Start GRASP/Japan Japan slaughters 177 whales as part of annual hunt

Japan slaughters 177 whales as part of annual hunt


Japan has announced the killing of 177 whales as part of its annual hunt, once again claiming the practice is for scientific research – a move which allows it to circumnavigate a moratorium on hunting the mammals.
Three ships, which left port in June, returned with 43 minke whales and 134 sei whales, according to the country’s Fisheries Agency. The total number of 177 whales was the goal stipulated by the government beforehand.
The annual practice comes despite Japan being a signatory to the International Whaling Commission’s (IWC) moratorium on hunting. Each year, Tokyo exploits a loophole by stating that the hunt is done in the name of scientific research.
The Fisheries Agency says it will collect data on the whales’ stomach contents, among other things, and report its findings to the IWC, The Japan Times reported .
Japan says it is trying to prove the whale population is large enough to reintroduce commercial whale hunting as a traditional source of food.
The studies are “necessary to estimate the precise number of [sustainable] catches as we look to restart commercial whaling,” Fisheries Agency official Kohei Ito told AFP.
The hunt draws ire from animal rights groups and other critics each year, many of whom say the “research” claim is merely a cover for commercial whaling, as meat from the captured mammals is later sold.

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