Start GRASP/Korea North Korea silent on South Korean offer for military peace talks

North Korea silent on South Korean offer for military peace talks


As tensions between the United…
As tensions between the United States and North Korea continue to mount, the communist regime in North Korea has remained silent in response to South Korea’s offer to hold joint-military peace talks.
The U. S., South Korea, and Japan have been ratcheting up their forces, primarily in the Korean peninsula, as North Korea has made antagonistic moves and threats  against all three countries. This includes a successful ICBM test that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called a “gift” to the “American bastards” on July 4.
The U. S. and South Korea responded by testing the launch of a precision missile the following day that could accomplish “a precision strike at the enemy leadership.” This was followed by U. S. forces releasing spy footage of Kim, and his exact location during the July 4 launch, indicating to Kim that the U. S. could kill him at any moment. The top U. S. general in South Korea followed this up with a warning to North Korea that the only thing holding the U. S. back from war is “ self restraint .”
According to The Korea Times, South Korea’s Unification Ministry offered peace talks between the countries respective military forces on Monday, and have yet to receive a response from North Korean leadership.
“We have not heard from the North yet concerning the military talks.

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