean-for-china/
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A closer look at the Shenzhen penthouse in the trial of former Hong Kong leader Donald Tsang


The three-storey flat is located in a posh district, with features such as a walk-in closet, gym and library
The intended retirement home of former Hong Kong chief executive sits in a posh western corner of Shenzhen – in a Futian neighbourhood known for its close proximity to reputed schools, a major highway and the central business district. The 6,700 sq ft property is a luxurious three-storey penthouse, and offered a glimpse into what could have been the setting for a comfortable life with his wife after a career in the civil service. Futian is a relatively new neighbourhood compared with Lo Wu, the first developed zone in Shenzhen. David Hong, head of research at consultancy China ­Real Estate Information, said: “The planning [of the district] is slightly better and more practical.” The penthouse – which Tsang said he planned to live in for two years after stepping down as chief executive – is in Junhao Building under phase one of the East ­Pacific Garden estate. The apartment perks include a 365 sq ft storeroom and a 375 sq ft walk-in closet – twice the size of some of the smallest flats which developers in Hong Kong have been building. The features were converted from two guest rooms by ­renowned Hong Kong interior ­designer Barrie Ho Chow-lai, a change prosecutors claimed was “tailor-made” to store souvenirs Tsang had obtained over his ­45-year career. The master bedroom spans more than 600 sq ft, with a bathroom that was to feature a hi-tech toilet bowl. There is also a tea room, gym, landscape garden, wine cellar, greenhouse, and library fitted with a calligraphy room. Tsang claimed he had paid developer Shenzhen East Pacific Group – of which businessman Bill Wong Cho-bau was a shareholder – an annual rental payment of 800,000 yuan (HK$903,000) for the property. His failure to declare his ties with Wong landed him in court. Months before he stepped down, he abandoned his plans to live in the penthouse after it came under media scrutiny. Most of the units in the ­building take up one floor, measuring more than 3,000 sq ft, the found. Flats half the size of the one Tsang intended to occupy generally have monthly rents ranging from 300,000 yuan (HK$339,000) to 400,000 (HK$453,000) yuan. Andy Lee Yiu-chi, Centaline Property Agency’s Shenzhen branch head, said the residence was also near Shennan Road, one of the major arteries of the special economic zone. “There are some reputed schools nearby,” he said, adding that it was only a short drive away from the business district. But when asked if it was a good place for retirees to live, he said: “This is a rather bustling ­neighbourhood.”

Similarity rank: 3.5

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-crime/article/2071888/closer-look-shenzhen-penthouse-trial-former-hong-kong
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