Start United States USA — Criminal Marine drill instructor in Taylor recruit's death gets 10 years for mistreatment

Marine drill instructor in Taylor recruit's death gets 10 years for mistreatment


A jury gave an even-harsher sentence than that suggested by the prosecution to Gunnery Sgt. Joseph Felix who was convicted of abusing recruits.
CAMP LEJEUNE, N. C. — Gunnery Sgt. Joseph Felix, a 15-year Marine Corps veteran of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, was sentenced to 10 years‘ confinement in military prison Friday for mistreating recruits, including Raheel Siddiqui of Taylor, while serving as a drill instructor at Parris Island, S. C.
In sentencing Felix to 10 years — a term which still has to be approved by Maj. Gen. Kevin Iiams of the Marines‘ Training and Education Command — the eight-member jury panel went well beyond the seven years the prosecution had asked for.
Felix was convicted Thursday night by the same jury, made up of eight Marines of greater seniority, of a dozen charges of violating orders by punching, kicking, choking or otherwise abusing dozens of recruits and mistreating three Muslims, including Siddiqui, who died in a fall at Parris Island after Felix slapped him.
After deliberating for two hours Friday, the jury returned its sentence, which included a reduction in rank to private, forfeiture of all pay and allowances and a dishonorable discharge, meaning that Felix — a 34-year-old father of four — and his family will lose all benefits and medical insurance.
His lawyers had asked for 30 days‘ confinement.
As the sentence was announced, Felix stood stoically in the courtroom next to his lawyers. His wife, Jean, broke down as it was read, dropping her head and sobbing. According to military law experts, an automatic appeal will be considered of any sentence over a year’s confinement.
Read more on this story:
Marine Corps jury finds drill instructor guilty of mistreating Taylor recruit Siddiqui
A family’s anguish: How did Raheel Siddiqui lose his life at Marines boot camp?
Immediately after the sentence was announced, the Siddiquis‘ lawyer in Michigan, Shiraz Khan, released a statement saying there are „significantly more important truths to be told“ regarding the case and noting that the manner and nature of Siddiqui’s death were left out of Felix’s court-martial because he was not specifically charged with it.
„The sentence has further ignited the Siddiqui family’s quest to seek justice for Raheel Siddiqui,“ said Khan, who has filed a $100-million negligence lawsuit against the Marine Corps on behalf of the family. „Although we cannot comment on matters pending in court, we will allow our complaint to speak for itself.“
Siddiqui, a 20-year-old former Truman High School valedictorian, died on March 18,2016, in a three-story fall in a barracks stairwell at Parris Island. A local coroner and the Marines deemed it a suicide, a finding that his family has rejected, saying he had no previous mental health issues and as a faithful Muslim was incapable of such an act.
Felix was found guilty on Thursday of forcing Siddiqui to run sprints in the barracks on the morning of his death in violation of training regulations even as Siddiqui requested medical attention for a sore, bleeding throat. When Siddiqui collapsed on the barracks floor, Felix — who was Siddiqui’s senior drill instructor — slapped him at least once across the face, loud enough that it could be heard across the crowded barracks.
Siddiqui, according to investigators, got up and ran out an exterior door, leaping over the stairwell, his foot catching on a railing as he did so.
Siddiqui’s case was only one of many accusations considered by the jury that convicted Felix. Felix maintained his innocence, with his defense team arguing that many of the allegations were outlandish or overblown or that others cut deals to shift the blame to him. As for slapping Siddiqui, he said he did so to try to revive him.
Felix was also convicted of calling two other Muslim Marine recruits „terrorists“ the summer before Siddiqui’s death and ordering them into industrial dryers, in one case turning it on several times.
The sentence is believed to be among the longest for a drill instructor accused of hazing or otherwise harming recruits on Parris Island. In a famous example, the drill instructor charged with marching recruits into Ribbon Creek at Parris Island at nighttime in 1956 — in an incident which cost the lives of six recruits — ended up serving three months.
Following Siddiqui’s death, reports surfaced about earlier incidents and widespread accusations of recruit abuse on the famous base on the South Carolina coast. Several investigations followed and 20 personnel faced administrative or criminal sanctions, including Felix. Felix’s battalion commander, Lt. Col. Joshua Kissoon, is expected to face a court-martial in May. The Corps also instituted a zero-tolerance policy for hazing recruits on Parris Island following the incidents.
Speaking to the jury Friday morning for the prosecution, Col. Jeffrey Groharing called for the members to impose a long sentence and let others know that the Marines will not put up with such hazing. He called Felix’s action, „deplorable, indefensible, dishonorable“ and said no Marine should be abused because of his or her faith
„Marines do not haze and maltreat each other. Send them a message with a harsh sentence in this case,“ said Groharing.
The prosecution read to the jury parts of a statement from Siddiqui’s mother, Ghazala, who said the Marines „lied“ to the family by never telling them the danger their son was heading into as they recruited him and noting that when Raheel entered boot camp, investigations into the dryer incidents were already under way.
Had they known about it, Ghazala Siddiqui has said, they never would have let Raheel go to Parris Island.
„Why did they treat him like a terrorist?“ Ghazala Siddiqui said in the portion of the statement read to the jury. „He was born in America and was raised here…. He trusted the Marines.“
She added that her son was „put under control of people (at Parris Island) who hated Muslims.“
The Siddiqui family has talked at length to the Free Press about the pain Raheel’s death has caused them and how they feel the Marines failed to protect their son, despite recruiting him. They have also said suggestions that he wasn’t prepared for boot camp are incorrect, and that he trained for months to get ready.
“What happened to Raheel Siddiqui at Parris Island was a dereliction of duty and a tragedy,“ said U. S. Rep. Debbie Dingell, D-Dearborn, who has been trying to get the coroner to remove the finding of suicide and pressuring the Marines for answers on the case since it began. „As the prosecution stated in closing arguments, Sgt. Felix wasn’t making Marines, he was breaking Marines.“
Throughout the court-martial, Felix stood silent, staring at the witnesses, betraying little or no emotion, the picture of the hardened, iconic Marine drill instructor he had been before Siddiqui’s death saw him suspended. But on Friday, with his conviction and facing a possible jail term, he fought back tears as he and his lawyers pleaded for a light sentence.
Speaking of his wife, his four young daughters and his Marine Corps service, Felix said the convictions alone took away „everything that I’ve done in the Marine Corps.“
„Gentlemen,“ he said, in a soft, western drawl, his voice breaking, „I’m a shattered man as I stand before you.

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