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Batch Processing in Mule 4 vs. Mule 3


This tutorial will help you learn about the improvements to batch jobs from Mule 3 to Mule 4, and how to run batch jobs with these new capabilities.
In the Mule Batch series, we looked at the batch processing capabilities of Mule ESB 3. At the time of writing this post, Mule 4 was already available as a Release Candidate version.
Mule 4 offers huge improvements and changes to Mule 3, such as the introduction of DataWeave 2.0, Reusable Streaming, improved processing strategies, operation based connectors, and much more. Mule 4 also has some changes to the way batch jobs were implemented in Mule 3. In this post, we will look at batch processing in Mule 4.
If you have missed the batch processing capabilities in Mule 3, then I recommend reading below articles from earlier series –
Part 1: Mule Batch Processing – Introduction
Part 2: Mule Batch Processing – MUnit Testing
Part 3: Mule Batch Processing – MUnit Testing (The Conclusion)
Batch processing in Mule 3 is divided into four phases – Input, Load and Dispatch, Process, and On Complete. A special scoped variable set, called Record Variables is used to store any variables at the record level. These are different than flow variables, which in Mule 3, could not be used during record processing.
In Mule 3.x, a Batch Job was a top-level element and existed independent of flows/subflows. It could be called inside a flow using the Batch Execute (similar to flow-ref) component.
In Mule 4, this is changed. Batch is now a Scope like for-each, transactional, and async, and it can be added into the flow itself. No more having different elements!
This is how a batch job looks Mule 4 –
Let’s compare the Mule 4 Batch with Mule 3 Batch and learn about the changes.
There are only 3 phases in a Mule 4 Batch job compared to 4 phases in Mule 3 Batch job. Input phase does not exist in Mule 4. Since Batch is a scope and it does not need any special Input phase. The payload of the flow is passed to the batch.
Batch jobs in Mule 3 have a special variable set called as Record Variables. These variables, unlike flow variables, only existed during the process phase.
In Mule 4, flow variables have been enhanced to work efficiently during batch processing, just like the record variables. Flow variables created in batch steps are now automatically tied to the processing record and stays with it throughout the processing phase. No longer record variables are needed.
This also removes all special treatment we had to give to record variables during MUnit testing.
In this test batch application, the 100K objects are created with DataWeave 2.0 and then passed to the batch job for processing.
In batch step 1, it sets a flow variable recordId with value of id .
Step 2 and Step 3 then have a validation component that compares the flow variable value with If you run this application, not a single record fails due to validation, which means all 100K flow variables stayed with their records!
Any flow variables created during process phase, exist during the Process phase only. Flow variables that existed before and outside the batch scope are available throughout process phase as well as in on complete phase.
In a Mule 3 Batch Job, you would be using Batch Commit to group records to send over the outbound connector such as a database, Salesforce, etc. Instead of calling database insert for each record, you can specify the group size to perform a batch commit.
In Mule 4 Batch job, this has been replaced with the Batch Aggregator component. The underlying behavior and functionality of Batch Aggregator is the same as Batch Commit.
A grouped collection in the batch aggregator is a mutable collection, i.e. it allows you to modify individual records in groups or variables associated with those. You can aggregate records to process in two ways –
The important difference about mutability in both options is, streaming provides one-read forward-only iterator of records, while the other one allows you randomly as well as sequentially access records.
Mule 4 comes with lots of improvements and enhancements. Batch processing in Mule 3 was already powerful, in Mule 4 it has been simplified for developers and thus easy to implement.
Source code is available on Github .

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