Start United States USA — Political FBI Investigating The Clinton Foundation Over Corruption Allegations

FBI Investigating The Clinton Foundation Over Corruption Allegations


After Jeff Sessions ordered a review of the Uranium One deal, scrutiny of Hillary continues from the FBI after Trump’s urging.
In late December, Jeff Sessions ordered a Justice Department review of FBI evidence relating to the so-called “Uranium One” deal, which far-right critics link to Hillary Clinton. It’s a deal that Fox News’ Shepard Smith recently slammed as a far-right conspiracy because as Secretary of State, Hillary had nothing to do with approving the 2010 transaction. However, Trump has continued to grouse over the Russian collusion probe into his campaign while insisting that Uranium One is the “real Russia story.” And following repeated tweet- complaints from Trump about the Clinton Foundation, the FBI has now announced a corruption investigation into that as well.
The Hill broke the story of how the Justice Department’s newest inquiry will dig into allegations of illegal behavior, including “pay-to-play” favors while Clinton was secretary of state, by the Clinton Foundation. The probe has been confirmed by law enforcement officials, and it’s already going down:
The investigation might also dig into issues of tax exemption on behalf of the foundation, and while a source told The Hill that the interviewing FBI agents were “extremely professional and unquestionably thorough,” the New York Times notes that Trump is developing quite a habit of asking prosecutors “to investigate or imprison his political rivals,” which is something that past presidents have made a point of not doing.
Indeed, Trump is still obsessed with “Crooked Hillary” and her associates. He recently called for the jailing of former Clinton aide Huma Abedin while accusing her of turning over government passwords to foreign agents. Trump did so based upon an unsubstantiated report from a far-right publication, which only points toward his continuing grudge over, well, losing the popular vote. And while POTUS recently dissolved his “voter fraud” commission, he did so while blaming states for not cooperating. In other words, he’s still bizarrely angry over not “winning”… even though he’s now POTUS.
(Via The Hill & New York Times)

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