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EA Dev Says 40 Hours Estimate To Unlock Battlefront II Hero Is Highly Inaccurate and Game Isn't Pay-to-Win


An EA developer said the 40 hours estimate needed to unlock heroes in Battlefront II is inaccurate. He also said the game isn’t Pay-to-Win.
Battlefront II’s monetization has had fans on a rollercoaster of emotions. When EA DICE announced that post-launch content additions would be entirely free, it was taken very positively as the community wouldn’t have to split like in the first Battlefront game by DICE.
However, with the Season Pass threat gone, Star Wars Battlefront II’s beta immediately raised strong concerns with its loot box system and potentially Pay-to-Win nature of multiplayer .
The community’s outcry was massive and the developers eventually made several changes to the progression system. This once again seemed to set the game on the right path, but now that Star Wars Battlefront II is playable (albeit in a limited form) on PC via Origin Access and Xbox One via EA Access, the grinding required to unlock heroes turned out to be insane.
Reddit user TheHotterPotato crunched some numbers and postulated that it would take 40 hours of gameplay to unlock just one of the many heroes available in the game. Here’s the lowdown from his spreadsheet, which made the rounds all over the Web during the weekend.
This predictably angered the Star Wars Battlefront II community once more. The game’s main subreddit is now flooded with complaints addressing this very topic and, as usual in this day and age, some have reached out to EA/DICE developers on social media channels like Twitter.
One developer in particular, Sean, was keen to address that spreadsheet as “highly inaccurate” because it doesn’t take a lot of factors into account, apparently.
Sean also maintained that Battlefront II isn’t a Pay-to-Win game at all as “nearly everything” can be unlocked via gameplay. He also rejected the notion that the developers working on the game are tight-lipped on these matters.
Back on the issue at hand, though, some users have noted that while the game requires players to shell 60K credits to unlock heroes right now, the official website actually says it should take 10K credits. It is being speculated that the price could go down once the game officially launches on November 17th.
We’ll keep monitoring the situation and provide relevant updates on Wccftech, so stay tuned.

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