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Facebook activates Safety Check after Las Vegas shooting


Facebook activated its Safety Check feature today after a mass shooting in Las Vegas, where gunman Stephen Paddock killed 58 people and left 515 others injured. Soon after the incident, Facebook allowed users in the area to mark themselves safe – letting those who weren’t present to…
Facebook activated its Safety Check feature today after a mass shooting in Las Vegas, where gunman Stephen Paddock killed 58 people and left 515 others injured.
Soon after the incident, Facebook allowed users in the area to mark themselves safe – letting those who weren’t present to check on the status of their family and friends.
This feature is part of the Crisis Response Hub, where users can also find or offer aid in the wake of the incident. In the case of natural disasters, this is much needed as many are left without homes and need assistance.
Safety Check was introduced in 2014 and is usually activated when major natural crises occur, such as the earthquake in Mexico City last month. In the US, it was first used last year after the Orlando nightclub shootings, where a gunman murdered 49 people. Apps Facebook Tech
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