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Women’s Marches Held Around the World in Solidarity With DC Demonstration


NewsHubDemonstrators marched in the hundreds of thousands Saturday across the country and around the world but the emphatic message was the same: Protecting women’s rights in this turbulent political climate.
Six-hundred „sister marches“ were planned outside of Washington , D. C., where a major procession moved toward the Washington Monument and the White House on President Donald Trump ’s first full day in office.
Organizers of the Women’s March on Washington said the street demonstrations were scheduled for the day after the presidential inauguration as a direct response to the election of Trump, whose stances on abortion, immigration, climate change and health care have troubled participants.
In Washington, D. C., organizers had estimated up to 500,000 people, but an official estimate has not been released.
In cities elsewhere in America , from New York to Los Angeles , and Boston and Atlanta to Portland, Oregon, more than 1 million participated in marches and rallies, police and organizers said.
An estimated 3 million people have marched worldwide, including in London , Berlin and Tokyo , according to organizers. Here are some of the demonstrations throughout the world:
Hundreds of thousands of people were estimated to have attended a rally and march in New York City, with a final stop along Fifth Avenue toward Trump Tower.
Rosie Perez, Whoopi Goldberg, and Taylor Schilling of „Orange is the New Black“ helped kick off the march.
Organizers initially estimated at least 75,000 people, but the march grew to roughly 250,000, as groups descended on a rally site at Columbus and Jackson, reported NBC Chicago.
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Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., a longtime civil rights leader, told the crowd at the Georgia State Capitol to continue to fight against injustice.
„Never, ever give up. Never lose hope,“ Lewis said. „We’re fighting for our sisters and mothers and our daughters — we’re also fighting for our fathers and our sons and for people who can’t fight for themselves. “
About 63,000 people attended the march, much higher than the 20,000 anticipated, according to the NAACP and Georgia State Patrol.
Mayor Sam Liccardo said the crowd was estimated at about 25,000 people.
Crowds of „well past“ 100,000 people took part in demonstrations in downtown, the Los Angeles Police Department said. There were no arrests reported. „The women, men, and children exercised their first amendment rights in a joyous and peaceful manner,“ the LAPD said in a statement.
Organizers estimated the crowd in Seattle at 170,000 and at one point the march stretched for three miles, NBC affiliate KING 5 reported.
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