Start GRASP/Korea Trump to meet emperor, abductees' relatives, discuss trade, N Korea with Abe

Trump to meet emperor, abductees' relatives, discuss trade, N Korea with Abe


U. S. President Donald Trump is set for a busy day in Japan on Monday, the first leg of his Asian tour in which he will look to put on show with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe the strength of their countries‘ defense alliance in the face of the North Korea
U. S. President Donald Trump is set for a busy day in Japan on Monday, the first leg of his Asian tour in which he will look to put on show with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe the strength of their countries‘ defense alliance in the face of the North Korea threat while promoting their shared values.
The two leaders spent part of the first day of Trump’s three-day trip — his first to Japan since taking office in January — sharing their passion for golf at a country club just outside Tokyo and dining at a teppanyaki restaurant on Sunday night.
„We are in the midst of having very major discussions on many subjects, including North Korea and trade and other things, and we’re doing very well,“ Trump told reporters before having dinner with Abe in Tokyo after their golf game.
In their summit Monday, Abe and Trump are likely to reconfirm their shared stance of applying the maximum possible pressure on North Korea to compel it to abandon its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.

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