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Astronauts Celebrate Zero G Halloween, Encourage Kids To ‘Be Whoever They Want To Be’


Astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) participated in the beloved earthly tradition, sharing their out-of-this-world costumes on social media.
1010 WINS -Here are some Halloween costumes that are truly out of this world!
Six astronauts and cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) participated in the beloved earthly tradition, sharing their costumes on social media — and they all look amazing as Spider-Man, Wolverine, a Minion, a jack-o-lantern, a knight, and an ape!
Astronaut Randy Bresnik shared the images on Twitter, letting space fans everywhere in on the fun.
Flight Engineer Mark Hei, who dressed up as X-Men team member Wolverine, was sure to note that spoons came out of his hands rather than adamantium claws — since sharp objects aren’t allowed aboard the space station.
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Commander Bresnik captioned their group photo saying, “Exp 53 crew would like to join with children all over the world for this one special day they can be whoever they want to be.”
. @Space_Station Exp 53 crew would like to join with children all over the world for this one special day they can be whoever they want to be
— Randy Bresnik (@AstroKomrade) October 31,2017
We can’t have sharp objects up here on @Space_Station, so Space Wolverine played by @Astro_Sabot has spoons that come out of his hands!
— Randy Bresnik (@AstroKomrade) October 31,2017
Spooky @AstroAcaba showing off his shadowy side this Halloween, Trick or treat?
— Randy Bresnik (@AstroKomrade) October 31,2017
I think I have the best costume off-planet because my children Wyatt & Abigail picked it out for me – Papa Minion
— Randy Bresnik (@AstroKomrade) October 31,2017
People often ask do we have animals up here, well for Halloween we did find @SergeyISS Space Monkey!
— Randy Bresnik (@AstroKomrade) October 31,2017
Sasha the Knight – Defender of the realm of space and slayer of dragons!
— Randy Bresnik (@AstroKomrade) October 31,2017
. @Astro_Paolo ‘s “Spidey-sense” is definitely tingling as he perches on the ceiling of the @Space_Station Russian segment Service Module.
— Randy Bresnik (@AstroKomrade) October 31,2017
Italian Astronaut Paolo Nespoli even spied “Thing” from The Addams Family aboard the station!
Thing Addams paying us a visit for #Halloween ! #VITAmission
— Paolo Nespoli (@astro_paolo) October 31,2017
-Joe Cingrana

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