Start GRASP/China China Reportedly Tells Military To Be Ready To "Move" To North Korea...

China Reportedly Tells Military To Be Ready To "Move" To North Korea Border


According to United Press International, China has ordered its military to be on nationwide alert, in addition to areas near the North Korea border, as tensions escalate on the peninsula.
According to the otherwise credible UPI, or United Press International, China has ordered its military to be on nationwide alert, in addition to areas near the North Korea border, as tensions escalate on the peninsula.
Citing the Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy, a nongovernmental organization in Hong Kong, UPI writes that Beijing has ordered troops at all five military „regions“ to maintain preparedness because of the situation in North Korea, according to Oriental Daily News in Hong Kong. According to the NGO, China’s armored and mechanized infantry brigades in the provinces of Shandong, Zhejiang and Yunnan received the state mandate.
UPI adds that about 25, 000 troops of the Chinese military’s 47th group army of the Ninth Armored Brigade have been instructed to be ready to move long distances, close to the North Korea border, the Hong Kong-based organization said. Other troops may have been mobilized.
As reported prefiously, according to Taiwan’s China Post, the Chinese government may have deployed about 150, 000 troops along the North Korea border on Sunday, as U.

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