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US aims for UN vote on North Korea sanctions within weeks  – diplomats


United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley aims to put to a vote within weeks a UN Security Council resolution to impose stronger sanctions on North Korea over its long-range ballistic missile test, said several senior UN diplomats. Current top breaking Philippine headlines regarding the…
UNITED NATIONS – United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley aims to put to a vote within weeks a UN Security Council resolution to impose stronger sanctions on North Korea over its long-range ballistic missile test, said several senior UN diplomats. Haley told some UN diplomats late last week of the ambitious timeline for a UN response to North Korea’s launch on Tuesday of a missile that some experts believe could have the range to reach Alaska, and parts of the US West Coast. The US mission to the United Nations declined to comment on the timeline for a council vote. Some Security Council diplomats have expressed doubt that a draft resolution could be put to a vote quickly. Following a nuclear weapons test by North Korea in September, while US President Barack Obama was still in office, it took the UN Security Council three months to agree to strengthened sanctions. The United States gave China a draft resolution to impose stronger sanctions on Pyongyang after the 15-member Security Council met on Wednesday to discuss the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch, diplomats said. China’s UN Ambassador Liu Jieyi told Reuters on Monday that it was important to ensure that any action the Security Council might take should be conducive to achieving the goal of a denuclearized, peaceful and stable Korean peninsula.

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