Start GRASP/Japan US Warship Rams Into Japanese Tug Boat in Latest Navy 7th Fleet...

US Warship Rams Into Japanese Tug Boat in Latest Navy 7th Fleet Mishap


(Gateway Pundit) – The USS Benfold collided with a Japanese tug boat on Saturday in Japan’s Sagami Bay. This is the fifth collision by the 7th fleet this year. Destroyer USS Benfold Damaged After Collision with Japanese Tug – USNI News —
(Gateway Pundit) – The USS Benfold collided with a Japanese tug boat on Saturday in Japan’s Sagami Bay.
This is the fifth collision by the the 7th fleet this year.
The Japanese ship reportedly lost propulsion.
ABC News reported:
A senate investigation in 2012 found over one million counterfeit parts used in the US military.

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