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Presumed Death Toll Nearly Doubles After London Fire


The presumed death toll after the Grenfell Tower fire in London rose to 58 Saturday as Prime Minister Theresa May admits authorities failed with their response.
The presumed death toll after the Grenfell Tower fire in London rose to 58 Saturday as Prime Minister Theresa May admits that authorities failed with their response.
Police assume that dozens of residents who went missing after Wednesday’s fire are dead. The death toll nearly doubled from 30 to 58, and it is likely to rise even further in coming weeks.
“Sadly at this time, there are 58 people who we have been told were in Grenfell Tower on the night that are missing and, therefore, sadly, I have to assume that they are dead, ” Commander Stuart Cundy told reporters Saturday.
The government has been widely criticized for its response after the fire and its inability to create safety regulations prior to the tragedy.
May met with victims Saturday and promised millions of pounds in aid to help them get back on their feet. Protestors have called for her resignation, and she admits that the response should have been better in the initial hours after the 24-floor building was set ablaze.
“Frankly, the support on the ground for families who needed help or basic information in the initial hours after this appalling disaster was not good enough, ” May said Saturday. “I have heard the concerns and I have ordered immediate action across the board to help victims’ relatives and the survivors.”
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