Start GRASP/Korea North Korea strengthening defenses amid heightened rhetoric: report

North Korea strengthening defenses amid heightened rhetoric: report


North Korea is reportedly moving aircraft in an effort to strengthen its defenses after the nation’s foreign minister said that President Trump’s tweets amount to a declaration of war.
North Korea is reportedly moving aircraft in an effort to strengthen its defenses after the nation’s foreign minister said that President Trump’s tweets amount to a declaration of war.
South Korean lawmaker Lee Cheol Woo said Tuesday that the North appeared to be bolstering its defenses along its east coast, according to Reuters.
Trump in a tweet late Saturday wrote that North Korea „won’t be around much longer.“ His tweet came after North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho defended Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile development programs during a speech before the United Nations General Assembly.
Ri on Monday responded to Trump’s apparent threat, telling reporters in New York that the president’s tweet „declared war“ on North Korea. Ri also warned that Pyongyang would shoot down U. S. aircraft, even if they are not in North Korean air space.

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